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Re: Anyone managed to decrease their susceptibility to colds?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:48 am
by Lemur
Can't advise here because I almost never get sick. So no anecdotal evidence to reducing cold symptoms but I think my lifestyle may help prevent it in the first place. No flues, no colds...nothing. My lifestyle is healthy (by American standards) as I'm right on the cusp of normal weight / overweight BMI for my height (185 at 6'0 m), I go on daily walks in the morning and lunch to get sunlight (total 45 m - hour walking depending on pace) despite what the weather is. Eat fruit/veggies daily. I think that last point despite weather is really important. We also clean our house near daily (not wiping everything down like a clean freak but we don't let our place look messy).

I find that the only time I do develop a slight cold is when I've had poor sleep which makes sense because bad sleep quality effects the immune system.