LiquidSapphire's Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

@Ricky -
I don't talk about the line of income in public for many different reasons but I do answer PMs so if you want to discuss that offline you're welcome to contact me via PM. I stick with the PP because over the long haul it matches stock-heavy portfolios with much lower chance of losses historically. I've also read the Fourth Turning by Neil Howe which scared the ever living daylights out of me and so I am not as optimistic as Obama wants me to be. I anticipate a major crisis event soon (any time between now and the next 3 years) and usually that sort of thing forces stocks to tumble. I don't want to be stock heavy when that happens because I do not want to relive the hell I just went through to re-earn the money. The PP is for people who do not want to lose money over the long haul. And if the crisis event never happens, well, the PP does well over the long haul anyway. I'm very happy with 4% gains over inflation, that is plenty for me.

@Riparian -
Hahahahaha... If I knew the answer to that question I would not be sitting here for the 3rd year wondering what the hell to do with myself :D I think what I may do is just write 30 "blog articles" under the guise that I might start a blog and see what the underlying theme is. If after 30 of them I still have ideas then that's an avenue I might pursue.

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »


I was thinking to myself how I needed to figure out what type of hardcore BIFL rain jackets I should be looking at and so of course this is the first place I visit. and then I started poking around. and then I figured I should update.

Not too much new in my world. My kitty cat had cancer and I had to put her down much, much earlier than I ever expected (sad face x 100000) but I managed to convince BF to adopt a NEW KITTY :) She is four so I hope to have her for a while. I still have a little friend :) and she is so worth it to me. BF's ex wife decided she wanted the dogs so, assuming she is not as flaky as normal, they are gone. We miss them but are free of their burden.

I am mainly focusing on fitness and health the last 6 mo or so. Mostly vegan nowadays and lifting weights and running, sucked it up and hired a personal trainer ($25/session, how can I lose?! heh) I haven't been working as much lately so my income is down. Somehow I don't care too much. It's finally getting into my head how I have an 18-30 year emergency fund. Nothing about my situation is urgent. If I need money I'll get it. I don't need money right now, so I don't care.

I've learned I can only focus on one major pursuit at a time. Before it was ERE, then my business, now getting into a good health groove.

I've earned 230,000 united frequent flyer miles through credit card sign ups and buying things on those CCs and reselling merchandise at a profit on so I will probably go to Europe this summer first class :) Gonna hit hotel points next maybe, or just do hostels, couch surfing, idk, we'll see.

Hey I actually made some bucket list progress! I forgot I even wrote one down a few entries ago. I've met some like minded people and have board game meetups every now and then :) And I'm going to Florida next mo to meet some friends/business network associates and so that may inspire me to rebrand my business and make a few bux. or do something else, or expand reselling to be more profit driven rather than miles driven. The tiny house thing is still on my mind from time to time but not toooo much anymore. I think what I would do is buy a normal rental house on large lot, and then build an "accessory dwelling unit" on that lot - aka tiny house but maybe not by tiny house standards, it would have a foundation probably, maybe make it a little bigger, city water, etc and live there and rent out the actual house. Turns out I really like the idea of flush toilets. :) And the other options just pale in comparison. But I'm not taking any action to make this reality right now. Have some fitness related goals I'm trying to hit first.

I am probably going to legally qualify for medicaid next year so we'll see how that goes. I have NOT enjoyed the administrative burden of Obamacare AT ALL - in the end they said that I had to expose my entire business ledger to them for them to continue providing me with a subsidy. I blew them off and now I get these bills from my health co saying I owe them like $1600 (presumably the state took the money back) but then when I call them, they say I owe them $7. I have spent, no joke, 120 hours on the phone since last October trying to sort this shit out. Nope. Nope. Nope. I am going to do my tax return, get that insurance mess sorted out, get the medicaid I can now legally get, and fuck them all. And now with my piss poor tax return, I am going to finally qualify for my damn Obama free phone. yay. that the nsa can promptly spy on me, but whatever, they spy on us all, so not like it makes a difference.

