The Education of Axel Heyst

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by AxelHeyst »

Thanks yall. I'll be doing this project while based on the family land, which has a land line. I'll use that for necessary communications. A flip phone doesn't make much sense for me at the moment, since I'm rarely staying in a location with cell service.

I haven't had a cell plan since ~April, and I've mostly forgotten what it's like to have the internet in my pocket while out and about. Don't miss it at all.

My views on having a phone for emergencies:
1. If it's someone else's emergency, they should call EMS, not me. If they don't need to call EMS, it's not an emergency, rather an urgent inconvenience.

2. If it's my emergency, then
a) probably there will be someone else with a phone nearby,
b) if not, I'm probably outside of cell service anyways so having one wouldn't save me,
c) *not* having a phone makes me more aware of the risks and consequences I'm working with, and makes it less likely I'll enter into an emergency situation due to carelessness, and
d) I accept the risk of living like it's the nasty, brutish, and short existence of the red-in-tooth-and-claw 1990's.

3. If it's my urgent inconvenience, then it's a great opportunity to MacGyver, Suelo, Stoic, or Buddha that shit.

When my moto broke down (an inconvenience, not even urgent), I was probably out of cell coverage so it wouldn't have helped me anyways. But since I didn't have cell service, I had no option. A random guy with a truck stopped (withOUT me flagging or sticking my thumb out) and gave me and my moto a ride. That was a far more meaningful experience than if I'd just been able to call a tow truck (not to mention cheaper). And if no one had stopped, then the worst case was that I hoofed it back to town and possibly camped out in the beautiful countryside. I had proper gear to not freeze or starve because I knew I didn't have a cell phone to save me. And *that* would have been a story far worthier of telling than "I called a tow truck". Which is sort of what I'm optimizing for here.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by RoamingFrancis »

Thanks for putting that into words. Now maybe I'll feel slightly less bewildered when challenged on my Luddite tendencies. (In actuality, I am a screen addict myself and admire your ability to disconnect.)

Also: a quick Google search reveals the original Luddites were more badass than I had thought.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by guitarplayer »

Yeah sounds good! I did something along those lines for about 10 or 11 months though through circumstance rather than intentionally. I still remember it as one of the better times in my life.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by jacob » ... e-pla.html

Written 10 years ago. Does anyone remember what a cell phone is? It currently makes for situational comedy to challenge the younglings with the etymology of what "hanging up" means.

It's not all shits'n'giggles though. Try finding a payphone these days. The hassle of the world requiring the ownership of a smartphone these days is not a joke.

Personally I'm going for some highly selective 1950s style tech. Electromechanical. Basically lowtech-mag style.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by theanimal »

I saw on your blog that you mentioned getting sucked in more intensely on the occasions you do use screens. A list of what you are going to do and research/lookup when online may help. I had a similar setup when I lived in the Arctic. to what you are going to be doing. Internet (very slow) was only available in the truck stop 30 min away. No cell phone signal for 200 miles and only a community phone in town. I'd head to the truck stop to use the internet about once a week, but was only able to get 30 min to an hour at best with the bandwidth. So I made a list of what I needed to look up/do and did that first. Anything I wanted to read I opened as a tab to read offline later. That'll be different for you since you're only doing the one day. Seems like you'll have to develop a framework for if something is really worth reading or looking at, even more so than now. The experience without connectivity and screens was incredible though, it brought a clarity of mind that I hadn't had before (perhaps when I was a kid) or since. I imagine you'll achieve something similar soon enough.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by Autotroph »

We share the same views on the phone/emergency situation! What a strange coincidence that my recent post basically said what you were saying above. love it

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by AxelHeyst »

@jacob ha! I’d forgotten that ways on the 21-day makover. I really like the idea of selecting a decade to aim for (JMG’s retrotopia comes to mind). I’m aspirationally aiming for “Myst/Riven style technology” which isn’t too far off from 1950’s electromechanical I think.

