not sure but i'll try Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
not sure
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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

@MBBoy, I am keeping June 2023 timeframe loosely in mind, but want to be open to other happenings around me.
There are a few projects at work that I feel responsible to take part in (in a good way). I'd like to do the right thing by my colleagues and the clients I support, and that might mean working till the end of the year.
There is also uncertainty around when I hear back about my current visa - I'd like to be employed until that's clarified.

On the other hand, there are a few volunteer opportunities that I'd like to take part in around July and September - maybe I'll try to carve out time for those regardless. I see other benefits for not working part of the summer and taking advantage of good weather for hiking and car camping.
So, not sure! Ultimately, I believe that God will make it clear, as the time comes :)

Re: Bible reading plan, I just picked one up at the end of my Bible - it starts in Genesis and the gospels in January and is structured to go through the Old Testament writings once and New Testament writings twice in a year. However, since I picked it up in September, I started at a random location. Have really enjoyed it so far. It's roughly 4 chapters a day from various books. My mind is making many more connections between the different parts of the Bible and it's easier to see a broader landscape of God's plan for His people in His kingdom. And oh, boy, how messed up all of his people were and are (myself included)!

not sure
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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

Will try to keep it brief.
2022 was a good year overall.

I often think of my life in 4 quadrants - God/Faith, Family, Finances, Personal/Professional (learning achievements, etc).
All four had good things -
G: some sweet times reading God's Word, praying, spending time with fellow believers, hopefully contributing to the wellbeing of others through donations, encouragement, prayer
F1: relationship with DH is deepening, we've had a few great vacations together, life at home is full of laughter. Not without it's challenges but we've grown closer during the past year. Spent time with DH's family on a couple of occasions; I called my folks regularly. Would like to improve the frequency of comms with wider family circle - something for this year. Did not get a chance to see grandpa :(
F2: overall, in a good place. Savings have been growing slowly despite the markets being down. We are okay with asset allocation for now, glad re: absence of debt. Spending was well-controlled, a few splurges that were very worthwhile (espresso machine, vacations)
PP: less satisfied with this as with other areas. Reached only half of the goals that I set for myself at the start of the year. Will try to do things differently in 2023.
Still had a few great things - started teaching a Science class, ran a half-marathon and started doing more regular exercise; read a few great books (alone and as part of book groups); visited friends in MN, and a friend in MO; travelled to a conference for work; visited NASA Space Center; added a couple of new states to the map of places I've been to.

Goals did not complete:
1. Finish writing and editing the book that I started during NaNoWriMo
2. Reach and maintain 122 lb weight
4. Learn to play Amazing Grace on a Native American flute
9. Go car camping again (aiming at least twice) - just did not happen this yer, other things came up.

Done Goals:
3. Run a half-marathon (means to goal#2) - done
6. Ski 12 times - The season is now over, did not reach 12, but it was a stretch goal, so I am quite pleased with 9 times
7. Complete a course in basic adult education - done
8. Write 12 letters (wrote 11)
11. Take the youth we are mentoring out hiking - mark this as complete, we did and are doing things with him, just not hiking
12. Visit friends in MN - done
5. Read 12 books - done

Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, Psychology of Money by M. Housel, Little Fires Everywhere by C. Ng
Early Retirement Extreme (finally got a book from the library!), Upstream by D. Heath, Heaven by R. Alcorn, Exercised by D. Leiberman, Hacking of the American Mind, quite a few romance books by J. Quinn ; Blink by M. Gladwell; Desiring God by J. Piper; The Cider House Rules by J. Irving, Why We Are Polarized by E. Klein, The Courage to Be Disliked by E. Kishimi, F. Koga; For Women Only by S. Feldfahn
Listened to: Man's Search for Meaning by V. E. Frankl

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Post by not sure »

Spending, giving, and income were all higher in December.

Spending - about 4.5k - we bought cruise tickets for a long delayed honeymoon :)
Giving - about 4k
Income - about 17k due to various end of year bonuses

For year 2022
Spending - about 24k
Giving - about 21k
Income - about 100k (after taxes and deductions)

Obviously, our income exceeds expenses, but what I like to see is that our spending and giving are not too far apart.
I’ve always wondered what the saving to giving ratio should be for me personally.
And how to even think about it, since I believe that ultimately all the $ we earn comes from God as the giver of opportunities and things.
Have not been able to resolve that for myself during the accumulation phase. Hoarding much without giving back does not gel with my worldview (e.g. parable of the rich man with barns); at the same time saving for the future is good stewardship (many proverbs). Also, as DH points out, we will be giving from that $ in the future, too. So now I just compare spending (i.e living expenses and discretionary spending) and giving.

