Cheap date ideas?

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Spartan_Warrior »

We've definitely discussed this a time or two here before. 7Wannabe5 presents a good point--you have to know what you want, because there's more than one way to "chip in" and complement each others' needs in life.

I for one don't really mind if a significant other wants me to take a traditional role (primary responsibility for bread winning, activity planning, decision making, and wallet opening) as long as she also assumes a traditional role (primary responsibility for shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc).

The problems come when there's a disconnect in expectations. The most common form of this in my experience manifests itself in what I like to call "American Princess Syndrome", where (some) young ladies in our post-feminist world seem to believe they're entitled to all the benefits of a traditional man (read: having their lives financially subsidized), while eschewing and scoffing at their own traditional responsibilities, for which they demand "equality" aka a shared burden. I think that's where the real danger of asymmetric contribution lies. You certainly don't want a woman who thinks you should have to "contribute more" (monetarily or otherwise) than she does. In my experience that speaks to a rather whorish mindset, i.e. "you need to pay for the privilege of having me", which is another tell of the American Princess.

Decide whether you want a girl who will cook and clean for you, or a girl who will split the bills. A girl who will happily do both (consistently) is probably few and far between--just as you might be unhappy bearing the full burden of your traditional role AND splitting her traditional responsibilities. Just make sure you don't end up with an American Princess, who won't do anything!

As far as the original questions--my favorite cheap dates have already been identified. For a first date, my top choices are going to a coffee shop in the afternoon, walking through a park, or both. The purpose of the first date, for both parties, is to see if there's even any chemistry--so why would either of you expect to spend a lot of money on something that might not even go anywhere? I will pay for one overpriced cafe drink for each of us on a first date, usually nothing more.

Second date is traditionally where I spend a little more, mostly so I can see how she behaves in public, and in the whole "traditional-date" situation (e.g., does she offer to pick up part of the bill, etc). Bowling, cheap restaurants, that sort of thing.

Invitations to either person's house for dinner might work, but personally I would save that for a second or third date, or immediately after a successful coffee/park date, or frankly on whichever date you expect sex to occur. From my perspective, it can be a little awkward (if not downright uncomfortable) going to a stranger's house or having a stranger over, even ignoring all the preconceived notions of where such a date is "supposed" to go.

After the first date(s), it's a lot easier and cheaper, if there's chemistry and mutual interests. My girlfriend and I got bicycles together. Her parents have horses that we visit and ride occasionally. We go to parks and hike. We go to lakes and swim. We've gone on camping and museum trips. Being introverts, though, we mostly stay at home and watch movies, play video games, cook together, and, uh, "entertain" each other. We've been together over a year and I've taken her to a bar exactly once (and we didn't pay for drinks), and out to restaurants (counting fast food!) maybe three or four times in the entire courtship. Of course, if you're dating an extraverted shopaholic or American Princess, none of this will apply.

Which brings me to question 3, meeting ERE-compatible people. Again, "ERE-compatible" will be different for everyone. What is it you really want?

I have to say I disagree with the bias against online dating. It's all too easy to dismiss online dating as something that's "only for freaks", but I can't help but find that amusing in a thread that's essentially about how difficult it is for us to fit in with mainstream expectations. How do you think 99% of the world looks at us? If you want to find another freak, go where the freaks are! :D (Like Jacob said, for that matter, it's too bad the dating forum here isn't more of a success.)

Seriously though, the world has changed. The stigma against online dating is fading. I doubt you'll meet someone compatible with ERE by cruising singles bars--other cheap introverts with busy lives who actually want relationships don't cruise singles bars anymore, they make accounts on POF or OKCupid. Again, think about what you want.

I may be a little biased myself though, because I've never done traditional dating of the "meet a stranger in public/through a friend, get a number, arrange a date" variety. I've done internet dating the last few years and before that, in school, all my relationships started as friendships first.

(I catch a lot of flack whenever these dating/marriage threads come up because I tend to speak my mind and call things like I see them without much heed for political correctness. So in conclusion, I'll simply say that everything I've stated is my own opinion and experience, which I am in no way presenting as objective or universal. These are just my general observations. Sorry in advance if anyone takes offense.)

