Insulin Resistance

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Re: Insulin Resistance

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

The human immune system is amazingly complex, so any sort of simple solution to issues related to human auto-immune diseases (evidence of which have been found in Neanderthal remains) are unlikely to be simple.
Peanut sensitivity and allergy occurred at lower levels in infants whose mothers ate moderate amounts of peanuts during lactation (up to five grams per week) vs. those whose diets did not include peanuts or those who ingested large amounts of peanuts during this period.
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Conclusion: Early exposure to peanut allergens, whether in utero or through human breast milk, seems to increase the risk of developing peanut allergy.]

This was a huge issue for me, because I have extreme peanut allergy and so does my ex-husband/father-of-my-children. My mother loves peanut butter and did eat a good deal of it while pregnant. I, obviously, completely avoided it while pregnant or breast-feeding, and I did not expose my children until they were old enough to clearly communicate distress. In fact, I breast-fed them almost exclusively until around 1 year/30lbs (they are both very tall adults :lol: ), while allowing them to play on dirty floors/playgrounds etc. Neither of them has peanut allergy or any other extreme allergies. My daughter has a touch of hay fever. Just my anecdote, but it might be of some value since it is probably pretty rare that both parents have extreme allergy.

Unfortunately, medical research on topics such as this is very likely to fall into huge chasm of irreproducible results being generated by the over-use of ad hoc statistical tools developed in the early 20th century. Also, as somebody whose parents spent a small fortune sending me to an allergist for shots every other week which were theoretically supposed to protect me through low level exposure, I can assure you that there is vested interest in maintaining the "small exposure" and/or "homeopathic" hypothesis as much as any other.

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