mountainFrugal Journal

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »


My current Renaissance Capital Stack(s).

Mix. Match. Combine. Remix. Make. Live. Think. Explore.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by sodatrain »

Wow! So much happening since I last read your journal. Huge congrats on finishing the gallery, the soft open, the real open, selling art, seeing forum friends, crushing bike mechanic training certs, etc etc. It's really inspiring to read your journal and it's so helpful to see all the details about how you have arrived at this point! Thank you!!

I've been thinking about starting to assess my various forms of capital as part of a monthly review or something so it was neat to see your previous post about the various forms. This will help me structure how I think about it.

It's also admirable to hear your thoughts and approach to DW and Late DW. Also the trust established between you and DW. Really fantastic stuff. Thank you for sharing that deeply personal information. I've had a dear friend evolve into my partner over the last 7 months and we've had some radical honesty work recently. Super exhausting work, but yikes it's incredible to go thru that and be on the other side. It's opened doors, built trust, confirmed intentions and emotions, and it's really radically powerful for me to feel so deeply seen, understood, accepted, AND loved. If you are feeling that, which it seems you are, I agree with your lucky son of a bitch comment!!

You are a wonderful human full of wisdom. And my brief time with your DW suggests she is too!

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by thef0x »

Pardon my language, that graphic is cool as fuck. Comfort being a strange human resonated and I like that the growth chart is not in the economic capital bucket.

I'm still getting caught up on your journal so I hope to read more about your experience with Zen. Thanks for posting.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by guitarplayer »

I also crossed 500 posts recently, but I am not FI yet, crap! Guess I will have to make up for it with some other wealth, should be easy enough :)

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by sodatrain »

I was sharing your capital image and explaining it to Partner. She asked "how is Atheism capital?".

I could not answer other than try and draw a parallel to Meditation.

I am able to see how meditation is, or the benefits from a meditation practice are valuable like that. You must have parallels for atheism? Would you be comfortable explaining that one more?

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

@thef0x thanks! The growth that matters is emotional if you want to figure out what you want to do after FI. I have only posted a few times about zen as it is really part of my moment to moment attention to reality. I think there are much deeper levels, but they might require giving up other things in order to put in the time towards very long meditation sessions. I have opted for many shorter meditation sessions over the years. This also translates to movement on foot, running, and biking. There is significant overlap with flow in the sensation, but they are distinct things that you are exercising through the practice.

@gp - you have many forms of capital wealth that NW is becoming more irrelevant.

@sodatrain - thank you for the kind words and I am glad it is helpful to you currently. WRT atheism as spiritual capital ... I view atheism as a way of thinking about spiritual experiences. I can both simultaneously know they are figments of my imagination, just like the various gods and dieties in all religions, but that does not mean that I cannot derive personal meaning from experiences that my brain latches onto that tickle many parts of my psyche (for lack of a better term..."mysticism"). I think it is possible to hold a rational atheistic perspective on something and a mystical perspective on something at the same time. The rational part can dismiss it away, but the multi-sensory/integrated "mystical feeling" could have still occurred and it could be memorable. As an example, I took a large dose of psilocybin mushrooms in college. The trees in the park felt like they were protecting me with their underground root/mycelium network. Walking back to my house the warm lights coming out of the houses felt warm. The shitty house I lived in was dark and shades of blue/black. It turned things from good to bad instantly. Do I think the trees were protecting me? No. This experience showed me that the mind contains the duality of the most beautiful and darkest parts of the world for an individual and we are mostly blind to it in our everyday existence. The experience was meaningful and "mystical", but it also has a rationalist explanation that can provide a different perspective.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

We are being awarded a small business development grant that I wrote. With this grant money coming in we are at -$3k net on the entire project (lost rent included). Or to put it more bluntly in $ terms, we completely remodeled and opened an art gallery/classroom/studio for $3000. Broad ERE skillsets for the win (money not the only metric of course!).

Also, taught my first art class this evening to my first two eager students.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by grundomatic »

Congratulations. Very impressive!

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Thank you @grundomatic!

# yakshaving
I had a deep reorg/refine/connection building spring cleaning session on my Obsidian vault today (cough YAKSHAVING cough*). I integrated all of my academic work into my art/adventure/zine work by adding cross links between them (separate vaults for personal and work). I did a partial integration earlier this year, but left most of the connections between the notes and ideas out besides the ones I was actively working on (art studio/business, art learning, zines, Avalanche research projects). I touched all the major category notes and updated them if they had not been worked on in a while with what I would do in the next 20 minutes to get the project going again. Additionally, I added physical and digital book/paper resources prioritized for relevance for each project. I have an overview set of notes for each project and a directory with subdirectories with all the information and actual work on the project. As per usual... this follows the LIVE, MAKE, THINK, EXPLORE structure I have been developing over the last several years.

2024 Goals:

2024-2029 Goals:

So far I have not put up a zero yet for the Skillathon 2024 - although things have not gone completely to my original timing of when everything would get worked on. Plugging along and putting out another zine next month.