@theanimal thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I took the past week to move a bunch of my stuff to analog, e.g. my GTD system and calendar are now mostly in a 3 ring binder, and one sheet is a “@computer” context, which will guide my screen day priorities.

@autotroph ha yeah I saw that. Great minds think in // yeah?

I’m planning on starting Project Analog (alt title: The Satanic Digital Sabbath) this week/tomorrow. Somewhat complicated by a potential client that wants to chat again, so I might need to establish some rules to not drop the ball on that. I’d prefer the project to be as pure as possible, but I’m not going to delay it until conditions are perfect.

We’re back on the family land, got through Thanksgiving holidays with lots of family, and are now focused on getting our little studio cabin built. Originally I was going to build arched trusses, but the radius was too aggressive and the laminates too knotted and I had too much breakage. Instead of spending more time sorting it out, I’m just switching to a standard box-style with a shed roof approach. 8’x16’, resting on blocks on top of rubble pier trenches, sheep’s wool insulation, DIY, windows, maaaaaybe a “green roof” with scoria for extra insulation, salvaged tin and hardiboard siding, etc. The purpose of the structure is to be an office/art studio for both of us, as serenity isn’t nearly big enough and the main house has our parents in it. Serenity will continue to be our sleeping quarters and kitchen. I think we’ll be able to keep total cost under $2k, and 866$ of that is just insulation.

We’ve dubbed our little annex off the main compound “Fort Dirtbag”. Serenity and our big 12’dia canvas tent are set up there right now. I’m aiming to get the studio done by Christmas. We plan to be based here until we leave for the RTW trip (assuming the world isn’t back in lockdown over Omicron).

I’m officially backing out of the shipping container project. The owner of that land suggested he’d buy me out of it. We’re on good terms, and I hope to visit often, but it’s become clear it’s not a situation that is a good *living* circumstance for us. We’re doubling down on the family land as being our one home base, at least for the West Coast. Getting land in the Midwest is back on the “solid maybe” list. DGF recently visited and came back saying “holy god I didn’t see the sun once”.

My parents have projects around the family land they want to pay me to do. I also infected them with some of my ideas about how to evolve this place to be less fragile: rainwater collection, walipini food growing, solar-izing the well, more underground structures, diy small scale passive solar devices, etc. There’s a possible future where I spend most of my time here, and double down on making this place less fragile and do project inspired by the New Alchemists. The time when it makes sense for me to spend a fair amount of time here just to help my folks as they age is coming up soon, so there’s a lot of gravity that it might just make sense to flow with. I’m tracking @WRC’s similar but different relationship with his family land with interest.

I’m on track to close out November just under 1 jafi CoL expenses, which I’m happy about considering some significant miles were put on the truck to migrate down here and included picking DGF up from LAX. Total expenses are high because I bought a truckload of sheep’s wool insulation - December will be a similar story.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by AxelHeyst »

##I’m going to start a podcast and am soliciting feedback now
My original idea was that it’d be an explicitly ERE themed podcast, titled “The ERE Chronicles”, and it’d be a mix of discussing ERE theory and practice, anecdotes from my own path, and interviews with other ERE folk. My journal, more or less. When I asked Jacob’s blessing to use the ERE name he told me he thought it was a terrible idea to use the name, as it’d be a trap. He encouraged me to think of it as an independent research project.

He’s right, obviously, but the idea suddenly felt much bigger because before I was thinking I’d just be a sub-part of ERE - not quite, but almost sort of, a “franchise” project of ERE. Calling it something else makes it “bigger” - as in, my own thing that I’m responsible for, even thought what I’m doing will be very explicitly attempting to stand on the shoulders of taller and smarter giants than I. Another way of framing what I’m trying to do: I’m trying to craft and articulate my own unique failure mode of ERE. Last way of framing it: if the point of ERE1 is to get your own house in order so that you can go do something else (aka the point of ERE is not ERE), this is my first real stab at that ‘something else’ that ERE has empowered/freed me to do. It’s possible I’m starting too soon, having not fully internalized ERE WL7 yet. /shrug if I crash and burn I’ll take notes and try again later.

