How do you make a house or apartment cozy?

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Re: How do you make a house or apartment cozy?

Post by AxelHeyst »

Some resources:

Natalie Walton. Her free PDF is pretty light (but worth taking five minutes to read) but it explains the difference between interior design, interior decoration, and styling. She is a stylist (the arrangement of objects). Styling is relevant here because she makes the point frequently that you don't have to buy stuff to get the look and feel you want: it's not about the objects so much as it is about the composition of the objects (aka how you put things together is more important than the things themselves... ring any bells?) She has a podcast, at least a couple episodes are worth listening to. One thing I'm picking up from her is that at some point you've got to stop consuming other people's stuff via the internet, look at your space, think, come up with ideas, and *try things*. Ultimately you are after a felt sense when in your space that feels good to *you*, and you're only going to get it iteratively.

Her book ... _lig_dp_it seems relevant but haven't read it.

I like Hans Blomquist's stuff. He has an instagram and several books - I have Details. It says it's a how to book, but you'll not find any do this then that sort of content. I am finding it useful but don't expect much handholding wrt means and methods. Look at the pictures and think. For me the main value reading this book was I got a sense for 'how' one approaches styling, which is very different than how one approaches e.g. the design of a mechanical system for a commercial building. You can style very slowly, iteratively. It costs nothing to make an arrangement and then change your mind, it takes nothing to remove something and then decide oh no wait that was useful.

I also am digging Axel Voorvordt's stuff, which is pretty sculptural in the wabi sabi realm of things (he's also a fine artist). From his stuff I'm seeing a number of books and resources on wabi sabi, which looks relevant to my interests both philosophically and as a guide for aesthetic practice. Anyone read ... _lig_dp_it which seems to be the wabi sabi bible?

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Re: How do you make a house or apartment cozy?

Post by ertyu »

As someone about to move to a new apartment, I'll check these out, thanks!

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Re: How do you make a house or apartment cozy?

Post by Slevin »

@AxelHeyst excessively helpful, thank you. The Natalie Walton stuff gave me a nice process, and I’ve done a pretty good glow up already with just a couple hours of tinkering.

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