
Say hello!!
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Post by maskedslug »

Hello everyone. I'm a semi-longtime lurker who's been inspired by so many of you over the years, and decided it's time to stop being a creep, and participate a bit myself.

Here's a few unorganized tidbits about me:
  • I'm in my late 30s, married, working as a software engineer (real original, right?)
  • I came to learn about ERE via Mr. Money Mustache several years ago. ERE resonates with me much more today than it did when I first stumbled upon it. But I'm still roughly wherever MMMers tend to be on the Wheaton level. Hoping to progress up a bit more.
  • I'm into most things two-wheeled. I grew up racing motorcycles, and maintain an interest. But I've substituted riding motorcycles for bicycles these days.
  • My wife and I FOMO-bought a comically unnecessary house in the suburbs last year, which we've realized we do not enjoy (we both have spent most of our adult lives living in large cities). Suburb-living has wrought havoc on our abilities to safely use bicycles as transportation. Looking to correct this mistake, and move back to civilization sooner rather than later, though cringing while thinking about how much this little life lesson is going to cost us.
  • With our current spending rate, depending on how the market does, we'll likely hit 4%-level FI this year.
  • I like making and tinkering on things from goofy electronics projects, to knitting, to fancy espresso drinks (shout out to @C40, whose espresso setup I have unapologetically copied), to Neapolitan pizzas, etc.
That's enough for now. Looking forward to learning from you all!

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Re: Ahoy!

Post by AxelHeyst »

Welcome to the clearnet! :D Congrats on the pending FI status. Looking forward to following along your return to civilization.

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Re: Ahoy!

Post by Smashter »

Howdy! I also bought a comically unnecessary house in the suburbs once. Happens to the best of us. I hope it's not as financially painful as you're expecting to unwind that decision, given how quickly real estate has been appreciating in most places. Maybe it will be both a lesson and small payday :)

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Re: Ahoy!

Post by maskedslug »

AxelHeyst wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:58 pm
Welcome to the clearnet! :D Congrats on the pending FI status. Looking forward to following along your return to civilization.
The clearnet eh? How ominous sounding. Thanks! I just scheduled a time to look at an apartment this weekend, actually, so fingers crossed this storyline progresses quickly.
Smashter wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:43 pm
Howdy! I also bought a comically unnecessary house in the suburbs once. Happens to the best of us. I hope it's not as financially painful as you're expecting to unwind that decision, given how quickly real estate has been appreciating in most places. Maybe it will be both a lesson and small payday :)
Ahh, thanks. I've felt more than a little foolish. It is weirdly comforting knowing I'm in good company here :lol: Unfortunately, we pretty much immediately put a new roof on our house after buying it, so we'd have to be pretty lucky for there to be a payday-like situation, especially after commissions and legal fees are paid.

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