My challenge has shifted from “how to not fall in the trap of the FI/RE label” to “how do I say what I want to say without just completely parroting/ripping off ERE doctrine without contributing something unique and valuable”.

Enough context. Here’s the concept.

Title: Advanced Retroadaptics
Sub-title: Lifestyle Design at the End of the World.

##Audience: Me, five years ago. Many of my friends and colleagues. STEM educated Millennials who are working (or want to be working) in sustainability in some way, and have a better than average grasp on the function and underlying infrastructure of industrial civilization, both via their professional work and education, and because they’re lifecycle analysis nerds and understand basics of where stuff comes from, embodied energy, supply logistics, etc. These are people who are comfortable at least discussing topics like anti-consumerism, critiques of progress, collapse scenarios, and are capable of having intelligent conversations critiquing mainstream sustainability, green washing, etc.

Motivated by having a positive impact and reducing harmful impacts. They’ve been employed long enough to have a healthy dose of cynicism about the impact of various approaches to “making a difference”, either on the industry/private sector side or the policy/public sector side. These folks are a green and orange SD slurpee. They’re old enough to be already thinking about their family’s financial and material-needs security. STEM educated, but most of these people are comfortable with varying levels of woo - they probably meditate sometimes, think yoga is great, etc.

I expect/hope most forumites will find it relevant and interesting, but I’m not going to be using a ton of insider jargon like WLs, SD colors, etc.

##Thought debt: ERE obviously, JMG, Boyd, Cal Newport, the New Alchemy Institute, Catton, CHS, Meadows, all the metacrisis thinkers, etc. I plan on explicitly crediting where I’m getting all these ideas, including ERE/Jacob/the forum, just striking a balance so I don’t wind up having an audience that is more interested in criticizing the fact that I’m not FI/retired “right” or something like that.

##Organizing Themes:
.The lifeboat flotilla (the metaphor that society is something like the Titanic, and the best action is not to try to elect a new Captain but to start building a lifeboat flotilla we can escape to before the ship goes blub blub).
.Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose as organizing themes to the good life, with emphasis on Autonomy as the fundamental step of putting on your own oxygen mask; Mastery being both means to Autonomy (#skillz) and method for achieving Purpose; discussion of Purpose in context of energy descent, community, other people, the biosphere, co-existence, etc.

A lot of people feel stuck or trapped, frustrated in their efforts to show up effectively for The Work the world needs. Not all are fortunate enough to land a unicorn job that nails effectiveness, income, security, autonomy, impact, etc. Advanced Retroadaptics is about how to remove luck/fortune from the task of achieving the good life, a life of meaning in the 21st century as everything (seems to) be falling apart, by mining good ideas from a bunch of different movements and projects.

Various, and I plan on doing some experimenting early on until I find what sticks.
.Deep dive/theory
.Update on my story, anecdotes from how I apply theory to my decisions and actions
.Book reviews
.Interviews / cohosts

Whether to have these as separate posts, or have a single episode format that includes all of these segments, is up for experimentation.

I’m thinking each episode will be between 10 and 30 minutes, not longer.

Primarily monologue, inspired by slam poetry and the dramatic oral performance of literature, which is something I really enjoy. I intend to put a lot of effort into scripting, and then a lot of effort into the *performance* of what I say. There’s going to be very few one-takes, except for occasional rants when the spirit moves me and it works well. This is more like a podcast of performed essays or speeches. This might be a terrible idea and/or lots of people won’t like it, but it’s what I feel like trying first.