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by JohnnyH »

Online dating rant:
I'd guess men outnumber women 4:1 on dating websites, which is likely a closely guarded corporate secret... Go to okc, do search M looking for F; look at the color scale for frequency of reply... Keeping all parameters the same query F looking for M... See that? It's not a very good market for males.
You can put a "not materialistic" can list your income in the bottom bracket, but I've read articles this cripples your level of interest to females.

Too much pretense and expectation in online dating; meet people in a more natural environment... I've had better dates/relationships from asking out the retail worker, bar patron, fellow club member or volunteer.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Spartan_Warrior »

Meh. I'd think interested men outnumber available women in pretty much any context. I'd say that has more to do with the natural processes and biological roles of sexual selection. Men pursue and seduct, women attract and select. That's also the same reason almost all of the women on a dating site will show the big red "Replies very selectively"--not necessarily because they're stuck up (although certainly there are the "window shoppers", again, as with anywhere else), but because they get inundated with moronic copypasta constantly, simply by virtue of being an attractive, sexually competitive mate. Your job as a man is simply to stand out from the sea of desperation, as it is in any other dating context. The ratio of men to women doesn't necessarily give an accurate gauge of the actual level of competition. Or the type of competition, for that matter. For instance, I'm far more confident in my ability to write a well thought out opening message than I am in my ability to impress on the dance floor (:lol:) or even in cold conversation. To each his own, of course.

FWIW, in my single days on OKCupid, I openly put my real salary and (in the "most private thing you'll admit" section) that I'm attempting to retire extremely early from my day job through simple living and frugality so I can spend more time on family/hobbies/passions. As far as I recall none of this was ever (overtly) made an issue with anyone I talked to or dated.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by JohnnyH »

Spartan_Warrior wrote:Meh. I'd think interested men outnumber available women in pretty much any context. I'd say that has more to do with the natural processes and biological roles of sexual selection.
Definitely... And wasn't implying any of the females on okc are stuck-up in anyway. It's just... a "seller's market". Girls that would get asked out a few times a year have dates every night. There's a real bid/ask disparity... More power to them, but after 20 okc dates I only pursued 1... It made me appreciate the real world. You know, the real world where most guys won't ask out the interesting and attractive girl right in front of them?

I'm out in the fringe of society, so this might be a "Mantana" problem. :?

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by George the original one »

> I'd think interested men outnumber available women in pretty much any context.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by JohnnyH »

@George: My freshman year I went to a university known for teachers & nurses, over two thirds female. :) It was a good year; 6 credits.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Thegoblinchief »

My DW and I met in college, so while there were some (cheap) dinners, the vast majority of our "dating" time was spent doing walks, hanging out watching TV/movies, and playing board games. We married (and had kids) right after college so pretty much our entire relationship has revolved around cheap activities.

If there's a park and coffee shop near one another, that would be ideal when weather is nicer. Buy the fancy beverage and then talk a stroll in the park. Market it as "it'll be easier to talk if we go outside". Pretty much any coffee shop I've been in (not many) is loud. Way too loud to actually talk comfortably, especially as strangers.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Spartan_Warrior »

@George: True. I'm not sure how to put it, but what I'm thinking of is, there might be 20 girls in a yoga class and one guy, but that one guy in the yoga class is unlikely to be the only option for any of those girls. My point is that competition (in terms of the ratio of men pursuing/interested in any particular woman) is a given in dating and will only increase with your mate's value, so the high ratio of men to women on dating sites, the selectiveness of women in responding, etc, is nothing unique or different from dynamics in the real world IMO.

I agree that dating sites are a "seller's market", where perceived scarcity drives up value, but I would say the same thing of your average single's bar as the night draws on, or many other venues single people use to find each other. The same dynamics are going to play out everywhere. I don't see a fundamental difference in terms of the quality of mates available, and since the basic principles--competing with other romantic interests, figuring out who the person really is versus what they say, etc--seem the same to me, I'd just as soon stick to the one that plays to my strengths and preferences (written communication, clear(er) intentions of both parties, minimal cost of entry, etc). That said, I don't want to derail the thread unnecessarily. What works for some may not work for others and all that.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by riparian »

Oh yay now we're talking about social capital?

I think it's a great thing to look at. Women in our culture naturally have more erotic capital than men (see: Erotic Capital by Catherine Hakim). Or, to put it another way, there's a global male sex deficit - so, guys, there is a strong chance that this may not be an "even" exchange.

