White Belt's Military Journey to FI

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by zbigi »

white belt wrote:
Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:30 pm
I haven't been thinking about ERE stuff all that much. I think part of that is just due to feeling a bit trapped in my job so I turn to MTG as an escape. I haven't read any books in awhile.
As far as escapes go, this one's pretty great :) It's even better if you know someone else who also plays in the same formats as you, then you can discuss strategies etc. I pretty much talk Magic daily with my best friend, even if it's some quick remarks making fun of some of his deck preferences etc.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by Scott 2 »

Good luck on the doctor angle. There's not much worse than work ruining your sleep. A shift in hours seems so minor, but the effects are crushing. I found working overnight even once or twice a month incredibly disruptive. Right as you get back to normal, an overnight hits, and everything breaks apart.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

zbigi wrote:
Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:14 am
As far as escapes go, this one's pretty great :) It's even better if you know someone else who also plays in the same formats as you, then you can discuss strategies etc. I pretty much talk Magic daily with my best friend, even if it's some quick remarks making fun of some of his deck preferences etc.
I found a Discord for my deck archetype, which serves a similar role to these forums in providing me a space to talk to about things that interest me. It's fun to be able to share deck builds, tournament reports, and even MTGO gameplay videos to get feedback about in-game decisions. I've played at a handful of stores around me, but not yet with enough frequency to make friends with any of the people I see there.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by zbigi »

white belt wrote:
Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:27 pm
I found a Discord for my deck archetype, which serves a similar role to these forums in providing me a space to talk to about things that interest me. It's fun to be able to share deck builds, tournament reports, and even MTGO gameplay videos to get feedback about in-game decisions. I've played at a handful of stores around me, but not yet with enough frequency to make friends with any of the people I see there.
I've made my Magic friends when we bonded over playing tournaments competetively (incl. sharing cards, discussing strategies, playtesting before the tournament, travelling together etc.). I've read somewhere that men bond over a common, shared goal and it was absolutely the case there. It could be difficult to replicate in adulthood though because most people who are serious about the tournament scene are students or other young people without lots of responsibilities - and bonding with a group of people 20 years younger than you probably won't work.

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

zbigi wrote:
Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:12 am
I've made my Magic friends when we bonded over playing tournaments competitively (incl. sharing cards, discussing strategies, playtesting before the tournament, travelling together etc.). I've read somewhere that men bond over a common, shared goal and it was absolutely the case there. It could be difficult to replicate in adulthood though because most people who are serious about the tournament scene are students or other young people without lots of responsibilities - and bonding with a group of people 20 years younger than you probably won't work.
Yeah, all that makes sense. I think if/when I get more into playing competitive paper events then maybe I will get more involved with the community. Right now, 90% of my MTG happens online due to my work schedule. There definitely seems to be players that travel to tournaments together in my local area, I just haven't been showing up with enough frequency to get involved in those groups yet. It seems like the demographic I've encountered is mostly guys in their 20s and early 30s, which is a group I still fit in with. At the highest levels, a lot of the Pro Tour level players are part of teams that assist with strategies, playtesting, and just provide camaraderie through long tournament weekends.

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

Still drifting along with my unfilfilling shift work. My relationship with DGF is going well, but there aren't a whole lot of other positive developments to report on the ERE front. I haven't been cooking enough so food related expenses have been high. Still just muddling along and barely maintaining at the gym. DGF (medical student) says I exhibit a lot of the common symptoms of shift work sleep disorder, one of which is a lack of energy and motivation. My portfolio has outperformed SPX due to my active investing, but my expenses have increased recently so I don't have as much capital flowing in.