All in all, the numbers are on par with last year.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by ertyu »

You're giving to your future self?
You're giving any children or relatives of yours the opportunity to live full lives without having you as a millstone around their neck and being a drag?
By doing the work of saving, you're giving your children and relatives safety, too, because now they can rely on you in an emergency to a greater extent than they used to
By freeing yourself from salaryman work, you're freeing yourself to do work that is more directly aligned with God's will? (rather than some CEO's will?) It frees you to give in terms of time, mental energy, and care, as well as monetarily?

not sure
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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

@ertyu, thanks for the comments!
sorry - haven't logged in for a while and missed this. You are right, of course, all those are good reasons, and there are probably more valid ones, too.

I don't subscribe to the idea of giving everything up without any savings for the "dark days", hence the tug and pull of what $ or % is right for each category. I don't want to save, save, save, now without giving as those savings can evaporate in a market crash, a war, other scary events. Then I would miss the chance to 1) acknowledge that my current good fortune comes from my Creator and Sustainer 2) contribute to the livelihood of others. At the same time I see that being wise with saving/spending/living categories now will give me the chances to do other things with that money and time in the future.
So yeah :)

not sure
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January 2023 update

Post by not sure »

January has come and gone!

Not much updates in terms of numbers - I stopped tracking as closely, and DH does his consolidation a few days into the new month.
I think we are doing okay for the most part. We are approaching 500k between all of the accounts. So getting close to my line in the sand.
I fully acknowledge that 550k is an imaginary boundary, similar as 200k in my ret accounts. I just set those two as goals beyond which I want to be more conscious and selective with the work I choose to spend time on. Something that would feed the soul and be good for the body more than my current role.

I find it harder and harder to be motivated at work. It has been even more difficult lately, as I find myself reading the news or watching educational videos while in the office. I don't like this version of myself, but trying to stop hasn't been successful. There are pockets of time when I am still learning something new, or when I have an interesting situation to deal with but they are far between. So maybe June timeframe rather than end of calendar year is more likely for ending this stage.

The good news is that I got my visa, so no need to wait for that, and I can start planning travel.
$-wise, I'd like to continue for a few months, till we fill our iBond buckets for the year, and reach the line in the sand.
Also, to help with motivation and get away from routine, DH and I have a couple of trips booked - one early March, one in May. The one in May is a cruise, so I'd still like to research and book a few excursions

Feels like I've been sick with one thing or the other for the whole month of Jan. That's another reason why any decisions should not be made now. I am just cranky. Having foot problems haven't helped with exercise - sad face.
I am looking forward to summer where better weather will hopefully make some of my problems go away.

Decided not to do goals the same way this year, but a fun one for Jan was to learn to make lattes with my new espresso machine. And I did it ;-)
A few good books read: finished Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - this book will stay with me for a while. I don't agree with everything she says and some things were "flat" - 2D rather than 3D (how I think about it), but it's a great book. After that I read all the Hunger Games

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February 2023 update

Post by not sure »

No numbers for the month. Spent a bit more than usual - unexpected healthcare and new phone costs

Work and my thoughts about work have been interesting this month. At the start of Feb I was very discouraged: bored, ready to be done, not seeing the future in my current position. Half-way through the month, I had a couple of meetings & conversations at work that changed that perspective. I work in a very interesting and growing field of specialised pharmaceutical manufacturing, at a good company, with some very smart people who are the top of their game. The growth for the field and potential impact on people's lives is looking very good for the next 5-10 years. There could be a few interesting projects for me in the next 2-4 years (although not now). So that's the dilemma - I don't like the idea of throwing that away. At the same time, I know that having time away from that will be beneficial for the gains in other areas - spending time with family, learning new skills, being less dependant of a high salary, etc

Neither scenario has fully known consequences, which muddles the decision-making process...
I guess this might be a case of an OMY syndrome..