My new hobby: Fantasy Football. It turns out I am either super lucky, good at this, or not facing stiff enough competition, or a combination, because in both of my leagues I am in the championship. It's a nice free hobby, perhaps even mildly a money maker, right now I stand to win $168 if I win the league that had a buy-in. And even if it didn't end that way - the $20 buy in sure provided a lot of entertainment. I'll play again next year. If I get sucked in as much or more, idk maybe try to get hired on as an ad hoc analyst or freelance at one of these fake football sites or create a niche site.

So - NEW bucket list (for me to rediscover in the future sometime)

1) Meet some more health goals: do an unassisted pullup, 5k in under 30 min, get my body fat even lower - maybe verify visually that I do have an ab or two :)
2) Make it to Europe: See Norway, probably parts of Switzerland, Italy, Austria, possibly British Isles or at least part of them, making the most of trains, stopovers, and open jaws on these 230k united miles
3) I want my faction to own my neighborhood in Ingress, even if it's only for an hour. It's basically a 5 mile circuit. It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.
4) Do all kinds of DIY work around here: Repair a kitchen chair, add trim to the kitchen ceilings and floors, tile the kitchen floor, replace some kitchen storage with a more functional piece of furniture, maybe plant a few plants in the front yard and clean up the backyard to make it a cool place to hang out now that I don't have to worry about the dogs tearing it all up.
5) Maybe troll CL for some free furniture that might be an upgrade to what we have. Thinking a leather couch would be good, a night stand, maybe some wall decor.
6) Play fantasy football again next year - maybe commish a league. If I can get 9 other EREers in we could do an 10 or 12 team ERE league :) I would be fair, promise. Yay free hobbies!
7) Find more people that like board games and maybe find some more girlfriends who like to dance. I miss dancing.
8) Maybe this year - while I'm in FL, I revamp and rebrand my business, let it just kind of tread water for a while, and spend the rest of my time just doing what I feel like not worrying about money - just try to find flow and passion, and see how that looks at the end of next year. I think about getting a job from time to time, even applied for some, but honestly, I like not having a job right now, and I don't need one, I am doing okay money wise, so... I'm thinking... I might be a hobo again for a while.
9) I should try to read a book per month, and alternate between personal improvement and for-fun fiction. I used to read CONSTANTLY and now I never read - too busy working or just spending time with my boyfriend. I should make room in my life for more reading.

That's all I can think of :)

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

Oh definitely I was in a not great place in any way shape or form bigato. The things I'm able to do and make happen now are so much easier. I basically workout an hour per day now; that is something that would have been completely unthinkable back then because I had so little free time and also so little energy after forcing myself to do things I hated for 9 hours per day. I think only now I realize just how much chronic stress I was under. I don't think I will ever go back to that type of work ever again. It's just not worth it.

Kinda funny - the other day I thought to myself if I had $1,000,000 would I do anything differently and the list is pretty short. I'd probably go buy a house nearby with a large lot and build the accessory dwelling unit on the lot (say, reminiscent of a tiny house but maybe 300 sq ft, and a foundation, with full utility hookups) and live in it while I rented out the house to make housing free or close to it. Not that it costs me a lot of money now but if I see ways to cut my bills I still do it. and it would raise the property value some too, having a mother in law unit I think - since a bunch of boomers are broke and will have to move in with their kids. Maybe if interest rates ever go sky high I'll give it a go - buy a place for cash.

I'd also probably buy a car because maybe one time per month it really is inconvenient not having one and I have to borrow my boyfriend's. Which he never says anything about it and it's fine but I don't like being dependent on that. But at the same time I can't financially justify a car I literally need once per month, and really "need" is more of a "want". Like if I have a bunch of packages at the post office, I could totally do multiple trips on a bike. Or get a bike trailer. I just don't want to. Seriously - uber would be cheaper than a car. But I still miss it now and then.

