Top 100 Most Popular Investing Books. Good Reads Ratings.

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Top 100 Most Popular Investing Books. Good Reads Ratings.

Post by fiby41 »


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Re: Top 100 Most Popular Investing Books. Good Reads Ratings.

Post by thef0x »

Interesting post. My picks for money-related books..

A Random Walk Down Wall Street
The Psychology of Money
The Intelligent Investor
Lifecycle Investing

The Millionaire Next Door
I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Four Hour Work Week
The Millionaire Fastlane (taken with the biggest grain of salt)

Thinking, Fast and Slow
Fooled by Randomness

Combine this all and what you get is:
-- you cannot pick stocks, no one does successfully and if they think they do, they're likely deluding themselves (imo Warren Buffet is an i-banker, not an investor in the way that normies think of themselves as investors) // corollary: TA is a religion.
-- pick a strategy you will stick with (e.g. conviction is king, even if it means your strat has built in 'outs')
-- sell a not-sexy product/service to a demanding, under-served audience (I'll coin "Ugly B2B")
-- trial everything that you can in life
-- build downside protection into your life (can be investing strategy but generally skills-based resilience)

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