Regardless, I have started the vaccination process to visit home country this summer and told family to be expecting me. So, barring unforeseen circumstances, I will either take leave or otherwise make time to go. And I am excited about that. Will probably happen after some small scale but interesting mentoring project wraps up mid-summer.

Been doing slightly better, but new things popped up, so no change.
Been going to spin classes regularly 3 times a week.

This month I've been trying to keep on top of my reading for various groups. On the go are a biography on Bonhoeffer and a couple of his books, the Bible - still keeping up with reading in a year plan! A book on the Names of God - I find the topic fascinating, as other cultures attribute much more meaning to names than the culture around me. Prime Movers of Globalisation - on how Diesel engines and jet engines' development has affected and pretty much powered the global interconnectedness we see today.

Planning to start Lent from Monday - no food from animal products, more focused prayer/quiet time, and limited computer time.

I also picked up a little comic drawing project for one of my work/volunteer things.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

more on work:
I think part of my problem now is that I think/feel the decision is mine to make. My previous career/work moves have been largely influenced by external factors. For example, restructure, project relocation, job offer, toxic work environment, relocation for family reasons. Right now, the factors influencing the change are primarily internal, and very mixed. I've tried creating various scoring matrices (weighted and unweighted), but it's difficult for me to determine the right mix of reasons and the weighing system. The matrices I made showed that leaving work part-way through the year had a higher assigned value, but somehow that does not give me confidence.
So here I am, torn and conflicted..

I haven't broached the subject with my manager yet. I think it would be best to have internal alignment with myself first. However, I may not be able to reach it fully, especially since I don't know what the company would and would not accept in terms of leave without pay.

To be continued..

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Week 1 of Lent

Post by not sure »

So I decided to observe Lent this year.
After 1 week:
  • becoming to appreciate the taste of simple foods like unflavoured oatmeal (although I did not have to eat it unflavoured)
  • tried to tip more - was staying at a hotel with DH as he traveled for work, so more eating out
  • gave one of my takeout lunchboxes to a homeless guy
  • still felt filthy rich and privileged eating out almost every evening
  • prayed more, and a few good quiet times
This week I'd like to focus on cooking/eating simpler foods - like plain pasta, soup, simple flavourings

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Weeks 2,3 of Lent

Post by not sure »

Struggled during the 2nd week with eating chocolate (not a simple food in my world!), so week 3 - no choc at all. Similar thing with nuts, tried to scale down on how much I eat, although they are a good source of protein during non-animal product diet.
And it's certainly a personal thing - I know I don't have to exclude those food items, they are just a big temptation to over-eat for me.
All in all, I am more appreciative of the bounty in my life - whether it is food, good shelter, relationships, faith, work, security. So many people have less.
I am especially grateful for faith. For me it encompasses knowing who I am in the world, having a framework of why I am here, what God's relationship with me, and mine with him, is; how that translates and affects every other relationship in my life. It's map with a clear "you are here" sign.
And no, it's not easy, but - to borrow an image from the Bible - it makes me feel like a tree planted by the stream. The roots of the tree grow deep, providing an anchor, the flowing water is a source of life.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

Continuing with Lent, reading, life in general.
Many small things are happening, but today nothing passes the threshold of being "worthy to report".
Finished March not saving much due to booking upcoming travel. Look forward to all of it, so don't regret the spending.
Dog-sitting a lovely and cheeky Yorkie. Oh, and I finished the cartoon-comic that I wanted to create in March.

Finished reading A Tale of Two Cities.

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March 2023 Update

Post by not sure »

NW finally reached 500k. A milestone of sorts.
Spending v. high due to travel and medical expenses.
I feel like I am slowly chipping away at the iceberg of the overall NW that I've set out as a goal-post. In some way's it encouraging, in other ways it's slightly scary due to the unknown beyond. DH is supportive of whatever path I'd like to take, but it almost feels like I have too many options.
I don't do well with unstructured time, and not having a job would create a lot of that. Travel can take care of some but it won't be as fun without DH.
Still time to think about it, at least 9 mo.

Gotten busier in a good and bad way. The good is - it's more engaging. The bad is - more stressful.
Sort of counting weeks till vacations and months till the end of the year.

Completed my vaccinations, made travel plans, paid taxes.

