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Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:40 am
by Hazel-is-ok
I do think there are quite a few introverts on this site . . . And the extroverts tend to be of the Intuitive-Thinking variety (E-N-T-X) which I think makes them natural friends of many I-N-T introverts like myself.
Thanks @Trailblazer. Interesting. I hadn't seen that post by Jacob before.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:50 pm
by trailblazer
Random update time . . . With the dawning of a new decade (2020!) I’ve been pondering where I want to be 10 years from now when we welcome 2030. Now that I’ve entered my 40s (age wise) it feels like this is the make or break decade in my life.

I have three main goals: 1) vocation; 2) relationship - “personal”; and 3) relationship - “friendship”.

When we enter 2030, at which point I will have also entered the early 50s, where do I want to be?

1 - in terms of “vocation” I want to feel like I have settled on a purposeful path . . . This doesn’t have to be paid employment. ERE had taught me that loud and clear. But I feel like I have done so many random things career-wise, it would be nice to land on some sort of life path where I am generally putting my strengths to use. That said, I would also like to wake up on my 50th birthday having hit $1 million net worth. I’ve invested enough in building my professional career/resume that I feel like I can hit that without too much straining (and with lots of time off to travel etc. along the way).

2 - relationship wise I want to wake up on my 50th birthday and feel “complete” . . . At the risk of sounding hokey what I mean is I want to feel like there is some combination of personal relationships/friendships where I feel like I’ve hit the mark in terms of being a part of the human race.

I’m optimistic - I’m gradually building solid professional and personal relationships, but there is lots of room for improvement. For the next 10 years I want to give it all I’ve got.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:36 pm
by trailblazer
Net worth again sits in the mid 300K range, though it reached a peak of 485K before dropping to 205 and then recovering (somewhat) over the past 6 weeks. I remain 100% in equity for now.

My current lease recently ended so I’m currently traveling and working on projects remotely. Plan to do that for the time being. Taking advantage of various cheap domestic travel opportunities that have arisen as the world quarantines. My preference is to do some international travel once that opens up.

Goal is for earned income (cash flow from ongoing work projects) to fund daily life. As for my nest egg, I’ve switched from less of a deep value approach to more of a trend following approach.

Feeling pretty optimistic about the future - glad to be on the road again as opposed to being stuck in an expensive SF apartment.

As always, priorities remain better fitness, better social, life and just enough ongoing cash flow to make ends meet.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:31 pm
by classical_Liberal
Hey Trailblazer!

Good to see an update from you. Sounds like the semi-RE thing is still treating you well.

I'm on a domestic road trip right now, it seems the only places with a ton of restrictions are the more liberal leaning(evidently this has become a red/blue thing now?), large urban centers. Smaller cities and the South/Midwest are mostly opened back up with the new normal of cautious behavior. Tons still to do this summer, particularly if your into camping or hiking in more rural areas.

You still working with the start up? or something different now? Heading back to the HCOL land after this travel or trying a new home base?

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 6:15 pm
by trailblazer
Hi c_L - nothing like a US road trip.

You are right about things opening up. About 90 minutes outside of SF I stopped for my first restroom break. I was still in an urban area (this was several weeks ago) and the first 3 or 4 restrooms I tried were all closed (gas station, fast food restaurant, rest stop) because of virus. I thought “maybe this road trip is a bad idea.” But things quickly opened up as I left the metro area. We now seem to be past the insanity of stores roping off “non-essential” sections (like socks, which I needed or gardening supplies), but allowing things like liquor sales (not that I’m complaining about that).

Travel prices are great for this time of year. (I got a fantastic monthly rental car deal.)

My immediate plan is to continue exploring some spots in the US I’ve never been (fill the gaps of my geographic knowledge). Then maybe some overseas travel, depending on timing.

Long term I still want to be based in a major city - I prefer major cities with zero need for a car - but I’m not willing to work a traditional full time job to fund it. One compromise I’m thinking of might be more mid-tier cities with condensed urban areas and lower COL (a number of European cities come to mind). Or rotate time between extremely low COL and very high COL as professional opportunities pop up. I could live cheaply in HCOL (eg, shared bathroom/hostel style) and have nicer apartment in LCOL area. All this should only get easier as more people go nomadic/remote.