Probably outsource more things like a biweekly housecleaning, and get a lawn service :)

Get a weekly professional massage? Get regular botox in between my eyebrows? Other similar superfluous things.

I guess I'd quit work but I like having something to do other than workout and surf the net during the day, and I still do plenty of both. Maybe I'd just work less.

So really I have 95% of my ideal quality of life and I've definitely reached diminishing returns. And that is pretty cool. :)

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by riparian »

I just realized I've "known" you (not that I really know anything about you) for years now! Congrats on your awesomeness and happiness. :)

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiberateMind »

So really I have 95% of my ideal quality of life and I've definitely reached diminishing returns. And that is pretty cool. :)
Wow.. Thats really a transition ..

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

thanks Riparian :D it has been years huh that's crazy :)

Not much new with me - a lot of the same o same o. I'm down from quarterly updates to twice a year. Oh well :)

I'm on medicaid legally. This shit is so amazing. You cannot buy insurance this good; you literally cannot. I went to the doctor because I have had some nagging non-serious problems for years and because my copay was all of... $2.00. TWO FUCKING DOLLARS. So I saw this doctor and got a prescription (Flonase) and it cost me... $1.00. ONE FUCKING DOLLAR copay for a prescription. This is unreal. And I apparently qualify for $1000 of free dental or something like that. Just cleanings and cavities, nothing serious. I don't have any chronic or ongoing medical problems so I mainly "carry" Medicaid as catastrophic insurance but. This just blows my fucking mind. Meanwhile ACA last year - I was poor enough on paper that basically my premiums ended up being free after the subsidy but even with that shit - I would have had a $30 copay after my "free" physical. I can now see a doctor FIFTEEN TIMES for the same price. Something is wrong with this picture but I'm enjoying it for now.

I made some really awesome health gains actually, I took up running, just completed a 10K faster than ever before, and I'll likely run another this weekend to try to do better. I was deep into the flu with a fever for the first one so I feel like I left some performance on the table. I have some vanity lbs to lose - 10ish, but by all measures my health is top notch. My blood pressure was like 95/65 or something wacko at the doctor's. It hasn't ever been that low before. So that's pretty cool. I'm still seeing my personal trainer one time per week for $30/session. It's completely an unnecessary expense but whatever. Don't care. I can always cut it later if I have to but for now I like her enough and I've done so well working with her the past year that I would hate to cut her at this point.

I FINALLY got my free Obama phone and of course now I never use it haha :) oh well it's a nice security blanket. I never made it to Europe because my boyfriend can't afford to take the vacation time to go. So I'm putting together a different bucket list trip on the West coast in a couple months. Gonna hit CA, OR, WA, and AK all in the span of 3-4 weeks. Probably gonna end up being half cash and half miles/points but that's fine. The points have some value and so if I find a screaming deal I'd rather just pay out of pocket and save the points for a time when it makes sense. Like I'm flying from Anchorage to San Francisco for 17500 United points nonstop. That's pretty amazeballs since the points were practically free other than my time spent getting them. In the meantime I am paying $730 for a 1 week Alaska Cruise including all fees and taxes and whatnot. The points didn't make sense there. I might do Europe next year maybe.

I guess ERE-wise there's not much to say honestly :) I still have my business. It's going fine. I'm somewhat happy with the income level, it's better now than it has been in the past. I have been keeping a running list of things I want to buy and it's rapidly dwindling, which is really weird and cool to watch happen.

OH. I guess this is ERE related. I have this plan. I don't know if I will actually do it or if it will work but this is my plan. I have no car, right? So there's this thing called Relay Rides where you basically rent your car out to other people for a fee that you set. And SO I have this plan that I am going to buy a 2005-2008 Pontiac Vibe with low-ish miles (less than 100k) and I am going to rent it full time on this Relay Rides deal. And so THEY will pay for this car, and I will have a "free" car (well at least the carrying costs will be free, like ideally I'd make $1000/yr on this at least to cover tax/insurance/registration/depreciation/wear and tear). And then any time I need or want to use a car for something, well I just need to plan it around the rental periods, which, given my current lifestyle of needing one nearly never, well, that should be quite easy to do. Sounds good right? :) I have a CL RSS feed set up with my criteria for this car, now I'm just waiting for the right deal to come along...

