Stories and Anecdotes about Nonconsumers/howlies

Simple living, extreme early retirement, becoming and being wealthy, wisdom, praxis, personal growth,...
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Re: Stories and Anecdotes about Nonconsumers/howlies

Post by Bonde »

Alternative living in Tokyo.
Freelancer stays 4-5 nights a week at manga kissa. The purpose of the kissa is originaly a place for reading manga but many, also tourist, use it for accommodation in Tokyo. You get a kind of booth so it is not totally private.
He does it to save two hours commute by train that he would have if he went home every day. He is still living with his parents which is normal in Japan even as 31yo.
He does not mention how he sleeps. It seems like he must sleep in the chair since there is not room for laying down. The price is not mentioned. Shower is available.

Googled price. 1600-3000 yen (14-26 USD) for 7-12h, often with unlimited soft drinks. ... nga-cafes/

A tourist blog:
"I rented the lounge recliner in the non-smoking section and it was comfy. My chair reclined well and I had enough space for my legs to stretch out. It wasn’t hot or cold, but temperate. There was also room for luggage. I got free drinks from their coffee and soft drink vending machine. I could either, buy snacks from one of the vending machines or bring my own food in.
I was bedding down in cool and quirky Japan at $12 a night." ... anga-cafe/

Western Red Cedar
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Re: Stories and Anecdotes about Nonconsumers/howlies

Post by Western Red Cedar »

I recently stumbled across Kris Harbour on YouTube. I watched his overview after 5 years living off grid in Wales first, and it blew my mind. Definitely pretty high up the WL table. He moved from London to Wales to develop an 18 acre property. His main residence cost about 3,000 Pounds. Each project in the video is pretty amazing, but his dream workshop and future plans really impressed me.

He has a ton of long-form videos that provide details on all of his projects.

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Re: Stories and Anecdotes about Nonconsumers/howlies

Post by Salathor »

The manga kissa article was super interesting. I'd seen that before in anime/mangas and didn't realize it was a real thing. Super interesting! I've been to Japan a few times about 15 years ago but hadn't heard of those at that time. I love Japan and would definitely go back if things work out to let it happen.

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Re: Stories and Anecdotes about Nonconsumers/howlies

Post by Myakka »

These are two names which fit here (I think), which I share in case they are of some interest to some folks.

1) Peace Pilgrim There is a website dedicated to her:

2) Emma Orbach There are some youtube vids in which she is interviewed.
Her idea that electric lights at night are bad for our biorhythms has been influential with me. (I'm not sure if that is mentioned in this video -- it is one I watched years ago and remember as a good one.)

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