Work-wise I’ve realized I can pretty easily average 5-7K/month doing very part-time work, albeit the work is somewhat routine and very much in line with my traditional professional work. For now I’m still working with the startup guys on some different things, but my actual tasks are very traditional in nature so it doesn’t feel all that entrepreneurial. But it’s paying the bills with minimal effort and still allowing some hope in future equity (however unlikely). Also keeps the professional network alive. Long story short, it’s basically a job and given the current dynamic of the team, I don’t see it going much beyond that. I could find similar opportunities or do more work with these guys to hit a full time income, but I have zero motivation to do so.

That said, I still very much want to do something bold and interesting. I feel like at present I’m in a consolidation pattern. I’m doing a ton of reading, trying to keep connected with professional colleagues, and focusing on fitness (always something I feel I’m lacking and it hurts self confidence). A couple months ago I talked to a former colleague I admire and he is in a similar boat - he said “let’s just keep pushing forward and be ready for when the idea strikes.”

Several years ago I saw a book title that was something like “I Could Do Anything . . . If Only I Knew What It Was.” The book was quite poor so don’t waste time finding it, but the title perfectly sums me up.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:15 pm
by trailblazer
Pretty much retired for the moment.

Lots of time reading and walking. Averaged 80k steps a week for the last two months - want to get that to about 100K.

Doing a series of long-term stays in hotels and Airbnb - booking a month at a time and so far have been able to get some decent deals by picking US cities slowed down by COVID.

Net worth at 450K. Peaked at 485 pre-covid, dropped to 205k but now has come largely back. Currently 10 percent cash, rest individual stocks and ether.

Goal is to spend next 6 months prioritizing physical fitness - my weakness. Also watching a lot of movies - not really my thing but have been getting into it lately - have now seen about 100 films on a list of the "greatest 1000 films" ... 0films.htm

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:47 pm
by classical_Liberal
Good to see an update! Any place that sticks out in your US travels this round? Are you still consulting for the start-up guys, or just chill'en with your DVD player?

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:02 pm
by SomewhereInTime
I read through your journal a couple of days ago. I like your approach to early retirement. Taking time off to read and travel then jumping on new interesting opportunities is really cool.

That's a great list of movies. Out of the first 100 I would recommend Blade Runner (great book also), Stalker (movie is better than book), and Blue Velvet (brilliant film noir).

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:23 pm
by trailblazer
I'm fully retired again. After a bit of part time work this Fall I've decided to pull the plug on any sort of formal professional work unless a truly compelling opportunity comes along. The value of my time is just too great. I want 100% freedom to spend the day as seems best. Tons of reading and walking for now.

Net worth has passed the $500K mark. I was super aggressive at the COVID market bottom after dipping down to just over $200K. I'm still invested aggressively, but I have tight stop losses in place and would prefer to maintain the $500K amount going forward. I'd like this amount to last about 25 years. At that point social security and some (very) modest but highly certain inheritance will kick in.

In terms of spending, I'm planning on fluctuating between 1) budget travel, 2) more expensive travel, and 3) staying put in one LCOL domestic location. I'll fluctuate among the three depending on how investments perform and general life circumstances develop. I'd consider some sort of full-time professional gig, but it would have to feel very natural and compelling.

@SomewhereInTime - I've continued working my way through the list of films. Have about 600 to go! Still need to watch Stalker and Blue Velvet. Blade Runner not quite my favorite type of film, but I see why it's so high on the list. (BTW, highly recommend the Criterion Channel ($99/year) for tons of great content - both classic films and international surprises)

@C_L - more and more I'm liking warmer loctations. SOCAL/AZ. Also really liked the upper midwest/South Dakota during summer.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:44 pm
by classical_Liberal

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:02 pm
by trailblazer
Thanks c_L - that would be fun. I'll reach out when I'm in your neck of the woods.

The reality is that the best way for me to quickly earn money is to keep plugging away at my prior career. Even in a more "start up" environment, it's still a slog. I've had a few projects in a row where I've vowed "never again!" . . .

