WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by Divandan »

Glad this thread is restarting. Here is what I am currently doing. I have gone back through several threads that have been pertinent to my situation (Buy nothing year, food threads, decentralizing finance thread). I have also gone back through AxelHeyst's posts again as well as some of his posts on his site. Last but not least I am rereading the ERE book from front to back again as I would often times pick it up and read a chapter here and there. I want to see the whole picture with the book again which is why I am rereading it.

I think overall I am at the point where it is more about the application in earnest. Which means going full on into a no buy year, reducing (and tracking which I have never done) groceries as well as fixing stuff around the house.

I think this forum is great for reference but I could see a ton of ROI with jumping into a MMMG where I connect with people on the forum to hear first hand what were the Ah ha moments. I think I am very close just need more application in my life.

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by xmj »

Yes, this thread is valuable even if the MMMG as such may be on hold.

One thing I've been prompted through the posts here is to revisit my previous attempt at drafting a WoG - which was, initially, a directed acyclical graph (and so, very much not a web) of activities, social groups & locations to pursue them with/in, towards four central pillars based on multiple discussions with a good friend (Health, Wealth, Growth, Relationships).

I've started mapping these four pillars in terms of capitals (human, social, intellectual & financial) before, and as part of the current iteration I'm trying to integrate them (thus removing the direction and the acyclicality). I've also added another dimension: spiritual capital, borrowed from James Hughes' work in Complete Family Wealth.

This entire exercise, even in the two hours I've done it today, has been useful in revealing at least one activity I should pay more attention to, and - through various added cyclical interconnections - improved my understanding of both myself and the wider dream we share as family.

And all it took was adding 25 sparse lines in a GraphViz Dotfile :geek:

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WL 4/5, goal 6.

Post by candide »

It is nice to hear that this thread added some value.

I still think it has proven to not be a MMG -- in fairness to me I did not realize that was a term from a body of literature when I started the thread.

The offer still stands for me to contact people by DM if this thread gets moved. But as Spring Break is ending, the next time I will have any time wealth will be the summer -- so if a move happens, I might wait until a weekend to do such self-deputized work.

But other than that, the group is dead. Long live the thread!

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by sodatrain »

This has been an awesome thread to read. I am to advance my level. I'd like to think I'm level 5, but realistically I should probably say 4. I feel like I can understand 6 enough to think that it would be groovy.

1) This thread has been untouched for a little over a year. Does anyone on it have any updates they would like to share about advancing?

2) I'm interested in finding trying to have a collaborative process with a group of 4-8-ish people that are WL 4/5/6 where we would regularly talk about our levels, or behaviors, progress etc to help be more mindful about making advances? I think I would prefer a ever couple weeks/monthly live meeting that can be discussion based. I will happily host/facilitate it.... or let someone else if they are inspired. It might be nice to have someone who is 6/7 to help be our "expert" to support and guide our discussions. Anyone?

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by Divandan »

Hi Sodatrain,

I have actually been re-reading a lot of these posts as well. Also, something that didn't get mentioned here is reading old blog posts on ERE, as Jacob was moving up the Wheaton levels before we even had the Wheaton levels as a reference.

As mentioned, chapter 4 in the book is helpful as it discusses the other capital we have at our disposal, other than money. Another helpful reference is insourcing spending and picking solutions that you can understand. One simple one would be I have to acquire a lawnmower, and I think it makes more sense to get a simple manual push mower since it will be easier to repair and less reliant on other systems (cheap gas).

One thing I have done poorly is engaging more with this community, so I would definitely be interested in joining those discussions. I am probably WL 4/5 at this point. Thanks!

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by sodatrain »

Hi! Great!

Re-reading chapters 4, 5, and 6 are on my list of things to do. I spent several hours in the last couple days reading this and the other yields/flows thread. I'm motivated and excited!

I have a few tabs open that I need to read/watch that were opened from those two core threads too. At least one of them is a blog post. Are there some that come to mind for you?

I'm in a monthly MMG and we are planning on talking about WL in our next session - maybe there will be some interest there too.

Ideally a few people from this thread would be interested too.

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by jacob »

If you're going to read the old blog posts, you should probably read them in chronological order: https://wiki.earlyretirementextreme.com ... ed_by_Date

I started writing the ERE book around summer 2008 and finished writing it around January 2010.

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by Divandan »

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by xmj »

Divandan wrote:
Thu May 16, 2024 12:46 pm
As mentioned, chapter 4 in the book is helpful as it discusses the other capital we have at our disposal, other than money. Another helpful reference is insourcing spending and picking solutions that you can understand. One simple one would be I have to acquire a lawnmower, and I think it makes more sense to get a simple manual push mower since it will be easier to repair and less reliant on other systems (cheap gas).
Ask your neighbor if you could borrow it occasionally, and perhaps talk with them about if they are currently working on any project they'd need help with - all so that the lawn-mower you need becomes a flow from social capital without direct use of money exchanging hands.

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Re: WL 5 -> 6 MMMG

Post by Divandan »

Definitely. I am lucky that I am part of a duplex and my neighbor is quite handy/has more tools than me. I have helped him out with a few projects around his house to learn and he has fixed a few things in my house as well. I also use his lawn mower from time to time.

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