Has anyone bought a farm share?

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Re: Has anyone bought a farm share?

Post by Walwen »

Okay everyone, I got the first box!
....they were open about the fact that a drought has lead to a bit of a delay/disappointment on the very early harvests, so the potatoes and carrots are overwintered.

I got spinach, mixed greens, fingerling potatoes, bolero carrots, cilantro, lemon balm, a head of typical lettuce, and head of an experimental variety of lettuce, and a large quantity of green garlic, which looks like giant green onions but with a garlic bulb. Also a dozen eggs.

My mom took the loose salad greens and I kept the heads of lettuce, she took the cilantro and I got the lemon balm, and we split most everything else. The portions were generous: I'd say the spinach was like 2 or 3 of the bags from the store worth, the cilantro was a full bunch, it's about 3 pounds of potatoes...

The eggs are what really take the cake for me.... they're massive! I can't wait to see how they cook up and how big the yolks are. The egg on the left is Eggland's Best Cage-Free Organic egg, which is the highest quality I have access to at the grocery stores- they're already much larger than your typical generic egg.

The lemon balm would probably be the wacky "what do I do with this?" thing for most people, but I volunteered in an herb garden and the lemon balm overran the place and I got to take a literal bushel home. I'm gonna candy it!

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