I'm still playing Magic as an escape. I've recently started uploading gameplay videos with commentary on youtube which have garnered some attention (~100 views per video so nothing crazy), so I plan on continuing with that. Monetization requires 1000 subscribers, so I have no idea if I'll ever be able to make money off this sort of a thing, but at least it allows me to learn from my mistakes and improve as a player. I scored a used Blue Yeti on eBay since my laptop microphone is so crappy but I haven't pulled the trigger on a webcam and lighting. For now I'm just going to stick to audio commentary.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by ertyu »

Fingers crossed. Are you making plans to move away from shift work? To me it also seems like it would contribute to wellbeing

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

ertyu wrote:
Sat Nov 26, 2022 3:42 pm
Fingers crossed. Are you making plans to move away from shift work? To me it also seems like it would contribute to wellbeing
I'm currently on my 3rd attempt of trying to move off shiftwork. As you can probably imagine, there are other people trying to do the same thing in my office. Best case is I move off it in January, which is what my boss has told me but I am skeptical that it will actually happen. Worst case is I'm on it for another 12-18 months.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

I've developed a recent interest in decluttering and organizing my room. I'm sure this is a manifestation of some underlying internal conflict I'm working through, perhaps it's a response to the aimlessness and lack of freedom that I've alluded to in previous posts. For almost 18 months I've lived here, but for whatever reason the clutter of my room and desk didn't really push me into action until recently. I started cleaning things and realized that it did make me feel better to be in an uncluttered space, which pushed me to further clean and organize my space.

I've started to tidy up my desk, especially since I'm spending more time at it playing Magic Online. I debated whether to attempt to DIY something, but ultimately decided to just go with market solutions at the moment because the initial investment is so low and the utility will last me years. I was also worried that DIY would just give me an excuse to procrastinate and I wanted to make hay with the motivation spark while it's there. I'm not going crazy with extra monitors or a full gaming setup, just a few things so I can feel more relaxed and focused in the space. Cable management (still need to finish that up today) and monitor stand shelf are the two big developments. I've found that I'm the type of person who feels better with less visual clutter.

I'm also making attempts to purge some of my possessions again, although that is slower going. I'm fortunate that I've remained pretty lean on possessions due to frequent moving and frugality, however I still feel like I'm probably holding on to more stuff than what is useful or necessary. This is a bit slower of a process because a lot of the low-hanging fruit has already been picked. Although I do want to be better organized, I don't want the organization to just enable me to accumulate more crap.

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

I think this is when I'm supposed to do the year in review post. I feel like I got a bit lost in 2022, particularly in the latter half; drifting along in the discontent of an unfulfilling job. However, in the past month and a half or so, I think I have started to emerge from the thicket. I am still not back to my previous levels of stoke or motivation or whatever one wants to call it, however I at least feel like I have aspects of my life that I find engaging once again.

If this past year has taught me anything, it's how much I took my career for granted in providing my life purpose and identity. In a way, I am grateful that my career took an unfulfilling turn, because it forced me to come up with ways to life purposefully outside of the salaryman construct. This is a bridge I was going to have to eventually cross when entering retirement, but at least I still have the guardrails of full-time employment to provide structure during these uncertain times. And to be clear, I don’t think I’m fully across the chasm, but I do think I’m starting to be able to make out the outlines of the other shore.

One development was returning to Magic: the Gathering. I played it as a kid but stopped for a decade and a half never really thought twice about it. I was fully engaged in things like learning guitar, learning Mandarin, studying computer science, learning new jobs in the Army, and so on. My analytical brain was fully occupied in my lifestyle, so I found no need for further analytical outlets in the form of games. However, with my mindless job over the last 18 months, I found that my brain was missing some engagement. MTG filled that role and continues to do so, which goes to show that my retirement must include proper levels of mental engagement for my sanity and happiness.

I frequently re-read Jacob’s blog post on breaking up with your career: http://earlyretirementextreme.com/break ... areer.html

I’m coming to terms with the fact that I have changed from my 22-26 year old self. During that time, I worked in some special places doing extraordinary work that was very much a product of the times, both with myself being young, single, and hungry to explore/challenge myself and with wars raging that provided a laboratory to innovate. Although I still think I would find that work fulfilling today, I think my priorities have shifted a bit. I actually don’t plan on fully breaking up with my career, however I have solidified that I’ll be leaving active duty which is a huge transition. In the Reserves, I will in theory be able to pick and choose only the jobs that appeal most to me, allowing me to savor the aspects of the career I still love while bypassing many of the shortcomings.

