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Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:58 pm
by banker22
DAY 2: 236.6lbs (-1.0lbs)

Didn't sleep much last night due to work, but still lost a bit of weight.

Here's what I ate:

1300: small cup of cocoa
1600: 200 cals of fruit
1900: small glass of red wine
2000: bacon and cheese quesadilla, chips and salsa, 3 potato skins with cheese and bacon, 4 small steak fajitas, 750 cals of gluten free cookies

I ate a TON, maybe BC drinking the wine on an empty stomach messed w my blood sugar a little. I can't imagine losing weight eating this much but I guess I probably only ate around 2000-2500 cals.

Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:11 pm
by JL13
Alcohol without carbs (or anything) eaten packs a serious punch! I went to a bourbon party 1 week into the WD and I lost 2 days of my life.

Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:12 pm
by Dragline
If you can lose weight eating that stuff, all I can say is "how I envy the young". :)

Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:59 am
by banker22
DAY 3: 235.4 (-2.2lbs)

Frankly I'm amazed I still lost weight !

I woke up in the middle of the night with reflux. I should probably eat a little earlier and/or limit certain foods to avoid reflux. I guess eating a shitload of Mexican food before bed was never going to be a good idea :lol:

Planning to be a bit more sensible tonight... Maybe eat a ton of fruit rather than cookies. With that in mind, the initial goal is to adapt to this eating schedule first before I start changing food choices... So let's see!

Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:25 am
by Dragline

I might suggest a little more fiber -- it will fill you up and absorb the acid. Easiest thing would be to get some psyllium husk or something like that.

And I hate you and your young metabolism. ;-)

Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:31 am
by banker22
DAY 4: 234.2lbs (-3.4lbs)

Broke my fast earlier yesterday. My eating window was from 4pm - 8pm. I am also busy today from 5pm - 8pm, so will likely have a meal before. Weight is steadily coming off, but I was as low as 233 last week.

Re: Warrior Diet Log

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:49 am
brute congratulates banker22. brute is also doing warrior diet right now, and knows how great it feels :)
brute actually does pretty much 23/1 fasting/feeding, except sometimes he can't fit enough calories into a single meal, then it's more like 22/2 or similar. brute isn't sure that it matters, but it feels easier to just cook once per day than twice, especially because "late lunch" is hard to make/acquire/fit in, versus it's very easy to fit in big dinners.