Exercise/Fitness Log

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Dave »

Appreciate the tip, guys!

I suspected this was the case, but my equipment has a mid-torso strap rather than the hip belt. The shoulder straps do have padding, but at some point it’s not quite enough.

I need to consider possible adjustments here. For the duration walk I do my shoulders/traps have been able to adjust given a couple of weeks, but I suspect I’ll hit a physiological wall at some point well below the vest capacity (~225lb).

Agreed on front and back split loading @Scott 2, big fan.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Henry »

June steps = 9,231 daily average = 4.29 miles
Year: 7,808 average per month up from 6,124 average per month last year

Walking has a contemplative side especially when hiking. Who the fuck knows what's right with this qualitative vs quantitive bullshit.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by ertyu »

This prompted me to check my steps as recorded by my phone. Numbers match Henry's pretty close. Fitness underachievers of ERE unite :muscle:

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Henry »

August Steps = 7,474 = 3.5 miles
Year: 7,760 average per month up from 6,124 average per month last year

Combination of heat and summer activities on the trail (inner city campers) brought numbers down but still broke baseline 7k steps.

Pilates was up but not counting days on that.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

Dave wrote:
Fri Apr 28, 2023 9:37 am
I'll be in Chicago late July early August and would be down for a training ruck at Elk Grove (or wherever) if you're interested. Can message here or DM, let me know!
Alright, for the two forum-Daves who were dumb or self-destructive enough to express some early interest in this, it's time to cash in the checks :mrgreen: What's your current level of enthusiasm on the "inverse backpedaling"-scale in terms of rucking for 2x12k=24k at Elk Grove/Busse Woods sometime this month?

The standard Bataan weight challenge is 35lbs for twice the distance about 6 months from now, so this is still just a training run. I figure weight is optional. I do plan to carry the full load with the intent to regret it afterwards. Since this is a suffer-fest and personal pace is determined by a stamina/load-ratio, I don't expect everybody to walk the same pace for the entire duration. However, we'll wait for the stragglers to come in. Maybe even send out a broom team to scrape people off the pavement. Figure it'll take ~4 hours total.

Of course, people named something else than Dave are also invited.

Add: It's also possible to walk for a single leisurely round of 12k and just hang out at base camp until the second rounders return. Here's the map: https://fpdcc.com/downloads/maps/trails ... p-9-16.pdf We're doing the red route (twice). It's all paved trail. Plenty of benches and restrooms along the way.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Smashter »

As someone who lives near-ish, enjoys grueling workouts, and also has a four letter name that starts with D, I feel obligated to participate if I can :)

Please keep me in the loop.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Dave »

jacob wrote:
Wed Aug 02, 2023 11:42 am
Alright, for the two forum-Daves who were dumb or self-destructive enough to express some early interest in this, it's time to cash in the checks :mrgreen: What's your current level of enthusiasm on the "inverse backpedaling"-scale in terms of rucking for 2x12k=24k at Elk Grove/Busse Woods sometime this month?
Max enthusiasm :P.

The full 24k/2 loops works for me. I haven't rucked 35lb for much more than 3 miles in a single go so I'm not sure if I will do the full load, but I plan on rucking some weight.

Do you want to take discussion of timing and logistics off thread, or discuss here?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Smashter »

I just finished my first ever walk with a 40lb weight vest (thanks for the brand rec @theanimal) in preparation for the Half Bataan Memorial Death March ERE Meetup/Sufferfest later this month.

Wearing the vest was more difficult than I thought it would be. My traps were burning by the end, and my neck was feeling it too. I got good and sweaty everywhere the vest was touching. I only went a couple miles. I was also walking and controlling two rambunctious 50lb dogs, which added to the challenge.

I got a few stares for wearing the weight vest, but not as many as I was expecting. I look forward to building up my tolerance over the next couple weeks. I also look forward to adding the shoulder pads that I didn’t bother putting in yet, hopefully that provides some relief. 

Lugging this weight for 13 miles through sticky midwestern heat should be interesting!

