Thank you

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Posts: 1521
Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:02 am
Location: Yorkshire, UK

Thank you

Post by vexed87 »

Could I simply express my profound gratitude towards all of you? It's challenging to fathom where my journey would have led me if not for this forum.

Regrettably, my participation has waned to lurk staus as my commitments have intensified. Nonetheless, I've found solace and inspiration in observing your interactions.

My involvement with a charity dedicated to promoting cycling as an alternative to car usage has been consuming, something I'm passionate about and may have never been able to 'afford' with my prior programming.

That as well alongside the responsibilities of parenthood and platitude of renaissance man hobbies. @Jacob, your contributions have significantly enriched my life, and I am indebted to you. Even now, I continue to recommend the ERE book to others. When reflecting on the richness of my daily experience, it felt important to articulate this, as too few probably do.

That's all!

Posts: 3305
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:17 pm
Location: Nether Wallop

Re: Thank you

Post by chenda »

And thank you for promoting cycling over cars, this is great work :)

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