Of course, the other big change that has emerged in the past 2 or so years is my relationship with DGF. As our relationship has developed more, we have both really started to think of ourselves as a team. So, my work and lifestyle decisions incorporate her and vice versa. I really feel like we both complement each other and that our lives together are better than what either of us could do in isolation.

But what does this all mean for 2023 and later?

Well first off, after much deliberation my retirement lifestyle has started to take shape. I am now within 18 months of making the transition and there are various gates that will have to be met leading up to my separation. I have decided I will continue service in the Reserves for a number of reasons.

First off, as I indicated above, I actually don’t hate my career as much as a hate my current job and certain aspects of the active duty lifestyle (specifically the frequent geographic moves and lack of control over assignment). I do still enjoy doing Army things and actually miss some of the more physically demanding aspects like parachuting, hiking, shooting, and so on. Ditto with the camaraderie that comes from doing hard things with a group of people. I also feel like there are things that I never got to do in the military which feel a bit like an unresolved to do list. Certain deployments, jobs, ribbons, badges, schools, and so on still appeal to me. The Reserves give me the opportunity to volunteer for specific active duty assignments on my own terms.

Then there are the financial aspects. >$13k for working a month or 2 a year, ridiculously cheap healthcare, and the ability to keep accumulating years towards a pension. Although these all come secondary because I have already saved up ~20 years of expenses so I have the flexibility to take a few years off from paid employment as needed.

MTG is another leg of my ERE stool, although I’m uncertain how lucrative it will actually be. Gone are the days when pro players survive off of just tournament winnings, rather many pros make much more money from content creation. I started recording gameplay videos to improve my playing and have built up an audience of >100 subscribers on Youtube in a few months (web of goals win?). 1000 subscribers are needed to get a slice of ad revenue, so there is still a long way to go, however I have received a lot of positive feedback and it seems like my rate of growth is faster than many other creators in the same niche. Once an audience is built there are other monetization strategies like Twitch, Patreon, and so on. I could see continuing this as a business in my retirement as I incorporate attending in-person tournaments and collaborating with other content creators. I’m fortunate that I don’t need to make very much money and that I find the hobby rewarding.

I expect DGF to continue to be foundational in my life in 2023 and beyond. We have talked extensively about the future and have a shared vision that aligns with both of us. We also have now been together for 2 of the past ~2.5 years we have known each other and have overcome numerous hardships. I have thought more and more about marriage in recent months, although I still think it is a bit too early to pull the trigger. Our long distance relationship complicates things a bit because it’s harder for us to test drive living together and further intertwining our lives. I spent a month living in her house while we were both working and that went relatively smoothly.

Even with separate addresses for at least the next 18 months, we are paying a hefty financial penalty by not getting married. This year she starts having to pay for her own health insurance at a cost of ~$1.5k a month. As I’ve written before, I’m giving up ~$15k a year in financial benefits by remaining unmarried. Of course, getting married just for financial reasons is not prudent, but the optimizer in me continues to give careful consideration to at what point we just take the next step. I have a feeling DGF and I may be married by the end of 2023, even if we just elope and postpone the wedding to a future date. DGF insists on a fake engagement ring if/when the time comes of course, citing that real diamonds are a waste of money.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by Slevin »

I have plenty of friends who have gotten married for the financial benefits, passports/ green cards, etc. Even if you don't end up staying together, amicable divorce fees are usually under $500. $15000 + $18000 (I'm probably double counting here for some of the insurance costs) >> 500, and that's just the 1 year mark. Luckily my employer is fine with giving my partner health insurance even if we aren't married, as long as we live together, but if not we would likely do it too just for the health insurance benefits/ etc. Just make sure to do the prudent paperwork beforehand giving both of you buffers for your material goods in case one of you needs to back out of it, and real "wedding plans" etc can be moved out to be considered at a later date while reaping the benefits now.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