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

Long time no write. :)

Long story short. My boyfriend got a job in the bay area and decided to take it in order to pursue early retirement a few months back. I decided to follow him. Well, that was an interesting experience but in the end I've decided that this isn't a direction I want to go. So I will be slumming it with my dad and the cat for a while while I figure out what to do with life.

I'm sad about it but a bit excited too. He has been a factor for me in this entire ERE journey - from the very beginning. But now I get to think about how I want to live this life without taking his needs and wants into account. And he had many needs that were really limiting. And now I'm virtually unlimited so that's kind of mindblowing. Hardly anyone starts with a blank slate.

I have enough that if I'm very careful designing this life I shouldn't have to worry much about money or work again. My net worth has gone up quite a lot since I last wrote. I think I'm hovering around $450K and my student loans at $15000 are putting along at 2.5% so no rush on those. At 3% WR that gives me $1125/mo which is a figure I was able to make work previously. I'm also not withdrawing funds right now as my income is in a good place, so that will give me some cushion while I dial it in and nail this down.

I'd like to settle near my family in Denver if I can but I don't know if I can make this budget work there. Their housing market is incredible. I suppose I will find out. I know housing is the big key to solving this puzzle. If I can get a cheap place close to all the places I like to go to the point where I do not need a car, I know the rest will shake out budget-wise. So I will poke around Denver a while and see what there is to see.

I'll definitely be pouring over the ERE city resources and GandK's resources over the next few weeks though...and then I get to finally join in all the single people threads bitching about finding like minded partners... hah :)

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by Chris »

Well that's a big change. Guess you can go to Europe now, huh? If you avoid northern Europe, you can probably live cheaper as a slow-travel tourist than you could living alone in Denver.

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by chenda »

Sorry your move didn't work out, sounds like you're in a great position though. Are you still running your side business ?

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

Travel just doesn't interest me now... I'm in Denver still. I am renting a place for $700/mo plus utilities (got a roommate - still more than I want to pay but at least it's in the realm of sanity) and I did end up getting a $1250 car, a 94 Lincoln Continental, single owner, with 72000 miles. Totally not living ERE style right now but this year is a transition year for me so a few other things are more important than staying under $1125 for the month. Still doing my side biz for now but looking to possibly transition away... started a blog last month for any and all who are interested. :) Have about 30 posts up, 5 scheduled, about 60 drafts, I think I'll be going for a while. I'd eventually like to monetize it - and am stumbling toward that - the blog is basically about just trying to make my life as good as it can be and blogging all of the shit I'm doing in that effort. You can find it at

Wishing you all the best in reaching your own ERE goals - I may start poking around here for inspiration once I start becoming more financially focused again. :)

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by Ego »

This is incredible!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by C40 »

I like it!! And that's a log of posts really quickly. Wow!

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by steelerfan »


Super nice. I enjoyed reading some of your new blog and hope it is fruitful and cathartic. You have put yourself out there in a way I never could. Very inspiring and obviously a lot of work. I am not sure I would have linked myself back to this forum but I am paranoid enough to to obscure my identity online as much as possible and keep a low profile. I also avoid social media for the same reason. I have had coworkers that got into big trouble up to and including termination for their free expression on social media (which is no longer your concern). As an older forum member with kids that need support (hs/college), my scenario is playing out differently than most but there is still lots to learn here. I have ordered our life to enable an escape in short order (basically immediately) once the kids are properly stood up. My wife has softened her stance over the years regarding ER so perhaps there is hope LOL! She just had a friend/co-worker that dropped at 44 (F thin vegan). I also have had 4 people in our office of 85 pass away in the last year and a half. You never know when your ticket is going to be punched so we all need to determine what are priorities currently are vs what they should be.