##Episode/segment topic ideas
.Anti-consumerism vs. being a non-consumer
.The magic of extremely low spending
.Standard of living = skills * CoL
.How to pursue skills (foundational, life’s-work, stoke)
.Mining the past in order to adapt to the future: Adanced Retrodynamics
.Why tightly coupling your passion/impact/life’s work to income is a very bad idea
.How I went from spending 70k/yr to <10k/yr
.Put your own O2 mask on first
.Be the change: start small/personal, and expand sphere of influence outward. Don’t start global when your own house is a mess.
.Books to review: ERE, Kalmus, Merkel, Boyd, Catton, JMG, Timothy Merton (Morton?), Radical Homemakers, Abundance and Depletion, Per Espen Stokens, CHS,

.I’ll never, ever do an ad read. The only way I’ll make money from this is if hosting turns out to actually cost money, in which case I’ll set up a tip jar somewhere. I might set up a tip jar anyway, but I’ll never harangue anyone to utilize it. It’ll just be somewhere discoverable.

##wtf does Advanced Retroadaptics mean, and wtf would you title your podcast that.
1. It points to the fact that there’s a bunch of good ideas for how to do things in the past and that neophilia is a pathology (retro), the fact that the future is something we’re going to have to adapt to, and advanced both to suggest that this is all going to take some work, lots of the old ideas were never fully fleshed out, and to imply that I’m not suggesting we all just go back to the Bad Old Days of the 1950’s or 1890’s or whatever decade people typically accuse me of being myopically nostalgic about. It is intended to sound like the name of a major defense contractor, which makes it kind of funny/ironic since I rarely wear shoes and have long hair. People who can’t take a weird joke shouldn’t listen to my podcast. There’s more discussion of AR in my manifesto:
2. It’s vague enough to probably not trap me too badly.
3. All my other ideas sucked

##My Plan:
1. Record 3 episodes
2. Release them while working on six more
3. Evaluate how things are going after I’ve sent 9 episodes out.


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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by Jiimmy »

Sounds awesome, looking forward to it. If I had to guess I’d probably be a member of the orange/green slurpee.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by mountainFrugal »

It could be* an interesting play on the name "Advanced Retroadaptics" if you came up with a new definition to fit each podcast topic. Not sure how that would work for repeating topics, but could show the flexibility of your applied ideas/philosophy.

*depending on how meta you want to be.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by AxelHeyst »

@mF oo, I dig that. I had thought of doing a different Subtitle each time (my gf proposed "Death Metal for AntiCiv Hippies", which explains a lot about why I'm over the moon for her), but different takes on the definition of AR is solid.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by Blackjack »

Sounds like you’re gonna have an awesome podcast! I’m wondering if you are using the word retroadaptics in the same way as exaptation in this context; I.e. using an existing trait or solution for a purpose which it was not developed for.

So you could (if you are so inclined) move the title to something like: “regrowth exaptations” which (if I understand your intent correctly) would mean something like “how to adapt and expand existing technology/ systems of meaning / culture for the future energy crisis and meaning crisis”. It is, of course, a play on degrowth, which looks like it is going to be one of your core topics, but instead transcends and includes simple degrowth into something else, turning it into a re-growth. Then you can focus on the idea of “regrowth” in terms of shifting meaning and mental models and value systems from orange and green things, towards the direction you are trying to sway the audience with your podcast episodes.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by bostonimproper »

Sounds cool! I’d definitely listen to that podcast.

Wondering whether as a topic you can maybe compare Advanced Retroadaptics to other futurist strategies / adaptations (kind of like the ERE vs. specialization trap that jacob often talks about)? Thinking about the things that keeps me forever in the “before” camp are 1/ difficulties trying to adapt systems of self-sufficiency while simultaneously accruing capital in a hyper-specialized interdependent world (e.g. “inefficient” time and resource use) and 2/ being unable to identify the “assets” of the future (i.e. what are the bedrock things I can rely on). Would be interesting fodder for me as a retroadaptic-curious!

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by Jin+Guice »

It's interesting, I have the opposite problem. I know a bunch of people who've checked out, but it's hard to convince them that 1) blowing money when they have it is possibly linked to environmental degradation and there IS a way to do something/ think about this that is not hyper annoying, though it is challenging and 2) that saving money is not inherently evil bc CAPITALISM.