Organizational deep house jamZ for WOG notes defragment:

* "Does your physical desk still look like a complete dumpster fire?... "
"Why yes it does! I am SO glad you noticed that I spent 0 time today on it."

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by Western Red Cedar »

Kudos on the grant. That is exciting. It is kind of amazing to see what opportunities unfold for those with initiative, who can write well, and also read the fine print in a contract/grant/tax code, etc...

I'm guessing that the experience of being a "developer" or "small business owner" may also pay some dividends down the road.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Thanks @WRC. All of my grant writing skills, in addition to writing and assembling the grant paperwork, came in handy with this one. Here are a few subtleties in grantsmanship: interpreting websites for eligibility and requirements for what funding call to apply to, talking briefly with grant giving office prior to submitting before wasting time writing, making a one page summary to share with the office to double check, submitting way before the deadline, following-up to make sure that everything was submitted correctly prior to the deadline, etc. In each of these cases we got some good little feedback nuggets that helped make the final application stronger.

Yes. I am sure I will use these other "titles" at some point in the future as credibility for other projects. My hope is that it is for a project that I could not imagine taking on right now.

All this is to say... the world is our ERE oyster! Get out there and do interesting (to you) projects.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

The gallery and classroom are officially open for business as of May 4, 2024. The opening had nearly 100 people come through during the evening and we got a large number of email sign-ups. Each of our classes (oils, watercolor/ink, youth) has at least 1 paying student (Youth class starts next week). 4 more students spread over all the three classes and we will be cashflow positive and more than ramen noodle profitable. Beautiful. Having the gallery open and operating has brought a decent number of tourists in. After doing more research collectors who actually buy art are unlikely to buy from a large group show. It is hard to compare across the artists pieces. We will use group shows sparingly from here on out.

I assembled my personal art studio for $35. I was gravel biking to the studio and on the road coming into town there was a yard sale with a very large drawing table for sale. I slammed on the disc brakes and negotiated the table for $30! I only had $10 on me and no way to carry it so I gave a downpayment and asked DW to bring the van (she was coming to the studio anyway that evening). We also found 4 roller chairs, TV trays, and a plastic storage bin for free. My business partner found me a retro movable lamp for $5.

As mentioned above a few posts ago we got a small business grant that offsets nearly all the cost of the gallery/classroom/studio build. With the grant included in our accounting we spent -$3000 net on this project.

Music inspiration this month is actually a DJ Clay Pigeon. He does a morning radio show called wake and bake out of New Jersey. We listen to the show while we paint fairly frequently. Clay Pigeon is a delightfully weird human with a great taste in music. The show archive (including today's show) can be found here:

I had a travel watercolor kit that I made out of an old mint tin. I upgraded to a larger tin I found that may have housed nail clippers? In the small tin my primary colors for this palette were mixed in with other colors in the same half-pan. In the larger palette, they get their own half-pan along with some shadow colors, black and some grays for doing quick value studies. I also added white gouache if I wanted to mix an opaque color.

This month I started leading art gym on Friday nights. The idea with this is discussions and exercises that artists should be doing to keep up their art muscles. We had a discussion on female abstract painters, did a session on vehicles, and tonight will be landscape thumbnails (landscapitos).

My business partner is teaching me oil painting. So in addition to water color and gouache, I can work with color theory in oils for my DIY MFA in painting.

I finished another E.D.C. sketchbook. I made a display with them advertising my introduction to watercolor and ink class. A few people during the opening asked if I sold the sketchbooks. Or if I would consider selling the art board that they were clipped to as an interactive piece. This was after some children helped themselves to taking a look at the sketchbooks. This started the trend of people flipping through and putting back on another page. After thinking about it more this month I do not think I would try to sell these unless someone specifically asked and had money. The reason is that they are explorations and I would not want the idea of it being sold to influence what I decide to put in there. It would have to be truly incidental. If I could sell scans/prints sure. Alternatively, if I could do a year or so of sketchbooks scan them and then sell them as a lot for some absurd price ($5-6k comes to mind). Money does make everything more complicated!

Painting IS drawing - minor non-original observation

Various exercise stats.

Spring wildflowers are out in mountain meadows! I did a "Botanizing with my Boo" session with DW. Hike slow, ID plants, generally explore an area. 10K total hike.

I started the overhaul on DW's gravel bike in earnest. I was hoping to be done, but had to order some tools for replacing the hub free-body.

My new manager and I went through the motions of doing a performance review. I did everything I said I was going to do although the timing is a bit awkward for "future goal setting" with only 1.5 months on the contract left. Haha. I finished up the last newsletter of the academic year. This newsletter was my last official communications task. The rest were written out and the knowledge transferred to the new full-time comms person.

Taught Introduction Watercolor and Ink for 2 sessions.

