not sure but i'll try Journal

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by Lemur »

Nice! I bet that was a cool pet.

I have had this nickname for over a decade because a long time ago, I was acting drunk/wild from drinking too much. Back when I was in the military...I tried climbing a tree drunk and jump from branch to branch and someone said I needed to stop acting like I was a Lemur....and then it stuck lol.

Anyways, one more consideration for work only because it may be doing something for me - it could just be that you're bored / need to be challenged. I was given more responsibility and a leadership role for my client work and it hit me into an energized gear I have not felt in a while. I used to shy away from this sort of longer due to social anxieties but because I had erroneously felt it was at odds with FIRE. Why would I want MORE responsibility at work? And probably likewise, MORE Stress? (OTOH it is possible a leadership role could be less stressful then being the worker bee...I get to be the one to create & assign tickets and delegate...not just be the one being assigned the tickets and pinged for status).

But then a point of an ERE'er we should be pushing ourselves to grow and challenge. In hindsight, I wish I assigned this to my work-life rather than try to lay low. Most posters here simply try to do this in other areas (ones that do not involved paid work); otherwise, I think it can simply be easier to align work with this challenge while one still feels the need to accumulate assets. Standard work makes that convenient too...for compartmentalization, for eliminating cognitive dissonance, and perhaps even for web of goals. For instance, maybe my leadership role at work will help me develop leadership and project management skills for something I want to do post salaried work one day. I don't have to figure out just now what that is but I can hoard up the skills (just like I do with money) to do so.
Last edited by Lemur on Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by AxelHeyst »

I almost wrote what would have been a less well worded version of what you just wrote, in your journal, Lemur. Glad I checked here first. I'd just add on to what you said that this perspective of using the w*rk environment as a context for leveling up is one difference between ERE and FIRE. With FIRE, what's the point? You're going to be retired! Beaches and mai tais and video games! With ERE, as Jacob said on his latest podcast interview (Radical Personal Finance), FIRE is just a check box - "okay, I'm FIRE now, check, I can go do other stuff". You can see the personal development (leadership skills, increases in personal efficacy, reduction of social anxieties, etc) as a continuous lifelong thing that you will extend in to your life in all ways, not just $career.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by Lemur »

Thanks Axel. It makes in my case, work just so happens to be the medium for me as part of a longer-term lifelong journey of learning and development.

I wish I had this epiphany sooner.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by AxelHeyst »

Lemur wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:35 pm
I wish I had this epiphany sooner.
If I had a nickel for every time I thought that, I'd be fatFIREd right now :lol:

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

More on work:

It's such a big part of being human - creating something with hands, mind, one's ability to lead and coordinate others, etc.
It does not have to be in the context of "work" in the toiling sense of the word, when one is slaving away for an employer or a personal business.
But it has to be present for one to have a sense of fulfilment & enjoyment in life.

Maybe because we were created this way (sorry, Lemur, I know you don't subscribe to this view).

Maybe because the sense of working towards a defined goal at the edge of our abilities gives us a feeling of "flow", where things just click together.
I think that's what missing in much of my work now, and that's what was missing for you, Lemur, before you got the new responsibilities.

This concept of "flow" is actually pretty cool, I read a couple of books on it last year:
"The Rise of Superman" by S. Kotler (many cool stories about extreme sportsmen, not much on the mechanics of flow & application to less extreme life)
"Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience" by M. CSIKSZENTMIHALYI (great book, much more on application). I recommend this one for getting prepared post mandatory work life :)

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

Hi there,
Time for an update on building good habits.
I created a spreadsheet to track daily progress, so here are the numbers from mid-Feb.

Daily walks:
Walked 90% of days. Av. mileage: 2.9 mi/day
Recently started going for a couple of shorter walks a day.
Very good progress here.

100% of days
Excellent progress, as well

I called it "structured" eating for sticking to a routine of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.
Excellent days: 29%
OK days: 54%
Poor days: 10%
Horrible days: 7%
Room for improvement here, but the fact of tracking this makes me more compliant :)

I also added a couple of other items this month:
Doing burpees for exercise and practicing a little bit of guitar daily.
Will report on those in April.

I thought it was an overkill to track such things in a spreadsheet and laughed at my DH who logged his swim distance daily for years.
But, frankly, there is a certain motivating satisfaction at seeing conditionally formatted cells turn green, indicating achievement. And this satisfaction feeds good habits.