Like I've said before, I'd be shocked if I never again earn money. But for now, I've had enough exposure to total freedom to realize that it is very frustrating to not have full freedom each day when I feel like I generally have enough funds to not be working. I also think that left to my own devices I will ultimately come up with a vastly better (and more profitable) way of life. It's just a hunch but I want to give it a shot.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:48 am
by 2Birds1Stone
trailblazer wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:23 pm
In terms of spending, I'm planning on fluctuating between 1) budget travel, 2) more expensive travel, and 3) staying put in one LCOL domestic location. I'll fluctuate among the three depending on how investments perform and general life circumstances develop.
Hey trailblazer, how are things going with your plan? Things have opened up greatly since your last update and old friends want to check up on you :)

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:10 pm
by trailblazer

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:40 pm
by trailblazer
Random quick update

Back in the US after several months in Europe - glad I went when I did as several of the countries are starting to lock down

Now doing a very slow travel road trip. Spending most my time reading (or now a days, mostly listening to podcasts and audible). Also a few early business ideas with a couple of friends/family I'm exploring.

Feel good financially. Net worth up 30% over last year despite being pretty free with spending and no real income to speak of. Currently sitting in large cash position but trading in and out of market regularly. I've become very focused on managing downside and letting upside then take care of itself. I like the idea of trying to earn 1% return per month (so 12 per year) and each month essentially spending 1 percent of my net worth. But goal #1 is to not lose. If I can maintain what I have it will be plenty.

Applied for a few normal corporate type jobs just to benchmark where I currently fall in the marketplace. 2 key learnings - 1) I am still employable and 2) thought of going back to work was dreadful. I've now given the headhunter I'm working with a super idealistic list of criteria - curious what they might find but it would take a lot for me to go back.

I was originally attracted to the ERE concept more than 10 years ago. I've realized lately that I've lost site of the notion of carving my own path and am still trying pretty hard to find enough "successes" that carry traditional markings of approval. Challenging myself in coming months to double down on being me and diving deep into my personal rabbit hole of skills and interests.

Would like to get just a bit more of a sense of community interaction so still looking for a partial year home base.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:29 pm
by Western Red Cedar
Thanks for continuing to update this journal. I just read it start to finish over a couple of days last week. It is fascinating to follow these journeys over multiple years. You seem to have found a nice balance between periods of work and time off for learning, travel, and personal development.

Your approach to FI in the first few years of your journal corresponds pretty closely with my own - leaving a bit early after saving up a nice stash and cutting expenses through creative living. It was fascinating to read about your return to work. It was a nice reminder of some of the benefits I currently have with my career, such as collaboration with smart/driven professionals and the challenge of working on long-term projects that are bigger than myself.

I hope you keep writing and update the ERE community periodically. I'm curious to hear more about the ongoing attempt to carve your own path and your efforts to refrain from the traditional vision of success.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 11:33 am
by trailblazer
Western Red Cedar wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:29 pm
I hope you keep writing and update the ERE community periodically. I'm curious to hear more about the ongoing attempt to carve your own path and your efforts to refrain from the traditional vision of success.
Thanks Western Red!

A few more months of life have gone by so time for an update.

Nomadic Drifter

For some time now - especially since covid started - I've more or less been nomadic - for example: planting myself in one city for a month or two, ongoing road trips, travel in Europe. I had a friend recently say "you are at 100% on the freedom scale" so I took that as a sign I was doing it right (this person is ERE-compatible and happens to be at least 90% on the freedom scale)


I'm infinitely better at this than I was even a few years ago, but still a priority to build both a stronger social foundation and ongoing social flow (and ultimately feel part of a "community" of some sort) despite a life of 100% nomadic drifting. On January 1 I made it my goal to have at least one meaningful social interaction per day outside of family (for introverts that is a big goal!). Now on May 1 I have so far succeeded:

- I spent the first few months of the year living with a couple of friends/roommates in a new city. This upped social interaction significantly and also was very cost effective. I had a lot of fun and would never have done this a few years ago.
- Multiple extended road trips/destination trips with friends
- Making sure I'm at least sort of holding my own in keeping in though with remote friends


Working with a couple of friends on launching a startup. Increasingly taking more and more of my time but so far I've managed to do it all nomadically and not working too hard. Should know soon how much traction we can realistically get, and I'll happily work huge hours for a while if things get promising.

Otherwise living off investments - I've been withdrawing 1% per month of my net worth and spending that. Last few weeks in market have been brutal of course, but overall the pot has grown modestly the last year or so.


Always been a huge reader but I'm rapidly drifting to podcasts + audible content. Focused more and more on re-reading (or listening to) core books. Most books don't come close to holding up on a re-read, but when you find a few that exemplify what you want to be in life, repeated reading starts to compound. I've had the mid-life crisis realization that I can only read so many things and getting more and more focused on repeated quality (mostly) mixed with a dose of random erudition.