In the spirit of SD or a lot of the development models, it's hard for me to tell if someone checked out bc they gave up, in which case they usually need go threw some sort of "I need to grow up" process where they start going into debt to get a piece of the more normal middle class pie (adult signifiers) or, they are truly out of the game and are down to live in a bus until their body fails them.

Most of these people never thought that having an office job was a good way to make a difference and are happy to be frustrated with the way things are. When they try to make a difference, they come face to face with their massive distrust of authority and structure, wanting everything to be ideologically perfect and how frustrating multi-faceted issues are are and throw up their henna tattooed hands or rely on leftist soundbites that are emotionally appealing but void of any actual solutions.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by jacob »

@J+G - I think I know these people :? ... yet I'm not entirely sure.

I see it as an egocentric implementation of the green vmeme. Aka Boomeritis. Knowing what they're supposed to say or think but not knowing why they're saying it and not seeing the connection between personal actions and the societal consequences of aggregating these actions. Hence, using a $1,000 smartphone to coordinate a protest against the corporations supplying the very phones they're using while missing the irony.

For me the greatest difficult is about avoiding committing the pre/trans-fallacy around green. Like you said, for any given person, it's still hard [for me] to determine whether the expressed values are authentic and internally derived or externally derived in order to fit into a social setting. See viewtopic.php?p=251210#p251210

They both say things that hate on orange and blue but it's not entirely clear on where it's coming from. In general, I presume that "hating on" comes from Boomeritis. I don't think it would comes from Tier2. However, I also think Tier2 is not helping much by having accepted all this as part of a process. I can certainly do a Mea Culpa on that one. For example, compared to even 5 years ago, I find almost no motivation to engage in "investment debates" anymore. Trying to convince people otherwise is just pounding sand. Rather it just has to happen the way it does.

The pre/trans-fallacy is governed by the risk of thinking that one is at higher level than one is + thinking that others are at a lower level than they are.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by Jin+Guice »

@jacob: For me this was THE problem to over come and one of THE major reasons I decided to hang out here and not just get bored of FI bc the mechanics are easy.

In my mind it's a reflection of the problem @AH said above.
jacob wrote:
Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:38 pm
Hence, using a $1,000 smartphone to coordinate a protest against the corporations supplying the very phones they're using while missing the irony.
It's super easy to laugh at this, but what is the solution? There's so many angles you have to think about this from. Smartphones (or some form of internet based corporate controlled tech) are the easiest ways to organize things. It's hard to give up the status/ ease that smartphones bring. It's hard to live in a smartphone world without a smartphone. I could go on...

And even if you solve the smartphone problem by implementing your own anarchist pony express of face tattooed letter carriers, you're still going to arrive by some form of corporate/ government transit in your corporate shoes which were made by slaves.

The most obvious thing to do after you realize the irony is to give up.

It's really hard to see solutions to a problem that you were raised to be blind to. The way that our world is structured, most problems are solved by manipulating a single parameter. This is tractable and easy on the emotions.

I was recently interviewed for a podcast about food sustainability where the interviewer asked me about dumpster diving. I didn't have a chance to prepare for the interview and it was really hard for me to say something. What most people want to hear is that "food waste is appalling, how can we allow so much food to be thrown out when people are hungry?" But this doesn't even begin to address how I feel about dumpster diving as a unique niche in a society that is balancing food safety with food scarcity not to mention a million outside factors like income inequality, food miles, migrant workers, obesity and food access.

I think the hardest part of this problem is we are effectively trained to be unable to see and solve problems of this nature and there are a million false paths to go down that are emotionally easier where the logic is easy to follow that are less disruptive to one's social status.

I think part of putting on one's own oxygen mask is accepting that "I will use the existing structure of economics to do these terrible things, until I can find a viable alternative, so that I can survive, bc there isn't actually another choice." Accepting this isn't easy especially when it's coupled with "do these things that will at least initially be socially isolating."

