Checks and balance

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Post by aussierogue »

@dragline - great idea...we tend to go to the doctors and then the info seems to disappear into a file and we never see it again. I will make sure i get a copy of all the results. I might write them in here and then i know where to look!

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Post by riparian »

Every month or so I check:
- blood pressure

- morning glucose

- heart rate

- three pulses

- tongue
I also write down how I've been feeling, what I've been eating, etc.
Related but not part of my monthly check up, I keep track of how many push ups, pull ups, and squats I can do, and my weight.
Every 3 months I get blood tests for HIV, hep c an b, syphilis, etc, and pee tests for gonnhorhea, chlamydia, etc. Cause I'm responsible an stuff. So far zero STI's despite years of that dangerous sex stuff.
I don't get mammograms cause irradiating your breasts can cause cancer and because in most types of breast cancer early detection isn't correlated with outcome. I do regular BSEs.
I don't get pap smears because there's like 200 kinds of HPV and only 4 are related to cancer. If I did have one that was related to cancer, removing a chunk of uterus would tend to kick off abnormal cell growth. If I had different risk factors I might feel differently about this one.
I just went to the dentist for the first time ever in my life and no cavities, everything's good. I'll probly wait 10 or so years to do that again cause they insisted on irradiating my face.

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Post by Ego »

We went to hear Dr. Greger from speak this past weekend. Before the talk a few people were discussing keeping a food journal. It is something I've always wanted to do but never gotten motivated enough to stick with it.
One woman mentioned her surprise at the correlations she discovered. An afternoon brain-crash on days following pasta dinners. A sluggish workout the morning after a fatty meal.
Does anyone keep a food log?

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Post by jennypenny »

I tried keeping a food and exercise log, but I'm too lazy. Now I just take a picture of everything with my phone (inc. meals, coffee, treadmill display after run, medication) and I sit down every day or two and enter the items into my journal. Of course, this requires a pocket camera or smart phone.
Was Dr. Greger good in person? He's great in the videos.

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Post by Ego »

He is surprisingly theatrical. Surprising because he comes across as a data nerd. He reads every journal article on nutrition written in English. No small feat. Then he translates them into a funny, engaging talk.
I was impressed that he spoke for a while about the negative aspects of eating too much soy, a topic someone who is pro-animal protection vegan might be tempted to shy away from because most people see it as the first-choice alternative to meat protein.

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