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Henry »

August Steps: 5,469 down to home improvement and being unable to leave home.
Annual: 7,283

Need to get back into groove. Will most likely start using extremely low impact weights before EOY.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Western Red Cedar »

I started keeping an analog lifting log to track workout progress a couple years ago. I just finished my second log book last month.

From November 26, 2022 to August 23, 2023 I completed 160 lifting sessions, primarily with a push, pull, legs split. This doesn't include hiking, cycling, walking, yoga, or other stuff I do outside of the gym.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Jean »

Regardind walking speed, i already solved this difficult enginneering problem for you.
It's a two step process, first find at which rythm you can force your legs to nearly effortlessly swing. For me it is about 110 bpm, a wee faster than staying alive, you can find it by walking in a straight line on concrete, and trying to push it slightly, until dimnishing returns starts. But unless you're in very bad shape, you should be close to your optimal already.
Then, get a feel for this rythm, and try to make longer steps. The sensation you should look for is a bouncing on tendons beetween your legs. This is what you have to counsciously try to improve to get a faster walking pace.
With this technique, i was able to get myself to a 7km/h average with a 35kg load.
Maintening it for 40km was trivial then. I thing any healthy person can achieve that.
Note that you'll lose it if you stop doing it regularly, like aby physical ability.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by ertyu »

Ah, we report steps here? 30-day avg 14911, avg over past yr 8438 (yrly graph skews right since I moved this past July). To keep up the good work, I will continue not buying a scooter and walking at night when the weather is nice.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jennypenny »

I can't believe this thread is 10 years old. It makes me sad to read through the first few pages. I used to love running. *sigh*

My current lifestyle keeps me much healthier and my baseline fitness is much more well-rounded. I take a 'move your DNA' approach to my homesteading project and only exercise to 'top off' what doesn't get utilized during my daily activities. No more tracking stuff, no more races, no more injuries, hardly ever sick.

Still ... I miss that person who jumped out of bed every morning ready to punch someone in the face. She had issues, but she was definitely high speed, low drag. I'm tempted to dust off my fitbit. :?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Henry »

September Steps: 7,830. Met the baseline.
Annual Average: 7,533.

This might just be it until I die. Healthy attempt to get healthy.

I heard fights are breaking out on pickle ball courts. Makes me think I should give it a try while I'm still on the younger side of old man fights.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Lemur »

Been focused on McKenzie extension & flexion exercises. Trying to tackle these chronic lumbar issues once and for all instead of accepting the comfortable misery it has become.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by conwy »

Apologies in advance – I only read up to page 5. Intend to read the full 28 pages, as this is a great discussion!

My current fitness regime:
  • Daily - brief HIIT routine after morning coffee - 3 sets of (burpees + running-on-the-spot) at 40+20 / 30+30 / 20+20 sec intervals.
  • Daily - walk to outdoor gym (15 min each way) in the afternoon. Alternating workout between 4 routines
    • 1 - Classic pull-ups while wearing backpack (30/10/10/5/5), reverse-grip pull-ups while wearing backpack (20/10/10/5/5), push-ups on the bar (40/30), 25 Australian pull-ups
    • 2 - Hanging crunches, weighted by holding backpack between legs (30/10/10/5/5/5/5), dips while wearing backpack (30/10/10/5/5), pushups while wearing backpack sloped down or up, alternating each session (40/10/10/5/5), step-ups on bar while wearing backpack (20/10/10/5/5)
    • 3 - Hanging leg ups (20/10/10/5/5), hanging held legs up (1 minute), plank (3 minutes)
    • 4 - Weighted squats (20/20), push-ups on the bar while wearing backpack (20/10/10/5/5)
  • 2-3 times a week - evening 2nd workout - resistance band curls (20/10/10/5/5), resistance band military presses (20/10/10/5/5)
  • Twice a week - evening jog (30 minutes)
  • Once a week - walk in nature (1-2 hours) and swimming at the pool (20 laps)
Lately I've been adding 10 minutes meditation + box-breathing at the end of daily workouts, it's a beautiful calming way to wind down.