I presented my "academic exit" seminar to a mix of in-person and online folks. The talk was titled: "Data Landscapes: Visual Storytelling of California’s Fiery and Frosty Extremes". The talk will blended research findings, illustrations, data visualizations, and field-based journalism to explore the impact of fire and avalanches on California’s ecosystems. This was essentially my failed National Geographic grant where I did back to back ultra-runs through a number of recent burn scars in the surrounding mountains. I brought along some of the zines as visuals in addition to my presentation. Two scientists that I really respect complimented my talk to me and to some colleagues that told me after. An executive director for another institute attended the talk and asked if I was interested in contract work for visual storytelling on a related topic. I sent her a copy of my presentation and my art business contact info. If yes, great. If not, also fine.

I am teaching on Wednesday evenings now so the group trail runs have been on hold. However, one of my friends in that group also has a flexible schedule so we started doing weekly midday runs and hill climbs instead.

Part of being a small business owner in a small community is participating in organizing events for the community. I attended two about building new MTB trails connecting the surrounding towns. This would be awesome if the project actually comes together. Then I could commute on single track. :). Darmera is involved with the local art scene. My business partner and I switch off attending local arts planning meetings. This month's topic was organizing the monthly art walk. We are now on the map.

When I was in the Bay for work I stayed with one of my best friends. We walked around Berkeley looking at all the beautiful native flower gardens and found some fresh Loquats to pick. (non-native, but tart and delicious). We picked up burritos at my favorite burrito shop in the Bay, La Mission, and brought them over to our other friends place. CM has a 2 year old ball of energy who is potty training.

The next day I met up with CM again, gave an impromptu lunch talk to her research group and then we went over to The Compound in Emeryville (between Berkeley and Oakland) where she has art studio space. The Compound is an art/maker space that takes up most of an old industrial building. They have salvaged nice equipment for just about every major form of creation (printing, ceramics, fabric, painting, woodshop, etc.). An inspiration to what we are trying to do at Darmera on a much smaller scale.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by sodatrain »

"commute on singletrack". Dang. That would be fantastic!

Great update. Love the sketches as always. Inspiring progress!

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Thank you @sodatrain!
I tabled at my first zine fest on Saturday. 11-5 pm. I made $110 or ~$82 with fuel, coffee, and burrito costs included. I learned a lot based on patterns and customer interactions. I will be very ready for a larger fest later this year or next year. I learned a lot from my table mate. We chatted and shared tips when there was a lull in the people walking by. I traded zines with a number of other zinesters. This is one of my favorite parts of this community.

Here is a partial list:
- [ ] Position on floor matters a lot
- [ ] small writing in some zines not legible for some folks
- [ ] $5 is too expensive for mini-zines- $4, or 3 for 10
- [ ] $20 upper end for larger format anything or it will not sell
- [ ] email sign-up sheet on table
- [ ] double down on fire and adventure (sadly the ERE/frugality based zines had little interest :( )
- [ ] change name on art and zines
- [ ] Stickers and/or pins as additional merch ($1-3)
- [ ] business cards with art on them work
- [ ] laminated - QR code for payments and user names for payments

Sunday I woke up and it felt like my brain was bashed with a baseball bat with large spikes in it (0 alcohol involved!). Interacting with a lot of very different people for that long was exhausting. It was hard to process it all during, after, and now. This means I will definitely be doing it again because it was hard. HA! Today I have been listening to music in my headphones all day and generally shutting out the world. After drooling on myself for most of yesterday, I finally cleaned up my desk today! Small wins :).

June 3, 2029 - 5 year narrative:
Looking back it is hard to believe how far I have come with the art businesses. My business partner and I have built a thriving community of artists that meet-up, make art, critique, and generally push one another to squeeze that extra 10% out of each piece. We are both still teaching selectively, but have hired a few up and coming artists over the past year to take over the evening classes, organizing the workshops, and generally running the day to day. We hope they will continue to learn the business fundamentals and then go start their own businesses. Business partner and I have been spending most of our time taking repeat clients out for plein air painting. We have earned quite a reputation in this despite and perhaps because of our complimentary styles that focus on art fundamentals. Our classes and workshops fill almost immediately and nearly always have a wait list of eager students. We converted the warehouse/studio space into another classroom space so that we can run classes simultaneously. Business partner and I have moved our studios and personal galleries into another building up the street that we own. We remodeled the upstairs as apartments that more than cover the rent, mortgage, utilities. My business partner and I are splitting the next year half and half for running things and each taking a 6 month art sabbatical. DW and I are going to slow travel in 3 countries in Europe with some shorter trips to see some other museums and natural areas.

On the personal art front I have consistently done a gallery show every summer at Darmera. The most recent, Graphic Watershed III, sold out of every original piece. I have kept with my illustrative style and applied it to landscapes and nature based paintings that tell a story of animals, plants, or humans. These paintings are the base seed ideas and covers of the zines that I still publish quarterly. I am up to issue 20! The ideas have changed a bit each issue, but they all involve nature, adventure, data, writing and art in some combination. Three issues were essentially a graphic novel. This last year I have made enough from subscriptions to pay for an editor and an intern (paid) to help do the initial time consuming design layouts. I have been to a number a zine fests and continue to enjoy this community of makers.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by ertyu »

Amen! Haha. Great future journal entry :)

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