Meh - beginning of the month was better than the end.

Lent, reading, visited California, did some volunteer work, taught another Science course, dog-sitting now, my little hydroponic garden is producing well - lettuce, dill and basil.

not sure
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Missed updates

Post by not sure »

Missed updating here.
Life continues. Ups and downs. Crazy ideas of switching jobs - not sure what will come of it.
A couple of days ago I was excited about the possibility, now - not so much, seems futile. Trusting God that this crazy current will bring me to a shore some place, sometime.

not sure
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Post by not sure »

An update for April 2023 - the month seemed quite full.
Most recently - did a tandem sky dive in CO, was on the bucket list for a while and when a colleague asked for company, I said "yes". I've done a couple of jumps before, long time ago, and it was still terrifying for a few moments. But - excellent views, a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of life to the fullest. Got a video to send to mom - I do look pretty nervous on it :)

Spending in April - did not track too closely, the NW seems up due to markets (at the time I checked).

Skied a few days at the end of April - was long overdue to use the passes. The weather cooperated and the snow conditions were great for the end of spring. We had free lodging this time - a big plus.
DH and I are now preparing to go on a cruise to Alaska - another bucket list item. Trying to keep packing list contained and telling myself that all I need is a few changes of underwear and clothes for the most frequent activities. I'll see what my final list/luggage looks like!

Did some mentoring/volunteering in April, read a few books, started jogging again as the weather improved.
Battling with eating while bored or reading something.. Weight still the same.
Planted a few seeds and peas and spinach have germinated.

Work-wise thought that I might as well be learning and growing while at work, so decided to apply for a stretch job that requires a lot more chemistry knowledge than I have. Will talk to people on the hiring team to see if they'd be willing to mentor me.

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by not sure »

No numbers for the month, spent quite a bit more than usual due to fun stuff like cruise, excursions, skydive. Got paid $500 from my teaching job, so continue to diversify income streams ever so slightly. In reality, it's more of a fun/volunteer position that feeds my interest and brings value through human interaction, doing good for others and seeing others (by students) achieve their goals. I've also been mentoring someone at work, and it gives me the same satisfaction.
NW continues to hover just above 500k, which is nice. Housing around us is pretty expensive, so seems like we'd be saving quite a bit more before we think of a primary residence in this location. There are other locations, though.. On the other hand, our rent will be going up by a whopping $5, so that's excellent news.

Busy but quite a bit of excitement after I got back from an almost 2-week vacation. Still undigging somewhat. Talked to a couple of folks about a position I thought to apply for. It may not work out, but I'm content with that. In reality, I can learn quite a bit of that in my current role. It would just require interest and dedication on my part. Right now I'm feeling motivated, but it may wane in a few weeks/months. We'll see.

Vacation showed that I may not be ready to stop working for an employer entirely. I'll miss the projects, the routine, the interactions, the rush of getting something done when others depend on me. The cruise was educational, especially because it was a cruise, where everything except excursion planning was done for me. I missed the cooking/cleaning/taking care of stuff. Also, having so much freely available yummy food for longer than a couple of days is detrimental to my well-being. I tried to mitigate the damage by walking up the stairs, doing other exercise, but net result was still pitiful. I do not regret it one bit, but probably won't go on another cruise any time soon.
Seeing SE Alaska from the water was magical, though and we had great time in ports.

Now it's time to get back to healthier routines - exercise, eating, sleep and rest, as well as extracurricular activities, reading and non-work projects.
For the month of June the plan it to get back to healthy eating routine of: IF, early dinners, limited sugar and high calorie snacks, more salads.
I'd also like to run and hike a couple of days a week as opposed to a few days a month.

Gardening is a bit disappointing - hail killed my germinated spinach and re-planted seeds have not come up yet. Very little lettuce, too. I think it's too hot for it now, and I missed planting period while away. Oh well, thankful I don't depend on my own garden for food.
Found a couple of mushrooms recently.
I'd like to start an art/craft project but not sure what it will be, maybe glass-related, maybe drawing.
Reading continues to take quite a bit of time.

not sure
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June 2023 Update

Post by not sure »

Not final yet, but looks like we spent about 3.6k, with about 2k on expenses, 1.6k on giving.
Biggest unusual expense was my “investment” into a new craft - I decided to try quilting. For a couple of reasons I went with a fairly expensive first project. Will keep updating on progress in this journal. The goal is to quilt a queen-sized bed cover by the end of October. Possibly by hand.
Total NW passed 550k for the first time.