Writing this all out for the first time, I'm kind of amazed how much fitness I do! This was all built up very slowly and gradually over a long period of time (years). Started out with weekly sessions with a most brilliant fitness coach who I randomly met in the park but turned out to be a regional fitness celebrity! After that I increased the workout to 2-3 times per week, then every day, and then started layering on the other activities.

I started to build this routine in my late 20s, after many earlier bouts of overly intense routines followed by weeks of relapse. This time I deliberately built it gradually as I wanted consistency. Now in my late 30s I'm happy to say it's very consistent, rain hail or shine, and it's unusual for me not to follow it (some exceptions for major life events, international flights, etc).

Great reading some of the posts on this thread, so many new ideas to incorporate in my fitness routine. I want to try kettle bell swings and maybe deadlifts if I eventually go for a gym membership.

My current diet regime:
  • Fast every day until 5 PM except for zero calorie drinks (water, black coffee, green tea).
  • Warrior diet, eat big at 5 PM, no snacks after the 4 courses.
  • Course 1 - Fresh fruit - Bowl of berries or a mandarin, apricot, plum, etc
  • Course 2 - Protein and carbs - Brown pasta, tomato sauce (home-made), canned sardines / or mussels / or oysters (gently fried)
  • Course 3 - Veggies and fats - Big pot of steamed vegetables (usually broccoli, cabbage, etc + onions, peppers, etc) topped with hot spices, a little cheese, olive oil and vinegar
  • Course 4 - Grains, nuts and seeds - Oats mixed with cocoa powder, cooked in microwave for 4 minutes, topped with a tablespoon of peanut butter, tablespoon of nuts, tablespoon of seeds, cinnamon powder and a few dried dates
I have previously had an enormous struggle with diet, often breaking my fast and overeating due to lack of discipline and stress (mostly work-related).

I'm glad to say that finally things are turning around and for the last 2 weeks I've been able to consistently stick to the above diet, and coupled with the exercise, I'm visibly losing weight. Much less fat to pinch on my sides and abs slowly starting to show. :)

Eating less and fasting has given me more energy and clearer thinking.

I think the following probably have helped me the most in dieting:
  • Quitting stressful job, FIRE, working on my own projects at my own pace
  • Mindfulness meditation every day without exception for calmness and discipline
  • Warrior diet gives me more control over when and how much I eat
  • Flossing and brushing teeth after eating discourages me from cheating by snacking, etc.
The real test of this diet, as with so much in life, is how long I can sustain it. As I seem to be losing weight quite rapidly now, I might be able to gently ease the diet after a few weeks and allow small evening snacks here and there and occasional meals with friends/family. But I think I'll maintain the morning/afternoon fast, the clarity of mind is incredible!

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by theanimal »

theanimal wrote:
Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:17 pm
Zuckerberg is apparently ripped now and made headlines earlier this week when he said that he does a Murph (as mentioned a few pages back in this thread) every Memorial Day with his daughters. Not only did he do it weighted, but he posted a time of 39:58.

So naturally, I took that as a challenge. 39:03. Take that Zuck. :twisted:
37:07. Mile times of 7:24 and 8:41. A case study in how not being sleep deprived dramatically improves performance!

Also, you got to feel for Zuck. He’s just about the richest guy in the world and he can’t beat some random guy in Alaska who spends $10k/year. Some things money can’t buy, Mark.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by AxelHeyst »

theanimal wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 2:31 pm
37:07. Mile times of 7:24 and 8:41.
Alright, whippersnapper, well done putting down the tech softie. But watch your six, there's an old guy out there with his eye on your trail and nothing better to do than train every day in the harsh mountains of wild California...

I got mile times of 9:28 and ???, and managed 12 Cindy's with no weight vest before I got into "I'm gonna hurt myself" territory for a total time of 46:12.

So, uh, I guess you shouldn't hold your breath. :lol:

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

This fat washed up ex-athlete just joined the gym for the first time in a while........to to get back to it.

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