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by theanimal »

Cool idea re the podcast. I had the same idea once and wrote down a list of subjects that I think would be worth talking about. I'll see if I can find it. One that I remember is the idea of indigenous societies and their approach to work. Such as no difference between work/play, Marshall Sahlins research outlining the focus of their time/work taking no longer than 20 hrs a week and ample time spent in the "arts".

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by jacob »

Jin+Guice wrote:
Wed Dec 01, 2021 3:16 pm
It's super easy to laugh at this, but what is the solution? There's so many angles you have to think about this from. Smartphones (or some form of internet based corporate controlled tech) are the easiest ways to organize things. It's hard to give up the status/ ease that smartphones bring. It's hard to live in a smartphone world without a smartphone. I could go on...
An attempt was made to find a similar ERE Wheaton table for green: viewtopic.php?t=12146 ... I somehow dropped the ball on this. Anyway, I suggest that the solution is a step-by-step approach formulated by WLs.

"Social status" triggered a thought. WL1 operates from a scarcity mentality regardless of which direction it comes from. For orange it's money (excludable rivalrous capital). For green it's being accepted by the group (excludable non-rivalrous capital). Achieving harmony is difficult because everything has to be dialogued over. As a result, it takes a long while for green to communicate. Since harmony is valued, it's hard to break out of the groupthink(*). Therefore only a few things have been agreed on. The group may agree or disagree on other things but constructive conversations have never been had.

"It's the corporations fault so lets protest them" is just projection. Projection is the simplest possible psychological trick to resolve the dissonance (shadows and all).

(I might just be redescribing boomeritis here.)

Goring holy cows is more difficult. With orange you can pull people out of the matrix one by one by simply showing them where the money is [found in a better way]. With green people have to be pulled out in groups ... or maybe that's not even the right way to think about it anymore.

(*) For example, a green group will likely only allow communication in a certain way with certain words. This cleverly avoids the conversations the group does not wish to have. It's a postmodernist constraint. Cf. the modernist constraint via money.

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by Jin+Guice »

@jacob: I'm confused as to how you're describing isn't blue behavior to some extent? Green should be less susceptible to groupthink? If I understand this correctly, Blue may accidentally arrive at harmony through groupthink while Green may accidentally arrive at groupthink while they pursue harmony. But holy cows and prolonged groupthink should be the province of Blue, no? Green seeks harmony with knowledge of coercive self-interest (Orange) and seeks what's best for the group through group cohesion. But, if I understand this correctly, they should be somewhat dynamic and not blindly adhere to the group just because cohesion is found. Cohesion is the goal, not the religion (as it is at Blue)? Otherwise, how is Green different than Blue?

So from the example we've been using, Green should realize that The Corporation is an Orange entity and understand how Orange operates, so at first they may be blinded by the cohesion a protest gives, but they should be dynamic enough to understand why organizing a protest is antithetical to the groups well-being, once it is pointed out to them that they have been duped by Orange.

My own solution to the cell phone problem would be do not go to the protest, bc I do not believe that protests do very much and I can't think of a way to protest EvilCorp without benefitting EvilCorp, so instead I will find a way to do my best to not benefit EvilCorp while I go back to the drawing board on how to take them down. I'm not sure what color thinking this is though?

Also, I never understood Yellow, but is Yellow manipulating groups for their own (perceived) benefit in a way that also benefits themselves? I'm describing it negatively bc of how my thoughts are flowing. An attempt at a more positive way: Yellow is informed leadership that understands the dynamics of harmony, but is willing to break harmony, when necessary, to steer the group. "When necessary" is internally defined and not solely in search of ego gratification (which would be Orange)?

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Re: The Education of Axel Heyst

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Catton wrote that often the urge to form or join a protest movement is rooted in “redundancy anxiety.” If you are acting to make things better, you can not be one of the superfluous humans contributing to the increasing competitive pressure of an overheated and overextended population density.

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