Slevin wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:42 pm
I have plenty of friends who have gotten married for the financial benefits, passports/ green cards, etc. Even if you don't end up staying together, amicable divorce fees are usually under $500. $15000 + $18000 (I'm probably double counting here for some of the insurance costs) >> 500, and that's just the 1 year mark. Luckily my employer is fine with giving my partner health insurance even if we aren't married, as long as we live together, but if not we would likely do it too just for the health insurance benefits/ etc. Just make sure to do the prudent paperwork beforehand giving both of you buffers for your material goods in case one of you needs to back out of it, and real "wedding plans" etc can be moved out to be considered at a later date while reaping the benefits now.
It's quite common in the military to basically skip over the traditional engagement period because of all of the benefits involved. To be clear, if we got married and divorced a year later (probably the worst case scenario financially?), DW/DGF would get about half of my income made during that time which is something like ~$50k, so the finances aren't exactly that cut and dry. However, I think that is an extremely unlikely outcome.

Things are a little complicated because DGF is currently in medical school so her only income is ~$700 a month from renting out a room in her house. She also owns (mortgages) a house, so she has both personal student debt (still hasn't accumulated interest on it) and mortgage debt in her name although the latter generates positive cashflow. I'd be coming into the marriage with a net worth north of $450k, but our assets before the marriage remain separate in the case of divorce since we're not in community property states. Neither of us wants children so those won't be in the picture. The thing still to figure out would be how we decide to handle our finances. For example, it probably doesn't make sense to help pay off student debt that is only in her name and I don't think DGF would even accept such an offer.

In 18 months DGF starts making an income as a resident physician, most likely in the $60-80k range. At that time I will have left full-time work and my income will drop off to <$20k a year. Every year her income will go up until the big jump to $300-400k once she finishes residency after 4-5 years.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by Slevin »

white belt wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:02 pm
It's quite common in the military to basically skip over the traditional engagement period because of all of the benefits involved. To be clear, if we got married and divorced a year later (probably the worst case scenario financially?), DW/DGF would get about half of my income made during that time which is something like ~$50k, so the finances aren't exactly that cut and dry. However, I think that is an extremely unlikely outcome.
Ah, yeah things are totally influenced by one partner not making any money (I think I was assuming she was also working due to her owning a house). Is this splitting of half of your yearly income a military thing, or is it something that could be handled with a correctly worded pre-nup agreement to minimize downside risk to you beforehand, if you short term got married and then divorced? Because in that case your partner would still be gaining 18k worth of "value" in terms of health insurance, etc.

Obviously it may just be that it is not worth the net relationship stress of putting together and executing complex financial documents as riders on a marriage contract to save 15-20k in your position to then get married but have a weird dissonance between being "actually married" in the relationship sense and being "married" in terms of legal documentation. Ruthless hedging to minimize downside risk in worst case is probably not "sexy" or "a positive relationship outlook", even if prudent.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

Slevin wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:59 pm
Ah, yeah things are totally influenced by one partner not making any money (I think I was assuming she was also working due to her owning a house). Is this splitting of half of your yearly income a military thing, or is it something that could be handled with a correctly worded pre-nup agreement to minimize downside risk to you beforehand, if you short term got married and then divorced? Because in that case your partner would still be gaining 18k worth of "value" in terms of health insurance, etc.
Well she technically makes ~$10k a year in rental income but as a full time student, she is spending more than that on tuition and living expenses. Of course her future earnings potential is higher than mine, but it will be years until she is at that point. Her parents helped out with the downpayment on the house, but due to ridiculously low interest rate during COVID and high rental income relative to purchase cost, her rental income pays something like 70-80% of her housing costs.

The half of income thing is just how divorce laws are written in the US in non-community property states (technically it's not half of income but half of assets). Spouses split any assets acquired during the marriage 50/50, so if she isn't making any income, then she is entitled to half of the net worth we accumulate during the marriage. This also means she would get a cut of any investment income during the marriage. She is not entitled to any net worth I accumulated prior to the marriage and similarly I'm not liable for any debts she incurred prior to the marriage. I'm also not entitled to any of her individual debts incurred during the marriage unless I were to co-sign on something. I also wouldn't be entitled to her house unless she added me to the deed.