Next Few Months

I'm not exactly sure my next steps geographically, which is perhaps why I felt motivated to write this today. I'm dropping a friend off at the airport tomorrow and then have no concrete travel plans. Have had a great time recently so a bit blue that the time is ending. Will probably default to parking in one spot for at least a few weeks to work and/or some random exploring of a couple national parks I want to visit.

Otherwise continue to focus on the start-up, get more refocused on physical health (I want to do a lot of hiking) and wait for insight - "Illumination when it comes will probably come from some unexpected source" - Robertson Davies

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:31 pm
by loutfard
I'd be very happy to read further updates from you. Do keep us in the loop!

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:25 pm
by trailblazer
2022 was a pretty extroverted year - spent quite a bit of time travelling (bouncing around Europe and Mexico on the bus with a few US road trips). Also spent a good chunk of the year sharing a rental house with a few good friends and enjoyed that.

2023 was quieter - spent most of the year in my hometown helping aged parent with health issues and just reading and general meandering around the area. Was great for low expense living but not for physical fitness or isolation.

In December 23 I took off for Asia and goal is to spend 2024 doing low cost slow travel around the world. Already feeling the benefit of walking more outside and generally being mobile.

Goal for 2024 is to base traveling on the Chris Arnade approach - slow, lots of walking, don't be afraid of public transit or eating at whatever the local version of McDonald's is - his substack (one of the very few I pay for) and X account some of my best finds of 2023.

I think the last few years I basically had my midlife crisis, perhaps accelerated by seeing family pass away. I think I'm on the other side of it now.

More and more I think "my life situation is good enough." I'm going to work on some habits I know I want to improve - in many ways my life is anything but optimized - and generally do my best to interact positively with others. That's about all I can do.

Misc. Ramblings/Rantings:

I've always had a soft spot for the career advice / hustle porn type gurus and Twitter accounts - ideal life would be 50% that and 50% ERE (or maybe a 90% ERE barbell). But last few years I think I've had a good mindset shift. More and more my reaction to the hustle stuff is meh - that's just not me or what I'm made for.

So much of that mentality seems driven by insecurity/scarcity - so many people are genuinely afraid they won't be the greatest or whatever. Or they won't have the absolutely optimized life. The message seems to have morphed lately from a desire to have a prosperous life/work life balance to something more fearful.

For some reason tiktok has pushed me lots of videos of students revealing their college admission results. It's insane what kids pack into the first 17 years of life (all to get into USC and wait listed at Cornell :)) And it then continues to go into overdrive: the messages gen z/millennials are told about what constitutes success after college: family, career finances etc. All must be optimized and hacked with a grindset mentality, but also must be thoroughly experienced and appreciated. And you must have everything - family, career, fitness, pleasure, money.


Net Worth holding up ok. I'm getting more mature in my trading decisions and patience. And a better filter about which experts to ignore and who to listen to. If I needed money at some point I think more and more i'd just work at a grocery store. I can't imagine doing the corporate hustle ever again. (The total loss of daily free time for one thing.)

In general, perhaps the one thing I think I've gotten much better at the last 5 years is how to filter - books, social media, time, almost everything.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:13 am
by trailblazer
Random anecdote from SE Asia. I really wanted sushi after seeing it several times so went to a restaurant more expensive than normal. I randomly ordered a few things. They were good but I was definitely just pointing at things and wasnt all that satisfied with what I got.

A local family then came in and quickly ordered. Several exquisite and delicious looking things appeared at their table. Clearly they had optimized sushi ordering. I wish I had ordered THAT. (Though they then spent the entire meal photographing and posting their food and then responding to the posts.) So I guess that's the optimized vs unoptimized life.

Re: Trailblazer's Journal

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:26 pm
by delay
trailblazer wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:13 am
Random anecdote from SE Asia. I really wanted sushi after seeing it several times so went to a restaurant more expensive than normal. I randomly ordered a few things. They were good but I was definitely just pointing at things and wasnt all that satisfied with what I got.
Thanks for your journal! I remember from Japan you could ask the sushi chef to choose for you. The chef gives you sushi in multiple rounds. If there's something you like, they'll give you more of that.

There were sushi restaurants for every class. The working class sushi joint was harder to find, plastic chairs and tables. Yet the food was excellent and cheap.