7Wannabe5- Take 6

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by ertyu »

Sounds like an awesome idea. I was in Ann Arbor for a week once in a past life, and the university and the cafes around it are so wonderful. Please spend an afternoon in a student cafe for my sake : )

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Will do!

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Biscuits and Gravy »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:00 pm
Maybe INTP? Upside would be that I would likely quickly concede he was smarter. Downside would be I hear tell they tend towards asexual.
Hey, whoa. As an INTP “seeing” an INTP, I gotta say that what you hear tell couldn’t be further from the truth. ;) Unless it’s as Alphaville says and putting people in acronym boxes doesn’t always work out.

Wishing you speedy recovery and that you please continue this stream of consciousness posting.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@Biscuits and Gravy:

I’m sure you are right. I took a brief course on human sexuality and the first thing I learned was that factor analysis will very quickly spin out a unique sexual identity for each resident of the planet. E/I, N/S, T/F, P/J X M/F, H/S, D/S, M/P etc etc etc. It’s just fun to play with models.

I just skimmed an article on the topic and it said that the secret ENTP motto is “the kinkier the better” and I don’t really think that is true. ENTPs like novelty and variety. Super kinky people just like their own particular kink. For instance, I am so done with men who are fixated on threesomes. Serious downside of polyamory is running into too much of this.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

More Fretting About My Health

After being released from the hospital, where they had me in IV dexamethasone and inhaled albuterol , which managed to knock my asthma down from severe to 94% blood oxygenation level, but still some wheezing, I am at home on albuterol and symbicort inhaled steroid and oral dexamethasone, and I still woke up at 2:30 in the morning wheezing.

I am in a clean modern apartment and I can’t detect myself reacting to anything in particular, but my eyes are also very itchy with what seems like a flare up of rosacea.

According to the reading materials provided with the dexamethasone and what I can make of the lab reports streaming into my health app, my immune system has effectively been knocked down to zero in attempt to break this cycle of inflammation. So, it seems like there is not much more that can be done, and I am already shaking like a small mammal on this dosage. And, of course, the fact that my immune reaction has been knocked out leaves me much more vulnerable to infections including Covid, and this will remain true for a while even after I stop taking the steroid.

The only thing that cheers me up is that both things that have gone terribly wrong with me this year (severe asthma and severe anal fissure) are things that could have as easily gone terribly wrong with me when I was 5 rather than 55. But, still I feel like the current state of my body is like a classic ecology book example of what happens just before a polluted pond dies.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Alphaville »

ayayay... i am so sorry!

i don’t know what to offer here. words do little.

but in desperate times, i try to meditate.

ymmv of course.

but just being in the present moment without anxiety or regret has been a relief for me in times of great pain.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Too shaky jacked up to meditate. Just ordered a bunch of kombucha and chocolate. That will have to do. My distress is more rational observer than emotional internal, so journaling should help.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by zarathustra »

I am so sorry you are in this situation!

Because I am a nutritional therapy hammer, I am going to do that annoying thing and give you advice you didn't ask for. I am going to tell you to make chicken broth. You know; Jewish penicillin. I don't mean the long bone broth, but the good short 3-5 hour meat stock with chicken feet and all. Drink that all day. Make soups from it. Completely avoid legumes, grains, and sugar (of course). Meat, fat, well-cooked veggies and lots of fermented foods.

The reason I am focusing on digestive-healing is that, as you probably know, most of our immune system exists around our digestive tract and we are learning that much of our immune function is heavily influenced and even dictated by our gut microbiome. If you can calm those suckers down and feed the beneficial ones what they need, you will set yourself up for the greatest likelihood of success.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Thanks for the advice. I am already trying. Even though The Cowboy kind of hates me now he made me a big batch of chicken broth with basil and cayenne yesterday. I can’t take myself off the sugar completely, because I am weak and a bit manic, but the Internet said the apple kombucha I ordered is supposed to be good for lung inflammation.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by CS »

Oh,7WB5, so sorry you are dealing with severe asthma. It is terrifying.

One thing that has helped me the few times it got really bad was knowing that 4 am is pretty much the worst time. Hormone levels in the body drop and the asthma ramps up. It also sounds like allergens can cause the 1-3 am attacks. So what I did was try to get sleep during the day if possible and plan on drinking coffee once my body woke me up, even if it was at 3 am. Coffee helps my asthma a lot.

