Will AI Replace Most Tech Jobs

Anything to do with the traditional world of get a degree, get a job as well as its alternatives
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Re: Will AI Replace Most Tech Jobs

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Well, given that LLMs if anthropomorphed are more Ne/Ti or Ti/Ne than Ni/Te or Te/NI, I am going to have to go with daylen's take on this. However, this might also imply that instead of utilizing Perspective towards Effectiveness (or vice-versa) towards Total World Domination, the singularity might look more like an unimaginably complex version of Claude Shannon's Ultimate Machine.

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Re: Will AI Replace Most Tech Jobs

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Well, given that LLMs if anthropomorphed are more Ne/Ti or Ti/Ne than Ni/Te or Te/NI, I am going to have to go with daylen's take on this. However, this might also imply that instead of utilizing Perspective towards Effectiveness (or vice-versa) towards Total World Domination, the singularity might look more like an unimaginably complex version of Claude Shannon's Ultimate Machine.

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Re: Will AI Replace Most Tech Jobs

Post by daylen »

think fast, think slow, act fast, act slow

shadowing our trail to light the way

language connects, the world is an oyster

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Re: Will AI Replace Most Tech Jobs

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I want to hear you rap that with Doechii.

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Re: Will AI Replace Most Tech Jobs

Post by Scordatura »

No, though it really depends on your definitions.

These sorts of questions strike me as economics questions masquerading as technical ones. Do humans add value to the field that could be sought after with payment? If yes, they are unlikely to be eliminated. I think humans add economic value to technical domains.

I understand I just answered the question as if you'd asked if ALL technical personnel would be eliminated, which is erroneous of me. But the question seems to lurk at the bottoms of these types of conversations, and I wanted it out of the way.
The Old Man wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2024 10:55 am
I think a lot of white-collar jobs that don't require creative thinking will be prone to elimination by AI. Factories were automated a long time ago and many many jobs were eliminated. The same will now happen in the office.
I might be putting words in your mouth, and sorry if that is the case, but modern factories are less automated than the layperson typically believes. Automation has taken the blame for lowering the number of manufacturing jobs in developed countries, but I would make the case economic incentive has done that, combined with policy. The corporations have shipped the labor intensive jobs where there is cheap labor, the automation has typically been used to increase production and to a small degree to increase safety. I work at a large manufacturing corporation, and you may be surprised to find that they have a mix of automation from auto loading for the CNC lasers to engine lathes with absolutely no automation at all. Not even a digital read out. The company I work at is typical in this regard.

New tools very well may eliminate jobs, but typically there is another job as "new tool user". Comparative advantage is your friend in these scenarios.


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