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Post by lillo9546 »

Hi there!
Which is the lifetime impact of an haircut done 1x week vs 1x month, economically?
So let's say you pay 10(discounted)*52=520€/y vs 15*12=180€/y.

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Re: Haircut

Post by grundomatic »

Buy some clippers or scissors, do it at home. Every time you cut it after the first time is money in your pocket. DW started cutting my hair 8 years ago. So far the savings has been: $15*6(times a year)*8= $720
Haircuts are more than this now, but it's a good estimate because at the beginning they were less. Double this if I were to get a haircut every month.

To kind of answer your question, take the difference in the yearly amounts and multiply by 25 or 33 to find out how much less you have to save for FI.
340*33=11220 euros fewer needed in your savings
That's real money. Do it my way:
180*33=5940 euros fewer than that needed, with maybe 30 needed to purchase clippers
Worth doing it yourself or swapping cuts with a friend/relative?

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Re: Haircut

Post by conwy »

With my medium-length hair I found that with regular washing, gel/wax and combing, and shaving my face and sideburns, I can look reasonably presentable for 3-4 weeks before the next cut. Travelling to an outer suburb reduces the price dramatically (probably because the barber shop is paying less rent).

Taking into account all the above, I'd say I can get it down to $40 per month x 12 = $480 per year.

When I inevitably start to lose hair in a big way I'll probably just shave my head totally which will reduce the cost to 0. If my hair turns grey first, I might just let it grow out and cultivate a David Carradine look.

For the time being I'm willing to sacrifice < 2% of my yearly income to look at least job-ready; I consider it a kind of insurance.

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Re: Haircut

Post by slsdly »

The only time I got compliments on my hair were when I started cutting it myself in 2013. I suppose doing it myself gave me the confidence to just steal a haircut style from some guy I saw waiting for pedestrian lights once ;). The truth is, I hated going. I did not like being touched by people I did not know that well.

I went from a paid hair ($25?) cut once every 3 months to self cut every 2-4 weeks. I keep it short (medium comb over, kept fairly thin??), clippers do the heavy lifting, but I still need to trim down with scissors after. At the same time, I gave up shampoo and switched to soap (not every time), which maybe only works if you keep it short/thin. Now it seems to have settled into a happy medium of some oil, but not too greasy, state save for the first day post-soap-in-hair.

As for shaving, I switched to a double edge safety razor. I bought 100 blades once for $50, and I'm barely through them. The shaving soap I use is very cheap compared to the old aerosol cans I used to buy.

Paid: $60/year on disposal blades, $100/year on haircuts, $100/year on shampoo/conditioner (??), $100/year on shaving cream = $360/year (CAD)
Self: $3/year on blades, $5/year on equipment (amortized over 20 years?), $5/year on regular soap (extra for hair), $5/year on shaving soap = $18/year

342*33 = $11.3k reduced capital needs @ 3%
342*50 = $17.1k reduced capital needs @ 2%

Given I did it for about 11 years now, from an actuarial perspective I could live another 50 years, and I can do it until I die, then I save $20k over a lifetime.

Now going with your scenario, applied to my approximate costs:

Paid: 60+100+100+25*12 = $560/year
Self: $18/year

542*33 = $17.9k
542*50 = $27.1k

And maybe $32k lifetime savings.

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Re: Haircut

Post by plantnerd »

I've had two hair cuts I paid for in my life (actually, one my older sister paid for when I went away to college), both of which did not come out in a way I liked. Before that, my mom cut my hair at home. I've gotten good enough at it that I get compliments from strangers on my hair. I just use scissors, which cost less than $10 years ago.

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Re: Haircut

Post by grundomatic »

One time since getting the clippers, I went and paid for a haircut for some reason. DW was so unhappy with the results that it doubled her resolve to always cut my hair. Once ERE skills are developed past the point of total noob, it becomes less about the money and more about getting exactly what you want. Here it was "nobody else is touching your hair again". It could also be that your cooking becomes tastier than many restaurants, or that you are able to produce something not even available on the market--@jacob has mentioned making nice furniture that actually fits in a small space as something that money can't buy these days, but he was able to make.

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