There are of course horror stories on places like Bogleheads where someone gets married, pays off all of spouse's undergrad debt, then bankrolls spouses graduate/professional school, only to be dumped by spouse just prior to graduation. That's a great reason to not pay off a partner's debts that are in their name only. In my case DGF doesn't have any undergrad debt and even her medical school debt is relatively low due to scholarship and frugal lifestyle. I'm guessing there are ways to spell things out in a pre-nup, but I also know that pre-nups are anything but iron-clad and are open to various interpretations by divorce courts.

In short, the way I get "hosed" would be if spouse decided to divorce me right when graduating medical school, at which point I would have to pay half of assets acquired to her during time we were married. Although unpleasant, financially that's not devastating to ERE plans. Things get worse if I were to also pay off some of her debts acquired prior to marriage or bankroll her entire tuition, because as I understand it I'm not entitled to any of her future earnings if we get divorced before she starts making an income. Similarly, it would be stupid to put money towards her mortgage without having any stake in ownership of the house.

After that point it is likely she will be making much more money than me annually, so financial risks are reduced. Obviously I get "hosed" with edge cases like spouse just decides she doesn't want to ever make any money again, but that is extremely unlikely given her temperament. She is also quite frugal and enjoys living an ERE-friendly lifestyle. She also doesn't seem like the financially vindictive type given that she often rejects financial assistance from her own parents due to various strings being attached and her own independent streak.

Of course I've heard advice on these forums that goes something along the lines of, "if she isn't worth losing half of your net worth over, then don't marry her" which I think makes perfect sense. That in combination with doing the leg work ahead of time to select a suitable partner seems to mitigate a lot of the financial risk of divorce.

I will have to do some more research and we might mutually agree to getting a pre-nup just for piece of mind. It certainly is a convoluted situation and requires understanding what assets are individual vs shared in the eyes of various courts.

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

I talked things over a bit with DGF regarding the marriage thing and as is usually the case with us, it turns out we are on the same page. On the one hand, we both agree that it is not very culturally acceptable or logical in our circles to get married before cohabitating for at least a year followed by some sort of engagement period. There are risks of things going wrong, but we both have done a lot of work to try shine light on any covert contracts that either of us might consciously/subconsciously have in mind for such a commitment. However, we also both feel like our relationship is naturally progressing towards marriage, even though at this time both of us are 95% certain we don't want kids. We both acknowledge that this could change in the future (DGF is only 26) and that us having conflicting views re: children would almost certainly result in divorce.

Regarding the financial topics, DGF wouldn't feel comfortable with me paying off her student loans because 1) she accumulated them herself and wants the satisfaction of paying them off herself and 2) she recognizes that I would get the financial short end of the stick if I paid off her loans and we divorced before her prime earning years. She only has federal student loans and we don't live in a community property state, so it shouldn't be an issue for us to proceed with keeping her loans under her name.

In terms of wedding planning, we both agree that we would much prefer eloping if/when we announce the engagement and then having a casual reception at a later date (outdoor BBQ in a park perhaps). Both of us are already sick of the consumerism/decadence in the typical wedding and we have 4(!) more to attend this year. I've done some preliminary research on elopement, and we should be able to do the whole thing for <$1k (3/4 of that cost is for a professional photographer and professional hair/makeup for DGF). Luckily Uncle Sam already provided me with some spiffy formal wear (dress uniform), so I don't need to spend any money on that.

All that being said, neither of us are quite ready for me to propose at the moment. However, the way things are trending I could see it happening in the first half of this year.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by chenda »

white belt wrote:
Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:48 am
However, the way things are trending I could see it happening in the first half of this year.
How exciting : ) Have you thought about what you are going to do about rings ?

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by theanimal »

That's great!

Do you have any friends that are good photographers that you think would be willing to take pictures?