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March 2021 spend update

Post by not sure »

Update on spending for March 2021

Income $ 7,365
Total expenses $ 2,889
% of income 39%

Rent 995
Food 251
Auto 81
Bills 145
Shopping 51
Activities 233
Sub-total 1,756
% of income 24%

Gifts+Donations 1,133

Pretty good month overall. I'd like to keep the spending at this level.
Almost managed to hit the food target of 240. My fault, got a couple of extra items during the 2nd to last shop :)
Activities included getting skis and going for a glass mosaic class for my husband's birthday.
A bit of a fail on the skis, I got one pair off FB Marketplace, but they did not fit my boots, so got another pair at a second hand ski shop. Now I am trying to sell the 1st ones on craigslist...

For April:
hit 240 food budget by keeping to do what I'm doing
keep activities to <100

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

I think I figured a way to be motivated at work (and think less about ERE while at work) - going into the office!
I find that the office atmosphere, my desk and its surroundings help me be more focused. Being around people is also nice.
So I've been trying to do that 2-3 times a week.

And I have access to unlimited coffee :) and they have a tasty decaf option - win!

It's not very ERE from the commuting perspective, but it's worth it mentally.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

I think this month is going to be expensive - taxes :(
for a couple of reasons we went with Block Advisers and it was rip-off. DH did not want to do taxes ourselves, but for $800 even he will reconsider next year. Utterly disgusted by such a waste, but sometimes it's not worth the fight :'(

Only $20 left in the food budget till $240 - not sure if we'll make it, there were a couple of bigger restock shops this month.

Doing okay on the other budget items, but I got a coupe of activity vouchers for June, so it'll show up in the April spend.

Not doing too well on the introduction of burpees as regular exercise this month. Only did them 4 times so far.
Plan to do 4 more this month. Guitar playing did not start either. I think I learned my lesson - introduce one additional habit making activity at a time. Otherwise they all end up in the "too hard" basket.

Been reading other ppl's thoughts on post-career time and I am becoming more and more convinced that preparation is required. In terms of building good routines of things/activities I enjoy doing and find valuable. And this is best done prior to stopping full time career-like work.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by ertyu »

as someone who also has had trouble incorporating Wholesome Activities into life, looking forward to seeing if the one-at-a-time approach ends up working better. Strength :muscle:

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

Thank you for the encouragement, @ertyu
Surprisingly, it helped!

Did my 40 burpees today, and actually felt pretty good. Could have probably done more, but I'm restraining myself to not overdo it (happened at the beginning of the month, and I had to work up the motivation to do another set for over 2 weeks).

Also went for a nice little hike at the foothills, discovered a few new trails. They are pretty short, like baby trails of 0.7 mi, 1.7 mi, but still something new to me. I have a list going where I'd like to hike 100 new (to me) trails this year. There are tons in the 30mi radius from where I live. Today's hike puts me back on track :)
It's just so beautiful around here. I want to make sure that if we ever move again, I won't have the regrets of not exploring the area like I did with MN.

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April 2021 spend update

Post by not sure »

Income 7389
Total expenses 3022
% of income 41%

Rent 995
Food 249
Auto 99
Bills 135
Shopping 119
Activities 174
Sub-total 1771
% of income 24%

Gifts+Donations 1251

Did not add the tax prep $800 because it will be a wash once we get the tax refund

Not as bad on food as I thought, I think the current strategy is working. We eat very little meat, I think the numbers would be higher if we did.

Re-discovered one of our favourite cheap protein-containing vegetarian recipes this month.

Easy pasta with "satay" sauce:

Boil pasta such as macaroni without salt, drain.
In a large pan, fry up chopped onion and carrots in a Tbsp of oil until just turning soft. I do half to one onion and 3-4 carrots for a half box of pasta but ratios are personal and very approximate.
Add 2-4 Tbsp of peanut butter to any high-walled container (I use measuring Purex 2-cup one)
Add ~1 Tbsp soy sauce (to taste, depends how salty you like your food and what soy sauce you have!).
Add hot water (gradually) mixing well. It will take time for peanut butter to mix in with the water. I keep stirring with a fork.
I like this sauce to be somewhat runny as it thickens in the pan, but it's up to you.

Add pasta and sauce to the pan.
Mix well, cook on slow heat for another 1-2 min.If it becomes too thick, stir in some hot water.

