So you want to grow mushrooms?

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ffj »

If it were legal and the mushrooms were used to treat depression and PTSD, I would grow them. I have no interest in enhancing someones festival experience, haha.

You would be amazed how many people have asked about psilocybin since I've started. The other mushroom grower at the market has long hair with a big gray beard and he flat out says he gets profiled because of the way he looks, haha, and people ask him way more than me to the point it is an annoyance on his part. Quote: "I am so sick of this shit". Tim the mushroom man. :)

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ertyu »

Haha wasn't aware that growing shrooms and using the edible mushrooms to front the business was such a universal thing that even regular farmer's market muggles would assume that Tim the mushroom man is also Tim the shroom man. And I wasn't suggesting that you do start a psyloscibe operation; I was more saying that your story on the business just about covering costs jives with other stories I've heard.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by Ego »

I didn't want to introduce a negative thought to your project while it was ongoing, but now that you are winding down I wanted to ask about liability.

Bacterial contamination during the growing of mushrooms is relatively common and the people who buy from farmers markets are - how shall I put this? - more attuned to how their food makes them feel and more likely than the typical grocery store shopper to seek damages for perceived harm.

Was this a concern? Other than being careful in cultivation, how did you mitigate the risks to your nest egg?

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ffj »


This is a Black Pearl, which I finally got to fruit thank goodness. And the reason it wouldn't fruit earlier is that it was just too warm, as these guys like it very cool. Now that the overall temps are much lower, my grow tent can maintain a chilly 65 degree F. I'm excited to expand my selection as my table at the market is a bit dull at the moment with grey oysters dominating.


That is a topic I have definitely thought about and questioned the Market leadership about how to mitigate that risk. Short answer: once the product leaves your table you are exempt from any liability assuming it is unadulterated. Meaning it is something that you haven't cooked or baked or processed in any way like an extract for example.

When I was a car seat tech in the fire dept. believe it or not we had a similar policy. I specifically asked if we were responsible if a child was hurt or killed in a car seat that we had installed following a collision. Their answer: once that vehicle left our fire station parking lot, the parents assumed all liability with an example given that we have no control over what they do with the child or the car seat. Thank goodness I never had to find out whether that held or not and more than likely the same will be true for the mushrooms too.

I always handle the mushrooms with clean hands as well as disinfect the clean grow tent with a bleach solution. I also never try to fruit a block that has gotten contaminated because it is tempting if the contamination is slight. It goes straight to the woods. I always tell my customers not to eat them raw, to cook them however they see fit. Unfortunately, if you try to wash these mushrooms they become waterlogged and mushy, so I always tell them to cook, cook, cook.

But yeah, our protection is that we have no control over the product once it leaves our presence. I am working on getting liability insurance for my other business and now that I think about it I should probably include this business too.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by kumasan »

I innocently tried to get coffee waste colonised by adding a fresh mushroom in a jar. I was trying to skip some step by adapting from this stem butt method:
It did not work hehe. I'll try again with cardboard first, and if not oh well I might have to order some culture from the internet.
It seems like I have better luck brewing booze or making pizza dough, kimchi, sauerkraut and natto.
I just finished reading Entangled Life. Very interesting fungi stuff!

Quite nice that you ended up acquiring side skills in the market! Feeling very inspired by this thread! Thanks again, ffj!

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ffj »


Don't skip the pasteurization part and even then don't be surprised if you still get contamination. Mold, yeast, and bacteria are everywhere and if you make a nice home for them then they tend to go crazy. These low tech methods work but they are much more prone to contaminates.

Good luck!

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by guitarplayer »

Calling the obvious: contamination is less of a problem when producing for personal use. Body adapts, some would say grows stronger having to deal with unwanted organisms (within reason, clearly). In a way, building a 'business' for personal use has much less overhead like that.

When we were growing mushrooms in a very low cost way, we enjoyed watching the fight between Lion's Mane's mycelium and mould over conquering the brown rice they were fed.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by kumasan »

According to another low tech method material, if you use the coffee waste same day it is still fine ish as you get rid of some contamination. Thanks for the good luck wishes. Something I didn't get is why there are these two steps: first propagating in rye then in wood pellets. Is it just to reduce cost? If you open a rye bag with mycelium, would you get mushrooms out of it too?

@guitarplayer, were you team Lion's Mane or team Mould? hehe
Mould can be fascinating too. They have these network decision processes to find food, shortest path, etc. ... ay-system/
Also, just to say I do enjoy reading your journal. Got tons of pears from the Olio app you wrote about and will make some cider this weekend hehe.
Sorry for spamming this thread.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ffj »

You colonize the rye first because it does so easily with the amount of surface area available and the nutrients in the grain. It also crumbles up nicely when you are ready to colonize the grow bags and expand the operation. I usually put about a cup of colonized rye in each grow bag. You can substitute other mediums such as barley, popcorn, or birdseed in place of the rye. I'm going to attempt wheat here shortly and see how it does.