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

chenda wrote:
Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am
How exciting : ) Have you thought about what you are going to do about rings ?
Yes, DGF wants something artificial for her engagement ring. Maybe lab grown diamond or Cubic Zirconia. I'll probably just get one of the silicon rings for me.
theanimal wrote:
Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:17 am
That's great!

Do you have any friends that are good photographers that you think would be willing to take pictures?
Possibly. The logistics still need to be fully fleshed out, but I was just doing some preliminary research on the market cost of things like a photographer. Both of us want to be sure we have the event well-documented, but that doesn't necessarily have to mean paying for a professional.

white belt
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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by white belt »

I keep feeling like I am getting close to turning a corner, close to getting my spark back, but I can't quite keep the momentum going. Almost like it's two steps forward, one step back.

Overall, my life is going pretty well. My relationship with DGF continues to flourish and I feel as close to friends and family as I have since joining the Army. Thanks to my ~100k income, I'm still saving ~70% despite some increased spending over the past few months that I will hazard probably pushes me to the ~$30k annual spend. My net worth continues to grow thanks to my savings and some prudent portfolio risk management.

And yet, my day to day life doesn't feel entirely aligned with my values. My job is mindless work and long periods of boredom, which has started to seep into the rest of my life. I've found that I'm the type of person who gets motivation from getting something done, but everyday at work feels like all there is to do is sit around and surf the web. Sure, I can try to read or study when it's quiet, but deep focus is hard in a job that is very much about being on-call to put out fires. It’s a rough adjustment as someone whose identity is tied to being someone that possesses competence and gets things done. There is no competence needed; nothing much to get done.

My fitness regimen has fallen off. I'm the type of person who can maintain habits very easily (e.g. I once went a whole year without ever missing a workout), but has trouble adjusting to new habits. I'm very driven by routine, but I find it hard to structure my life when I'm on a rotating shift schedule. Society is on a 7 day week and I'm on a 10 day week. Now things have progressed to the point where I dread going to the gym because I know it will be days or weeks of soreness and moving light weights before I get back to being able to even pursue a real program. Yet I do feel satisfaction after a session, even if I feel like a shell of my former self. I finally caved and downloaded an app to build my program because I just didn't have the discipline to make my own. I hope this provides me some structure and a spark to get back in the habit.

It doesn't help that my day to day life is so far removed from being any sort of physical challenge. Sure, I walk places and ride my bike, but as someone who viewed himself as an athlete for the majority of my life, it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that beyond a low baseline level for human health, fitness just doesn’t really matter. Who cares if I can squat 400 lbs? Ruck miles and miles with +50 lbs? Run a 6 minute mile for 2 miles? It makes no difference in my life beyond just personal vanity and an annual fitness assessment that I could pass without trying. I used to get motivated for that stuff to prove something to myself, but now I don’t know anymore.

I look back at all the ERE things I’ve done in the past. Cooking all my own food for a month, cutting my own hair, microgreens, tempeh, compost worms, solar cooker, etc etc. I know I have the capability to do all that stuff, but yet I just choose not to. I don’t feel great eating at restaurants or paying for haircuts and yet I still do it. Recently I started re-organizing my room and ultimately decided that it was going to take some consumer solutions to solve it or else I was just never going to get to it. So, I bought a small shelf for my monitor and recently bought a few storage shelves from Amazon. Sure, I could’ve DIY’d shelves or scoured FB marketplace to get a used set, but I also knew that would take weeks and put me at risk of further procrastination. I don’t feel great about buying something new from a factory when lower-footprint alternatives exist, but I feel like it’s more valuable to get my space in order while I feel the spark to do it.

Rant complete for now.

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Re: White Belt's Military Journey to FI

Post by mathiverse »

Sorry to hear you're having trouble, white belt. It's really tough to lose your drive to do things you enjoy. How long do you have left on the shift work? You mentioned you might get off in January? Did that pan out? It seems like that'll go a long way towards improving your drive and motivation. Fingers crossed you don't have to wait another 12-18 months to switch to a better schedule.

I hope you feel better. I'm glad you have a thriving social life and otherwise decent life.

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