I read your journal cover to cover back in the day and still will always read any new posts such as this. As a SW Jeffco "Littleton" resident/Lakewood worker bee, I am rooting for you. Best wishes for you!!!

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by TheWanderingScholar »

Chris wrote:Well that's a big change. Guess you can go to Europe now, huh? If you avoid northern Europe, you can probably live cheaper as a slow-travel tourist than you could living alone in Denver.

Even in the Baltics you can even pull that off, from personal experience. During off-season for travelling like winter and fall means you can find cheap rooms (found a hostel that charged five euros per night in an eight person room; turns out besides the first night, I was by myself in it. :) ). The really expensive parts are the Nordic countries.

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by taemoo »

Great blog, very inspirational.

This was one of the journals I followed from early on in real time, looking forward to reading more

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

I am soooooo glad you guys like it! First people other than people I know in real life that I've managed to share it with. I can't tell you how much it all means to me! Made my day! :)

Thank you ego and C40 and taemoo :)

Feel free to subscribe to get posts emailed, like on facebook, follow on Twitter, all that jazz... at some point I hope to get a newsletter going. If you find a post that you like or speaks to you - let me know! Would love to hear it. Would also love any sharing that you all may be inspired to do. :)

steelerfan -

I had to think long and hard about how to do this, and what my voice would be... but basically I am thinking my ticket to growth right now is authenticity and being 'real'. People want authenticity and realness. So much 'fakery' going on now, especially in the world of Facebook and what not. People are so worried about managing their image and what people think of them, and blah blah blah. They are starving for someone to tell it like it is, to be real with them - I mean that is probably why Trump is here, because he's not toeing the PC line we are all so used to. People are starving for a real connection. And I don't mind being real. I am not ashamed of my choices. I own them. I made them. Some were not so great. Some were great. I will tell anyone who asks the exact same thing. I've had successes and failures. But funny thing is, people respond to both. You just don't get to hear about people's failures too often. No one wants to say "hey I fucked up" - but I'm getting to a point where I'm starting not to care. Because I know I have worth, and a message, even though I do fuck up sometimes. Successes are inspirational. Failures are "hey, I'm not alone in failure". I'm confident enough so far that I know in writing about my failures, it doesn't make me a lesser person, or anything like that... I failed... whatever... hopefully I'll learn from it. Hopefully you can learn from it too, so you don't have to fail like I did. Ya know? :) Glad to know I have a fellow Coloradoan checking up on me :) Stay warm this weekend.

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by wolf »

I like your posts and I am very interested in your journey and experiences. Now I gotta start at the beginning of your journal back in 2011. Keep on writing!

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by wolf »

Some two hours later I have finished reading your journal completely. So inspirational. Found out that you are also like 34 yo like myself. I am really interested in your plans to meaning in life and what you want to do in life. Currently I am thinking about my FIRE phase and what I will do after FI. If you ever visit Germany you could stop by.

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

Hi there! Sorry I only log in now and again - but here I am :)
Not much has changed for me lately :)

I still live in Denver. My NW is $450,000ish. I have wildly varying income but enough that I'm not withdrawing any funds. I'm still putzing around with my blog, less so than before, but I still hope to make something of it soon. I've been less motivated in its direction and probably will shift it a little soon to make it easier to build. :)

My current goals are:
1) Lose 20 pounds - I'm training for a half marathon right now. I run about 5 days per week.
2) Get more spiritual - basically do a bunch of meditation, inner work, journaling, that sort of thing. I'm trying to be more consistent about this. It's been really rewarding- I feel I have changed an awful lot the past 4 months or so! I also became a Reiki Master - really enjoyed/am enjoying that very much!
3) Would like to meet someone I'm compatible with, a life partner, but have had three short lived relationships - so I've struck out for now. As conceited as this sounds, I think men find me intimidating after a short period of time? I guess most women don't have their shit together? When they see I don't "need" them to "fix" me or "help" me with anything concrete - like logistics, or money wise or anything like that, it seems like it makes them feel pretty insecure. Or maybe that's just the story I'm telling myself, haha :) Also - I am finding it difficult to find people that are able to accept my level of frugality - as an example - so many people that don't want kids are all about travel, Travel, TRAVEL, but in the conventional sense of the term, which I find very expensive. I like travel but I don't want to spend $10000+ per year on it.