After talking to a few folks at work, decided not to apply officially for the job I was considering. A couple of reasons, but I think for the best. Working with a lifestyle coach now, exploring “what’s next” on company dime ;-)
Work is going ok

Still working on the routines.
Back into exercising at least 3-5 times a week, often more. Try to go for a 30 min walk during lunchtime.
Overall, I feel pretty healthy and fit and that’s great. For a week or two I was walking on various trails after work, but now it’s gotten too hot. Tried Pilates again, and it felt great. Too bad it’s quite hard to reserve a spot in a Pilates class at my gym.

I’ve been doing IF fairly regularly, not eating until after 12pm.
Evening meals are hit and miss. Some days I have a light one, and some days I keep eating past the point of reasonable fullness. Sigh, wish it was easier just not to eat!

Jogging is still not a routine, although I probably go once a week.

Other than that, lots of fun stuff - we went to the cabin in the mountains for a weekend, I went to a Shakespeare play (I am reading a book about him so seeing a play seemed very appropriate).

Craft - started learning about quilting. Pretty excited about the possibility of it becoming a long-term hobby, with potential to generate presents for others.

Gardening: green beans are starting to flower, hope to have some to harvest soon.

Reading continues to take quite a bit of time - a few books and the Bible on the go.

Attended a mindfulness workshop at work today. Got a few good ideas, will try to eat and drink more mindfully = in the moment, being present, noticing things like taste, texture, smell, temperature, scent.

Western Red Cedar
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Re: June 2023 Update

Post by Western Red Cedar »

not sure wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:56 pm
Still working on the routines.
Back into exercising at least 3-5 times a week, often more. Try to go for a 30 min walk during lunchtime.
Overall, I feel pretty healthy and fit and that’s great. For a week or two I was walking on various trails after work, but now it’s gotten too hot. Tried Pilates again, and it felt great. Too bad it’s quite hard to reserve a spot in a Pilates class at my gym.

I’ve been doing IF fairly regularly, not eating until after 12pm.
Evening meals are hit and miss. Some days I have a light one, and some days I keep eating past the point of reasonable fullness. Sigh, wish it was easier just not to eat!

Jogging is still not a routine, although I probably go once a week.
Congratulations on progress with your health routines! I also practice IF fairly regularly, but struggle with eating past the point of fullness or snacking in the evenings. It helps me to think about things on a weekly, rather than a daily basis. If I look at it in terms of 21 meals (or 14 meals with 7 midday snacks) I feel pretty good about making good decisions for 80-90% of those meals. No reason to beat myself up as I'm trying to make permanent, lifestyle changes.

I think about the fitness routine along the same lines. My highest priority is to make sure I'm moving and walking every day. I often layer a strength training workout, bike ride, or hike on top of that. Even if I slip a bit, I'm still making good progress on a weekly and monthly basis.

Have you tried pilates or other classes at home via YouTube? What kind of ideas and options are you discussing with the life coach (assuming you are comfortable sharing)?

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Re: not sure but i'll try Journal

Post by ertyu »

I'm also curious about the coach, vicariously
Wish my company paid me to see one :D

not sure
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Re: June 2023 Update

Post by not sure »

Western Red Cedar wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:50 pm
If I look at it in terms of 21 meals (or 14 meals with 7 midday snacks) I feel pretty good about making good decisions for 80-90% of those meals.
My success "rate" is lower, probably between 50 and 70%, but I like the suggestion of looking at it on a weekly basis. You are right, WRC, long-term the cumulative "good" should outweigh the "bad".
In some ways I am glad to be dealing with it. When my weight was lower and stable, I cared a lot less about daily exercise and eating healthy and nutritious meals.

Ditto on the moving and walking every day - it's also very much a focus for me. At some point I was trying to walk/jog at least 3-5 miles a day, but it became less of a priority after I started spin classes. Not the same as biking outside, but I like the group and the instructor.
I also try to do a strength workout at least once a week after reading the book "Excercised" D.E. Lieberman.

