Hello from Bob!

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Hello from Bob!

Post by BibblyBob »

Hi there, I'm Bob!

I stumbled onto the ERE website and blog a few years ago while I was in college. Right now I'm 24, am a full time mechanical engineer building assembly lines in Detroit, and am pretty satisfied with the path I'm on financially. But I've got a LOT to learn about the actual ERE lifestyle and habits I need in order to be successful.

I wanted to join the forum so I could learn about hobbies and skills that make you healthier, richer, or wiser. I don't have many hobbies in my life; so far I've tried my hand at sewing, kitting, cross stich, embroidery, biking, reading, and cooking (haven't cooked much though). I have a really hard time keeping interest in things, after the second time I try to pick something up it feels like a chore. I just got diagnosed and started medication for a mild depressive disorder, which I'm hoping will help with the disinterest.

Currently I'm trying to cook healthier, have some interest in gardening (starting very small- green onions in a glass of water on my windowsill), and am thinking of picking my college flute back up to play in a community band. I like data, organizing, and charts, but don't know what to do with that that doesn't feel like an extension of my engineering job. If anyone's got any ideas, please shoot em at me!

I'm super happy to be here, and hope to learn a ton!

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Re: Hello from Bob!

Post by mountainFrugal »

Welcome. It seems like you have wide interests like most of the folks in this community. If you are experimenting with a new activity you could ask the forum hivemind for recommendations.

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