Anyway I'm not really focusing much on this area at the moment... don't want kids so I'm not in a hurry. So I'm just working on my social network and having a ton of fun that way for now. I go to free city festivals, run, read internet things that interest me, practice reiki, meditate, I'm about to try a rock climbing gym, I play pick-up volleyball, I take swing lessons (once you pay for a full course the teacher let's you repeat for free :D), pub trivia, board game meets, and just general hanging out with friends... takes a surprising amount of time. My social network, for the first time in my life, is large enough that I am making it a thing to plan some unique outings for all of us once per month. I rented out a Laser Tag place for 35 adults last month - I got 35 people to pitch in financially $25 each and we had the whole place to ourselves! I really impressed myself with that one. Then I have 12 people meeting me at a karaoke bar tonight and we are going to make complete asses of ourselves. Next month I have a deal that if I can get 12 people to come with me, we can all go 'indoor skydiving' at a discount. I'm really enjoying being 'that girl' right now.
4) I'll probably shift my blog soon and work more on it, hope to drive more traffic soon.
5) If the blog ever makes money that'll make me super happy :) It'll happen once I find the right combination of effort and inspiration that matches me.

So I guess long term life goals:
1) Be a uplifting force for people through my reiki, my relationships with others, and through my blog
2) Have fun
3) Once the kitty I have passes, I'd like to foster shelter animals.
4) Travel a bit, have 300,000 frequent flier miles, will happen eventually, not in a hurry. I actually really enjoy my life and miss it when I'm gone. I don't really find the need to travel so much. Once per year is fine.

Just kind of blissed out right now... probably pretty annoying. Haha :) I'm well. I hope you are well too.
Last edited by LiquidSapphire on Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LiquidSapphire's Journal

Post by LiquidSapphire »

Oh yeah, I just randomly stumbled upon a thread about "failure stories" and why people stop updating and have they "failed"?

I can only speak to my particular case - I don't feel that I have failed or succeeded yet. I consider myself a work in progress, though my goals have shifted. I haven't succeeded yet because to me a total success of "I am done" would mean that I have enough saved for a 3% WR to cover my current and foreseeable expenses. I don't have that. My expenses are not very permanent; I rent and my lease ends in September, and I'm not sure what my new housing cost will be. Also I'm spending more than what a 3% WR would allow. It would be a lean lifestyle to cut my expenses that low in the Denver area right now. It'd require roommates and no car, at a minimum. I think I could handle a 5% WR fairly easily though.

I haven't failed either though because my net worth has been increasing, albeit slowly as of late. I think for me, failure would mean that my net worth was actively going down due to my spending choices+investment failures, and I ended up having to go back to work I really didn't enjoy just to make money. To be honest it's one of my greatest fears - having my current income stream go *poof* and having few other options and being forced to go back to work I really hate and that doesn't pay anything close to what I used to make or even what I currently make. Or having to move somewhere I don't want to live because I can't afford Denver anymore. Or having to really really cut my lifestyle down, not that I live extravagantly now, but I definitely spend more than I did in my accumulation phase.

It's a pretty irrational fear, I guess. :) There must be jobs out there that, while maybe they aren't self-actualizing, they may not be so bad. Even a minimum wage job would supplement my savings pretty robustly. And I'm fairly flexible when it comes to expenses - I'm just not incentivized to track and cut them at the moment.

Hope that helps someone :)

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