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Apr 2021 Habits Update

Post by not sure »

So, as part of this path to be less dependent on the primary career, I'am trying to build a set of good (for me) habits.
The thought is: if I fill life with skills/habits I want to accomplish, it will lead to becoming the person I want to be.
I want to be someone who is intentional about being active and fit, growing spiritually and personally, intentional about spending time with people I care about.
The last few months I've been working on being more active and fit.

So, since the last update:
I walked 2.9 mi on average, daily.
Days walked: 31/33. The two days I did not walk, I skied.
Went skiing 3 times.
I often went for at least 2 short walks, since I want to be more active during the day, as well, not just in the evening.
This is a small improvement over the last month.
For May, I'd like to introduce a jog once or twice a week

Stretching: 29/33.
Slacked off a few days :(
For May, I'd like to keep stretching at least 90% of the time

Proper eating: continues to be a battle
I've been grading my eating habits as:
Excellent 36%
OK eating 48%
So-so 12%
Snacked horribly 3%

For May, I'd like to bring excellent to 50% and eliminate the "snacked horribly". Tactics: being active during work breaks, like doing stretching, walks or burpees.

I planned to do them every other day during April, but did only 7 times. A few of those days I did not do them I had either problems with feet or otherwise sick, but still, much room for improvement. I keep forgetting to motivate myself that I am doing them to get in shape, to look good, to be fit to do other things. Need to remember the motivation!

For May, do 40 burpees every other day

On top of these, I am reading books, volunteering with a couple of prof organisations and trying to learn the new job. So keep improving at these will be the goal for May 2021

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mid-month musings

Post by not sure »

May is a strange month. My birthday is in May which usually prompts self-reflection and some sort of evaluation. May 2021 is no different.

1.Realising that everything is dust and I am building up treasures on earth rather than in heaven.

2.Committing to do more of the latter and not focus so hard core on the former.

3.Setting up more charitable contributions, which get filled by an unexpected stimulus payment..

4.Taking on more volunteer work with the aim/hope to make a small difference in people's lives, not just my immediate family.

5.Digging deeper into spiritual disciplines - prayer, meditation, memorising the Bible. Still feels like I am just scratching the surface but recent focus and consistency bring joy.

6.Deciding to do a bit more local traveling.

7.Going on a 3-day trip to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. It was so worth it.

8.Immediately upon coming back booking another trip to a place I've been meaning to visit for years: Santa Fe during the Indian Market weekend.

9.Making plans for cheaper travel, i.e. to set up my car so that I can sleep in it, if need be. Sounds like it may be a neat little project. Nothing crazy, just a place to put a bed roll, store water, food and a few possessions, possibly have an emergency bucket.

10.Realizing that budget went out the window with these travel plans, but feeling surprisingly content about it.

11.Failing at exercise routine. Not sure how to go around it & motivate myself better. The only times I felt I aced it is when I had something forcing me to do it, like having to walk/bike to work in the absence of a car. Here, we live too far from my office to consider this.

12.Oddly considering a no refined sugar challenge. Hmmm, I read that it's good for the stomach lining, blood sugar homeostasis, probably lots of other things. Maybe I'll try that until the end of the month, with the exception of when guests bring a dessert...

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TVP Lasagna

Post by not sure »

TVP Lasagna. Cheap and Yummy
Amounts from memory, so not very exact. Also, each cook's preference is different

~1.5 cup of TVP (textured vegetable protein) made of soy, some supermarkets have it, e.g. Natural Grocers, also online. Surprisingly cheap: I got a packet under $4 and it holds enough for at least 4 dishes of lasagna.
Lasagna sheets 1 packet (I use ready to cook ones, no boiling required)
1-1.5 large container of tomato or marinara sauce, such as Prego. When making the dish for the first time, have back-up as you'll probably use different amounts that I.
1-2 carrots, chopped finely
1 large onion, chopped finely
1 packet of spinach, either fresh or frozen
1 packet of cream cheese
Soy sauce (I use instead of salt)
Worcester sauce
Garlic powder, Italian herbs, oil for frying
Grated Mozzarella cheese - 1-3 cups, depending on how cheesy you like your lasagna.
Can add some cottage cheese or ricotta if available.

Lasagna will have 3 layers:
TVP, Spinach, TVP

1. Prepare TVP filling
Fry up chopped onion in ~2 Tbsp oil until starting to smell nicely and go translucent. Can set some aside to add to the spinach layer
Add chopped carrots, fry up until starting to get soft.
Add dry TVP, toss to cover with veggie flavour, fry up a bit
Add soy and Worcester sauce to taste.
Add hot water to just soak the TVP
Add some Prego tomato/marinara sauce.
Cook for another 2-3 min, then let sit for 10 min to soak the TVP. Amounts of water and marinara sauce are judged by taste & frugality here.
Taste again. Can add more Worcester sauce, black pepper, anything else to flavour. Set aside.