A friend of mine openly trolls for sugar daddies on dating sites. She meets guys and straight up tells them she requires a high degree of attention and emotional intimacy, "but if you're not up for that money's okay too."

Even if most women might not define it that clearly, I think this is basically how it is in our culture.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by slimicy »

I know this is bording on the cliche*, but I really think one thing that helps is to stop trying so hard. I'm not going to knock on-line dating, because it does work -- I have plenty of friends who have met great people-- but it wasn't working for me. After two years of cycling the dating sites and singles scene, I finally just said "fuck it" and stopped trying so hard. Guess who got approached (?!?!?) by a nice and cute woman a few weeks later while "not trying so hard"?

It's cliche, but I think it has a basis in fact. If you read anything on the physcology/game theory of the dating scene desperation is a major turn-off, and trying too hard can inadvertently look like desperation.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Spartan_Warrior »

@Cael said: "Frugality on a date might be mistaken for lack of effort."

Just wanted to say I strongly agree with this and that it may tie into what JohnnyH said regarding online dating: if you say you're not materialistic and list your income in a bottom bracket, it cripples female interest. I tend to think this is because when you say something like "I'm not materialistic" and list your income as 20,000 or below, most people will jump to the conclusion that you are merely a slacker/loser. That description would also apply to any number of McDonalds employees living with their parents, up to their eyeballs in debt, with no skills or direction for the future. Of course few people will want to date that!

This is why my policy has been to never hide or obfuscate my early retirement plans or what they mean to me. I don't think of this as a liability to hide but as a proud indicator of my financial savvy, determination, work ethic, and family-oriented priorities.

Presentation matters. Show the good side of what ERE has to offer, not (just) the "No, I won't pay for your dinner" side.

@Riparian: "Women in our culture naturally have more erotic capital than men (see: Erotic Capital by Catherine Hakim). Or, to put it another way, there's a global male sex deficit - so, guys, there is a strong chance that this may not be an "even" exchange."

Yeah, I think this is more what I was talking about with regard to competition. Guys will always have to "work for it" and compete, with fewer available options, and the women with the most social/erotic capital/value will always be heavily competed over, and therefore always have options. I don't think online dating changes these basic dynamics in any substantial way--aside from making the competition and the ratios more obvious, maybe. Dating simply is one big "seller's market" IMO.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by CelticTiger »

squirty cream/chocolate sauce/strawberry sauce

cheap, fun and messy, just turn the thermostat up for the shower after, it takes a special person to have a kinky cold shower

oh and keep lifting brah for dem gainz and it could be for a first date otherwise 2nd or 3rd
Last edited by CelticTiger on Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by wheatstate »

My favorite cheap dates:

Sunset picnics
Full moon walks
Throwing a Frisbee or going to a playground.
Art Gallery openings/talks
Free/cheap college sports
Bike rides
Dance to real music or take lessons. Swing, salsa, tango, and contra all have good groups

I think lots of online women appreciate a creative idea. A meal and drinks is usually both expensive and boring.
I would also be excited to hear more winter date ideas. When the weather is colder, cheap dates seem harder.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by JohnnyH »

Seems like 80% of my first dates were drinks, followed by dinner... I can see how that can get pricey if you're in a big city... Happy hour, festivals, brewery tours make for effective, not terribly expensive 1st dates, IMO.

If that went well 2nd date can be some inexpensive activity... Definitely feels like it's expected to demonstrate you're not destitute on date 1... :lol: Not murderer, have job. Advance to date level 2.

some Onion comedy (interestingly enough theonion has its own online dating portal):
Last edited by JohnnyH on Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Freedom_2018 »

In a 6 yr relationship without any dating. Guess I got maybe lucky? Time will tell I suppose.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by CelticTiger »

To be honest I don't even understand dating.... Back 10 years ago when I met the wife at university I remember I went to lectures, went to the gym, ate, parties, clubs and slept and football. That's all I did. There were so many ladies around. I just felt like a big alpha wolf on the prowl sniffing it out.Dating just seems so inefficient.

There are woman everywhere and from what i've seen so far parties, clubs and sports arenas tend to be the worse venues to practice your PUA sklls and mundane places like university best. All Hnnnnggg chicks tend to hang out in the library.

Parties and clubs are best for an easy lay but once you are over 20 you get that out of your system - ho's are for bro's. You can't really trust party people.