The modern apartment might be working against you. Most of them have terrible building materials and a lot of formaldehyde and other off-gassing. If there is any carpet, or newer cabinetry, try to keep a window cracked if you can. Ditto for things old enough to have mold (or prior water damage which can sometimes be given away by warps in the wall).

(hugs) and hopes for better breathing.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Thanks for the early wake coffee advice. That make sense for me too. I really can’t sense anything off in the apartment and I wasn’t much different in the hospital. My new theory is that climate change is to blame, because the unseasonably warm weather is cooking up some novel autumnal mold spores or something. It’s supposed to cool down tomorrow, so maybe that will help.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Alphaville »

random question for you: should you needwant a gig, say, for the hell of it, in ann arbor— would apply for one as a part-time librarian?

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Possible, but I am extremely over-qualified and also known entity in very small world of book dealers. My sister and I were almost unrivaled as a scouting team in the tri-state area. All the other dealers were like “Oh, fuck.” when they saw us arrive at a sale or auction. I was also being primped to run one of the headquarters Borders stores back in the day. Library aide is way too much same thing rendered snoozy and blah. Writing my novel is what I am doing now to keep that part of my identity activated.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Alphaville »

no i mean for rental/mortgage monies. the part-time would be for semi-ere.

there’s something to be said for a gubmint job you can do with minimal effort (provided it doesn’ take up too much time and induces boredom). might even land health bennies + a state pension.

and no chance to relaunch the book pirate business? (i know times have changed) sounds quite thrilling!

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Also, I love Ann Arbor. It’s one of my safe places. Any time I am in a strange locale and I want a safe place, I will visit the library. And Ann Arbor is kind of like one big library in giving me that safe feeling.

However, it is also the case that I lived or worked there majority of my life from age 19, experienced two failed marriages, births, deaths, ordinary disasters and similar there, and sometimes I feel like an old woman walking those streets that are so heavy with memories.


I have already adopted substitute teaching as my highly flexible, part-time/temp gubmint job. Pays better than the library and much more flexible/varied.

I am constantly tempted to restart the book business, but there are at least a few good reasons why I don’t. Number one likely being that it’s not really worth doing below carrying a 10,000 book inventory, and that’s more than part-time unless I take on helper which brings its own hassle.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Alphaville »

you love it and everyone needs a safe home base, so why not there? ann arbor studio apt with garden privileges or something? tiny house in fenced lot?

it’s a nice town with a nice history (in music anyway). educated population, cultural resources...

plus perhaps a good home for your booktopia?

and close to good healthcare which you need. i wouldn’t risk a rural outpost

i’m just throwing you wild ideas like spaghetti to see if one sticks.

(i thought you hated being a sub which is why i said library)

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

When I was tracking my daily happiness levels based on activities a few years ago, I determined that I do like substitute teaching, if and only if, I only do it maximum 2 days/week and those two days aren’t in a row. I have now learned from recent experience that I hate teaching full-time. As a very part-time gig, it has very good benefit of quickly involving me in local community. Also, working with very young children (under 7) has always been another one of my things. I was running my own babysitting business at age 12. And I also like teaching advanced topics to young adults in 11th/12th grade. So, it’s like two almost entirely different jobs provided by the same employer. I can fingerprint with the babies one day, and then try to remember some calculus a couple days later. I just have to be very strong in resisting the calls I constantly get asking me to work more than I like or teach the terrible tweens.

And, as I noted previously, Ann Arbor is pretty damn expensive. No way I could do solo studio with garden privileges for 1Jacob.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Alphaville »

but “1 jacob” assumes paid off house. no?

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

In the case of Jacob himself currently, it does include paid off house. It did not include paid off house in the case of Jacob formerly or in the general rule of thumb as I understand it.

Anyways, moot, because I certainly don’t have enough funds to pay cash for anything resembling a house in Ann Arbor. Maybe I could get on the long waiting list for subsidized senior housing since I am 55, but that seems like a bit of a cheat. I could possibly find some kind of house share after Covid risk abates, but it gets kind of weird doing that at my age.

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Re: 7Wannabe5- Take 6

Post by Alphaville »

i thought it meant post-dwelling. or in his former dorm (you don’t want a dorm you said),

cheating: not really

so what about gentrifying detroit then?

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