2. Prepare Spinach filling
In a large frying pan (I use the same one as for TVP, just briefly rinsed) briefly cook spinach until just wilted. If using fresh spinach, roughly chop the leaves - it'll be easier to handle. Can add that set aside onion at this stage. Flavor with Italian herbs and garlic to taste. Can also add a dash of white wine here if available :). Turn off the heat
In a bowl, break up the cream cheese. If using ricotta or cottage cheese to supplement, mix them together with cream cheese. Can add a little juice from spinach to facilitate. This is the hardest part and I often use a soup whiz mixer for this, but a fork will work, as well.
Add wilted spinach, mix well. Sometimes I add chopped green beans to spinach if I want a variety of greens.

3. Assemble lasagna
Take an oven dish. I use two square ones or one 9x13.
Oil it lightly, spread half a cup of tomato sauce on the bottom (just enough to cover)
Add a layer of lasagna sheets
Spread a layer of TVP filling
Sprinkle with Mozzarella cheese
Add a layer of lasagna sheets
Spread a layer of Spinach filling. Can add more Mozzarella here but I don't
Add a layer of lasagna sheets
Spread a layer of TVP filling
Sprinkle with Mozzarella cheese
Add final layer of lasagna sheets
Spread another half-cup of tomato sauce or however much is needed to cover the sheets.
Sprinkle with cheese.
(At this stage the dish can be frozen for later. Since I make it in 2 dishes, I pop one in the freezer and one in the oven)
Cover with foil and bake at ~350 F for at least an hour. Depending on the size of the dish, may be 1h 15 min
For the last 5 min can take the foil off (of not).

Take out of the oven and let rest for 15 min.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

A couple of positive things happened:
1. Got confirmation that we can renew our apartment rental at the same price for another year, so no inflation there and we won't be moving. A huge blessing!
2. Found out that my work 401k offers Roth 401k and after-tax contributions. In addition, those after tax contributions can be converted to Roth in-plan (read: automatically). It was really easy to set up, so I look forward to socking away more $ into Roth
3. Found some mushrooms during my evening walk yesterday. Looked like regular white button and portobello. We had some showers in the last few days, so it's not surprising they are popping up. Did not expect to find them on ppl's front lawns though. Will probably cook 'em.

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May 2021 update

Post by not sure »

Income 11,634
Total expenses 3,787
% of income 33%

Rent 995
Food 240
Auto 151
Bills 124
Shopping 124
Activities 203
Sub-total 1,837
% of income 16%

Gifts+Donations 1,950

Total NW: 255k

Income and expenses both higher this month. Income due to corona stimulus payment and an extra pay check. Expenses due to more giving, travel and a slightly relaxed misc spending category: bought wine and a couple of stationary/supplies purchases.

Overall, doing well. Hope next month will go back to normal spending without any intervention.

Not as good. I've gotten lax at logging the progress and it slipped.
- still ok on the daily walking,
- had a bit of a break in stretching for a week, just coz. Getting back to it now
- did burpees 8 times (~20 at a a time)
- jogged twice. would like to do more
- been doing better at eating, but slacked when it came to tracking it

Not setting any targets for June, just coz

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

oh, and, I ate those mushrooms. Looked them up and they were Agaricus sp., probably field or meadow mushroom

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

My plants survived 4 days without water in this heat (90+ F)
Per mom's suggestion I made small holes in the bottom of bulk plastic containers from M&Ms and strategically placed them in-between rows of my salad, spring onion, and parsley seedlings. Filled with water just before leaving on vacation. I reckon at the rate the water was seeping out, it won me a whole day of slow watering..

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

Been reading a bit on intermittent fasting/restricting calorie intake for health benefits.
Tried it last Monday (last food ~ 3:30 pm, next day's breakfast ~6:30 am) and it went surprisingly well.
I was a bit hungry, but it was manageable. So planning to do another one today aiming for 12-15 hours of no food.
If all goes well, I can see myself adopting this 1-2 times a week.

One way to reduce healthcare costs in the future is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. No guarantees, of course, but methinks it can't hurt and the benefits may be substantial.

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