Re: coaching - I've only had one session so far. Very exploratory, I told the coach that I want to think through what's next for me professionally and in terms of lifestyle design. So I am using her a sounding board. This gives me a place to voice my ideas, desires and concerns with an intelligent individual who is trained to ask good questions. She does not know me as well, as, say, DH or friends, but it's an advantage in this case - we can truly explore without narrowing it down too soon in the conversation.

I was open with her that I've been thinking about taking a break from FT work next year, but a few things made me reconsider. So the plan that I was working towards changed, but now I need a new one!
I like the routine and structure of working for an employer, but don't want to be bored or feel that my work is futile. I want to continue to grow professionally, but leave enough time for other pursuits, such as volunteering, interests, travel to see friends and family, healthy lifestyle. I'd like to arrive at something balanced within the confines of this design space, and what's actually available for me employment-wise.
So for now, I am drawing different versions of my WoG and all types of Venn diagrams about what I consider important.
Also had a few fruitful conversations with DH in the same vein. We are a unit, so whatever I am considering must work with his general plan, and, preferably, compliment that.

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August '23 update

Post by not sure »

Too many thoughts after vacation/working from home in a different country so I find it challenging to sit down and write a post.
So maybe start with finances as numbers are more straightforward than feelings, thoughts an all that fluff.
In the past month my and DH’s combined NW hit my line in the sand - a half-way point that I set for myself as the point of decision.
I think it was back in 21/22, when I tracked all of our expenses and giving closely and calculated (using the contentious 4% rule) what NW number would be needed to support those.
I had 2 values - one for expenses only, one with giving added. I wanted to aim for the one with giving added, but divided that in half, for “flamingo FI”. “Flamingo FI” = standing with one foot in FI, one foot open to “coasting” and future work opportunities.
So this past month our combined NW hit the flamingo number. I anticipate that by the end of the year, or close thereafter, our $ would hit the full expenses-only FI amount.

So it’s time to evaluate and make some decisions.

Spending time in my childhood home for a month was great. Being able to see mom, dad, grandpa, lost of cousins and even some old friends was fantastic. Being able to work remotely during that time was great but difficult due to time zone differences. I very much dislike working evenings and nights - it messes with my sleep, eating and overall wellbeing. Yet, the chance to leave the office for 4 weeks was excellent, and I would like to do that again.

Spending time with a few good friends and family made it clear that 1) they won’t understand if I “retired” and 2) I don’t necessarily want to “retire”.
I’d like more flexibility, maybe being able to take a sabbatical at some point, but, ultimately, work gives my life meaning that would be difficult to replace. And at this stage, none of the things I want to do have the potential to replace that.

Which led me to the conclusion that I would like to continue working.

There is definitely volunteering and travelling that I’d like to do, but none of it over a long stretch of time (yet) that would require resigning. On the way back to the US, I flew through the Middle East and spent a weekend in Oman visiting an old university friend. We had a great time. I would definitely like to come back for a week next time I’m in the area. Turns out Oman has a variety of natural environments and historical/cultural elements that are well worth exploring!

Interestingly, right before I left for the month-long trip, a recruiter contacted me about the position that I wanted to apply for earlier in the year. We had a great chat, and I mulled over it while on “vacation”. Decided that I like the flexibility of my current role enough to not look elsewhere. Serendipitously, a couple of my projects have the promise of becoming more interesting in the near future. So, the decision is made to stay where I am, and I feel good about it. :) At least until the time something changes, or something clear comest along on what I am meant to be doing next.

Plan to continue to develop skills in the free time.
Working on:
Gardening (a little bit) - harvested green beans, maybe will have a couple of zucchinis. Helped mom with the garden while in Russia. I also tried making low-salt cucumber preserves from some cucumbers that a colleague gave me. Haven’t tasted yet.
Quilting - making progress on the current project. I am doing it all by hand, so it’s going slowly, but enjoying every part of the process.
Other - plan to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity to learn some new skills.

I finished reading the Bible in a year! That was a worthwhile project - definitely challenging at times, but so rich in meaning.

Want to try something new for the next year: no sugar (good for teeth, overall health, and weight) and 50 burpees a day (good for posture, overall fitness and stamina). The latter came back to my attention after a conversation with a friend. So I hope I can stick to it this time. I’ve been building up to 50 in the past week and it’s going well.

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