How do you read books?

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Re: How do you read books?

Post by Solvent »

jacob wrote:I never underline. I find that for paper books, I can approximately remember where in the book I saw something (e.g. upper left page around page 170). Not so with electronic books, so I prefer paper. I suppose I don't need to highlight because I just remember where the ideas were.
I think someone studied this and found it was common (that is, people can generally remember whereabouts in a paper book an idea was, but not so in a screen-read version).

For someone who read a lot as a youth, I actually read very slowly. I think I ought to try to improve that. Also, I have a problem with a 'completist' mindset. I read to the end every book I start, even if I'm not enjoying it. This is a problem, because I end up getting bogged down in books I'm not enjoying and take way too long to finish them and move on. I also tend to read all the footnotes, perhaps because I read a lot of Terry Pratchett as a youngster and his footnotes tended to contain the best jokes.

A few years ago I decided I'd read more non-fiction. Self improvement, you know? But recently I've come to realise that I really enjoy fiction, and moreso than non-fiction. I don't make new year's resolutions, but a 'resolution' that I made recently is to actually read more fiction, because I am finally in a place to admit that this will result in me reading more, in general.

I don't usually take notes when reading books, but I have tried to initiate this for reading blogs, websites, miscellaneous web articles. Not necessarily with the intention of re-reading them, but because the process of writing (handwriting) can aid with the recollection of a phrase or idea later. I read this article, for example, and to me it made complete sense straight away. I took copious handwritten notes during my university studies, and even though I didn't necessarily re-read them I feel sure that it helped me absorb the material.

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Re: How do you read books?

Post by BRUTE »

brute believes the process of re-formulating ideas in order to express them changes how they are represented in the mind. it's also why explaining an idea to someone who doesn't understand it helps the teaching human understand it better.

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Re: How do you read books?

Post by enigmaT120 »

BRUTE wrote:brute believes the process of re-formulating ideas in order to express them changes how they are represented in the mind. it's also why explaining an idea to someone who doesn't understand it helps the teaching human understand it better.
Ugh. Luckily that method of reinforcing/clarifying learning doesn't depend on the person you're trying to teach actually learning the topic as well.

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Re: How do you read books?

Post by BRUTE »

enigma sounds frustrated :) but why try to teach someone who doesn't want to learn?

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Re: How do you read books?

Post by enigmaT120 »

I guess they want to learn, they're just too slow. I usually dislike teaching. But I agree with you that it does help me to learn the topic better.

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Re: How do you read books?

Post by Revan »

I've tried a variety of techniques: reading and notes, reading and underlining and highlighting, and just reading. I never remember why I underlined something in particular or hardly ever look at the notes again. However, I did read this article on note taking in classes. ... nd/361478/
It could be applied to books too. I now read books by itself and maybe write a couple handwritten thoughts about it. No highlights, or underlining or notes.

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