And yes, a colonized bag of rye would produce mushrooms just like the sawdust.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by Jim »

I worked for a couple months at a small, very successful mushroom farm in my area. There were probably four full time employees, including the owners, and a few part timers that would sometimes come in to make a few extra bucks for a harvest or something. They were successful by selling mushrooms at farmers markets and by maintaining several contracts with local restaurants. I can't recall, but I'd say probably close to half of the mushrooms went to the restaurants. The restaurants were generally pretty high end, one of which has long been considered the premiere restaurant in our area. The two owners loved the farmers markets. They both had the gift of gab and absolutely thrived on sitting out in their booth chatting to customers about micology or cooking, or talking shop with other vendors, and bartering their products for other wares. Working at the farmers market was the one job that they didn't really let the employees engage in, it was very much their work, and it was apparent that it was one of the most crucial elements that made the business so successfull. Hustle knows hustle, I suppose.

Both owners scoffed at the idea of ever selling psilocybin. It was one of the most enjoyable jobs I ever had, but I developed hypersensitivity pneumonitis from spores, and that pretty much put an end to it.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ffj »


I assume you didn't wear a respirator in the grow room? I don't but I'm so small scale that I don't think it matters enough to use one. And I wish there were high scale restaurants around me but there just aren't unless I want to drive a very long way. Do you remember the various types of mushrooms they grew? What their money-maker was? That would be interesting. Sucks about your hypersensitivity, what a shame.

I attended another Market today and it was combined with a Festival so we had quite a few people show up who normally wouldn't have attended. Oh my god, the insane questions!

What are those? they are mushrooms
Are those real? yes
can I touch them? sure
What do you do with them? you eat them
How do you eat them? Well, you can cook them many ways
Where did you find them? I didn't, I grew them
How do you grow them? long conversation followed by them walking off without purchase
Are they the kind that get you high? nope

It was comical after a while but I received a lot of compliments on their beauty. Although one guy said they were creepy, ha! What a day. I did sell out though eventually and had some rewarding conversations that made up for the silliness. I sold a kit to a college student a week ago and she came by to show how much they had grown with a picture for every day of growth. Her enthusiasm was infectious and made for a fun conversation. She made me miss those early days in all of our youth when the simplest things are just fun to do for the sake of doing it. I also was able to get my new variety to my most loyal customer which was rewarding as she has never failed me. I was happy for her to try a new choice. Her second grow kit is also doing nicely which makes me wonder if I shouldn't try to sell more of them as I was hesitant at first to sell them because I was afraid some of them wouldn't grow but I have had some great feedback on their healthiness.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ertyu »

At the "what do you do with them," I'd give people a simple recipe suggestion they can see themselves following. Idk how one cooks mushrooms properly, but let's say you tell them, "you put a dab of salted butter in the center of the cap and you roast them at blah temp for blah time" -- then follow up with why they want these mushrooms rather than just the store-bought white ones (they're more flavorful, they're nuttier, idek) -- basically sell them on why they want to cook this. Sounds like you're selling out without this advice, but it might help minimize silliness and get more people to try. A cheap printed A4 sheet w mushroom picture top left, brief description (nutty, chewy, idek) goes well with: etc. and then the bottom half simple recipe suggestion?

Not saying you should do this; rather, these were thoughts i had as i read the above so i figured id write them out on the off-chance one of them is useful. Cool for that kid with the stages-of-growth pictures though, im glad for her :)

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by ffj »

Thanks for the advice ertyu.

I have tried that somewhat with limited interest. I was in a talkative mood yesterday so that helped immensely but I'm also getting pretty good at reading people in regards to mushrooms. So even though I know they aren't going to buy anything it doesn't matter because just the fact you are talking with someone will draw others in so it is still a net positive. Plus it alleviates any boredom as some of these people are entertaining to say the least.

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Re: So you want to grow mushrooms?

Post by Jim »

ffj wrote:
Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:56 pm
I assume you didn't wear a respirator in the grow room? I don't but I'm so small scale that I don't think it matters enough to use one. And I wish there were high scale restaurants around me but there just aren't unless I want to drive a very long way. Do you remember the various types of mushrooms they grew? What their money-maker was? That would be interesting. Sucks about your hypersensitivity, what a shame.
After the first reaction I got, I wore a respirator. Interestingly, after the first reaction my sensitivity was so high that even being around the farm was enough to set me off, or the filter wasn't effective enough in the grow room. Only real experience I've had of true shortness of breath, makes me understand better asthmatics and the like.

We grew shiitake, oysters, lions mane, and piopinni. I think they started growing cinnamon caps after I left as well. I'd hazard d a guess that the shiitake was their biggest money maker, but I think they didn't have a problem selling as much as they could produce most weeks.

It sucks that I couldn't stay on longer at the job, but I moved to firefighting after that, so it was a good transition. I miss those guys though.

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