Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

The "other" ERE. Societal aspects of the ERE philosophy. Emergent change-making, scale-effects,...
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Re: Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

Post by daylen »

@Slevin Did you happen to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY8AB1wYOtg ? :)
[The Absurd Logistics of Concert Tours] for whomever interested.

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Re: Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

Post by Jin+Guice »

Bumping this thread.

Also interested in examples of: post-consumer praxis people, post-consumer praxis people interacting, renaissance persons, renaissance persons interacting, novel examples of people with renaissance skills (therapists, business people, etc...), people with renaissance skills interacting.

Show me what you've got.

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Re: Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

Post by AxelHeyst »

I wrote this in the other thread but putting it here. Not real examples, just a couple ideas for what ERE2 could look like:
  • >A half dozen ERE1 folk, via talking on the forum and MMGs, realize they have a shared desire to one day build a completely FOSS weather balloon. And that for the next four months they all have open schedules. And one of the people has access to a workshop/small warehouse space in St. Luis. They all converge there, each contributing different/complementary/somewhat overlapping skills and experiences, and they build their FOSS over the course of eight weeks. Upon completion they all fistbump and disperse back to wherever.
  • >An ERE1 person who owns a block of apartments in an interesting city notices that four units are evacuating at about the same time. The ERE1 landlord/manager lets the ERE1 network know about it and all of a sudden there are a half dozen or so (including partners) ERE1 people living under the same roof but with their own private dwelling units. Hijinks ensue. This could be the next Big Bang Theory. Something similar could happen in a neighborhood, for example, and all of a sudden you've got a fistful of acres owned independently by ERE1 people all running Retrosuburbia projects - and sharing skills, harvests, seeds, building materials, salvage finds, tools, etc.
  • >An ERE1 person has an idea for a journey, a slowtravel, an expedition, and they mentioned they're open to travel partners. Four or ten other ERE1 people say 'sounds cool, I'll join', and all of a sudden there's a rotating caravan of ERE1 pilgrims bikepacking from Vancouver BC to Patagonia (who also meet up with and ride with nonERE1 or ERE1ish people along the way because yo it's a party, but the group maintains a sort of core ERE1-ish vibe and anyone who can hang with that is more than welcome). Along the way they repair a well, build an electric turbine out of junkyard scraps, teach some workshops on personal finance to college students, learn from locals how to filter scum water using old socks and how to dance the zamba, and three book deals come out of the experience.

I think we can even make this argument just using ERE principles. An ERE1 WoG has tensegrity. A properly constructed WoG will not fail due to the removal/death of one or even a few nodes.

Similarly: an ERE2, which is a WoG of WoGs, must also possess tensegrity. One or even several individuals leaving ought not cause the failure of the whole ERE2 shebang. We could even use this as a litmus test: is this group ERE2? Is there any one person that, if they left, the whole thing would fall apart? Well this might not be ERE2.

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Re: Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

AxelHeyst wrote: Is there any one person that, if they left, the whole thing would fall apart?
I think this applies to any communal project or organization with a mission. It will fall apart if there is nobody else who is willing or able to take on the task of leadership. OTOH, it can also happen that if your project is attractive enough, it will attract some individuals whose tendency towards "leadership" is so much stronger than yours, it is taken out of your hands. For example, all 3 of my most recent permaculture projects which I started are still in existence (on some level, in accordance with the personality type/SD level of the individual who took over), but I am no longer involved in any of the projects at level beyond collecting my monthly land contract payment or occasional visit to see what has been done recently.

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Re: Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

Post by theanimal »

I'm not sure this qualifies as it's still not clear to me what an ERE 2 community is but I found this profile from Kirsten Dirksen very intriguing.


The Homestead Heritage community in Texas. They have been in existence for 50 years. There are 350 families, 1200 members on 500 acres of land. The community produces a large majority of their food for a community and are self-sufficient in many other ways. Kirsten notes: "They have dozens of hand looms for weaving their own clothing (jackets included). There's a blacksmith, leather workers, basket weavers, and furniture makers." They sell some of their products to the public and even have their own restaurant. All of this offers opportunities for others to join and for the community to be self sustaining. It's worth watching.

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Re: Examples of ERE2 Lifestyles (or rather, holons?)

Post by jacob »

https://www.amazon.com/Boyd-Fighter-Pil ... 0316796883

An @AH favorite. I think he qualifies.

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