Gym experiences were kinda of interesting as it was a uni gym but it was kind of full of fat people walking on the treadmill. WTF? wallking on a treadmill, or like climbing those stair machines. so if you like chubby men or women

Eating - I had a food pass in my first year and a shared kitchen. I met to many fake vegetarians (who are chicken lol or just ate cheese) and messy people or people with terrible table manners.

Most woman I know are desperate for the vitamin D injections, most men I know are desperate to give vitamin D. Everything else is just a minor detail.

You just have to workout what you want then go get it, everything else is mere detail. fter a while you will get it, you're supposed to enjoy the chase.

From what I have experienced woman just love to meet people who live well inspite of or depsite their means

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by SilverElephant »

Jacob beat me to the main point, which is: you tend to find people you enjoy at the activities you enjoy, for the simple reason that their reasons for engaging in them might align with yours (notice I didn't say "will").

Forget online dating, like with bars and clubs and any place "made" for the meeting of men and women (which constitute the obvious exception to my first paragraph), it's conceived to be so women, not men, get their pick. You will be up against any number of men with higher perceived value as well as the proverbial "players" who, will waltz in an take off with the girls. What's more about online dating, you never know who else the girl is writing to.

I wouldn't focus on the idea of a date as having to be "cheap". Look at it this way: you have adopted a certain lifestyle. You know what you enjoy, i.e. the things you do for fun. As you said, most of them might be solitary, but I'm sure some can be stretched to make room for one more (although this is hard for me too). The idea here is that if a woman turns you down because of your activity idea or makes it clear she doesn't want to keep dating you because she perceived whatever it was your did as cheap, move on. The world is full of women and you don't really need to waste your time on those who have other goals in mind (read: sugar daddy).

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by Jean »

With my two exes, first dates were:

-Getting lost in a forest on a thursday morning. She brought a bottle of rhum, we drank it before noon, but found our way back. That was great
-Climb a hill, make a fire and grill a saucage. Didn't manage to start the fire.

I always proposed things I wanted to do by myself, but didn't took the time to do yet.
This way you make sure that the date won't be a complete loss of time.
And as they accepted such a date, it was quite sure that relationship would be interesting. It was.
The least compromise I was doing, the happyer I was.
Maybe it's a good thing to make some sacrifice to hold your marriage, but if before even knowing someone, you have to drag yourself to a bar, that doesn't seem good.
Well, that's the same point again.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by GandK »

This thread has really gone off the rails, LOL.

Re: online dating and stating up front that you're frugal... if this cripples a woman's interest, she's the wrong woman for you. Period. I think the only thing you need to worry about in that direction is potentially giving the impression that your life revolves around your finances. I can't speak for every woman, but personally it's always been more important to me that a man has money in perspective than that he "has money."

For instance, it would be a plus to see a man making responsible financial decisions like looking for inexpensive ways to spend time with me, particularly if I were privileged to know about his goals. But it would be a HUGE minus if I felt like he couldn't make Any. Decision. Whatsoever. without thinking about money. That would register with me personally as coldness and greed. Money is a means to an end. The end is more important than the money.

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Re: Cheap date ideas?

Post by saving-10-years »

If you can find something that you both like doing (or at least agree to try doing) that does not cost money and gives you pleasure (this line of thought may be leading somewhere I didn't intend to take it so *other* than the obvious :oops: ) then that is a great start. DH and I are about to get going with rennovating a part-wrecked house and doing it up. Its part of the financial plan but its made us realise how much we like making things happen together.

In my experience women value time spent with them, listening/talking, learning/doing new things together that you both like or want to do (or revisiting things that they may not have done for a while), thoughfulness. These things don't cost money.

I would add that for any frugal-friendly woman, as GandK says:
it would be a plus to see a man making responsible financial decisions
Especially if they have previously been on the receiving end of bad financial decisions.

Find something that you would like to do and then look out for someone who might be persuaded to try it with you. So look out for events that appeal to you that might be more fun with another person. That is a great start and need not be seen as a date, but could well become one. Added bonus is that if you impress one woman then even if she is not available or you don't match she will often have friends who she would like to 'match' you up with.

Having now been with DH for 30+ years my dating knowledge is not current. We met playing darts (English pub game) and he was notable in not being put off if I was winning.

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