Rename ERE2

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Rename ERE2

Post by J_ »

What is in a name?

A lot.
Jacob has often said that he regretted the word retirement in his acronym ERE.
Now with the number 2 added and quite another field as object the name ERE2 is not very helpful too. It is under forumites understandable (but you have to look for what it means in the ere-wiki).
I think we must find a better name.

I love the context Peterlimberg brought in: it is a virtue to work to and be part of an emergent renaissance ecology. As a community of virtue.

"Quibblers of Virtue", words of Jacob and Peter combined, funny, but not enough precise I think. Such a text make people curious, I think. And for a start that can work. The addition quibblers makes it lighter, and also that there is not only one solution.

Is "Ecology of Virtue" better? with a subtitle to underline the emergency, the renaissance (and the quibblers) facet?

Can we make it an competition for the best name (and perhaps acronym)?

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