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Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:55 am
by C40
So I heard a guy on a podcast say: "Now, I don't have to worry about money. I make plenty of money from [XYZ].... but in my dreams, I'm broke. I feel like I just lost my job and I don't have any money"

I can't recall ever dreaming about money in any way. Not being rich, not being poor. Not even buying things. Sometimes I do dream that I've gone back to work (and in the dream it is years after retirement). But being at work doesn't feel like it's about money.

What about you guys?

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:31 am
by zbigi
Never ever had a dream about money. Which is interesting, seeing how many years I've spent at work to get it.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:14 am
by IlliniDave
Not once that I can recall. Used to daydream about winning the lottery or some other windfall back in the days when I felt I could barely tread water enough to keep from drowning though.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:47 am
by Mister Imperceptible
Never once. Perhaps because money is an abstraction and a means to an end.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:28 am
by M
I have never once had a dream about money or anything related to being broke, running out of money, etc. Which is odd in a way since I constantly think about money during my waking hours.

Most of my dreams involve having sex or some anxiety from my daily life or are just completely random.

Never once about money though. Maybe subconscious mind does not actually care about money? :lol:

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:56 am
by unemployable
People I haven't seen in 30 years? Yes. Money? Not really.

Occasionally I dream about happening into a small amount of cash, such as finding a wallet with a chunk of bills in it. But not "money" in the more general sense of wealth, or making/having significantly more of it.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:59 am
by bostonimproper
Huh, surprisingly no.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:14 am
by C40
To add more for myself - I also feel surprised since I have thought about money a lot.

I dream about other things I think about and do. After many years of riding bicycles a lot, I would dream about it with some regularity. I've been learning a new language. I started learning in a more intensive way and within only a week or two I had a dream with the new language (in the dream I was still learning, but was much better at it than in reality, and also learned some new words that helped me a lot - though - just imagined words, not actual, to my frustration upon waking)

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:20 am
by grundomatic
I don't remember ever dreaming about money specifically. I have had recurring dreams about going back to my previous career. The first day back when I'm trying to reorient myself absolutely everything goes sideways.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:31 am
by ertyu
not really. i can't even get myself to daydream about money properly, such as in the what would you do / not do if you had X money types of exercises. i guess it's too ingrained in me that there is no money and there will not be money so what-ifs are immaterial (grew up during "tough times")

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:36 pm
by zbigi
grundomatic wrote:
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:20 am
I don't remember ever dreaming about money specifically. I have had recurring dreams about going back to my previous career. The first day back when I'm trying to reorient myself absolutely everything goes sideways.
Interestingly, I also don't have dreams about work. It must be absolutely uninteresting and meaningless (and safe, so no anxieties pop up) to my subconscious.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:32 pm
by Chris
As a matter of fact, I dreamed about money just last night. I was daytrading a single share of BRK-B in an circa-2005 ShareBuilder account. I ended the day down 2 cents.

Needless to say, I awoke in a cold sweat.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:24 am
by Jean
i sometimes dream about having failed a very important responsability, but not about money.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:04 am
by grundomatic
Well, spoke too soon. Last night I dreamed I needed rose water (tea?) for a recipe. I was calculating unit costs of different roses at the grocery store, pissed off that they were all so expensive.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:56 pm
by Did
Money no, but work trauma, yes. It’s like a ptsd. Nightmares about old characters and plots. Me trying to please them. Betrayal.

But then I used to work in a large law firm. A snake pit.

An old friend turned foe had a public humiliation a few years after I left work. My work nightmares almost vanished after that. Almost.

Re: Do you dream about money?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:11 pm
by frihet
I don’t dream about money either. But sometimes about work still. I actually did that last night, three years after having quit I was back at the oil rigs but to my surprise I was working as a underwater carpenter, a strange occupation and I even had that sense in the dream. Carpentry under water, how is that supposed to work?

Woke up with a jolly perplexed feeling from the dream. Dreams are good fun. A shame I seem to have no talent for lucid dreaming even though i’ve put some effort into it. That could take the adventures to the next level.