Ere and other things, A journal

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Ere and other things, A journal

Post by unsio »

So I moved to my current location about 9 months ago. Finally settling in after a long move and some other hassles along the way. i have made note of many of the resources in the town and still have an eye out for things. I don't have much. a few thousand dollars in the bank, but my credit is good, and my partner has some capital, so we may buy a house, as it is less expensive than renting in this area.

This town is very walk-able. everything is about 2 miles from everything else. It has a technical and an uppity well-to-do college. So far, I've managed to track down a free tai chi class, a bicycle coop and a makerspace. The bicycle coop and makerspace trade volunteer hours for free membership, so I am working on that.

I am also in college for philosophy. I will be taking ethics in the fall. I have a multi-tiered plan to find wise people in my area to work on that aspect of my life. I'm not religious but have been immersed in Professor John Vervaeke's work, and am interested in finding more people in my area who might want to explore that. My intention is to live the ere lifestyle, as it suits my natural tendencies well. I do have a bit of a problem in organizing my thoughts, but I'm hoping the philosophy will help me with, but who knows. I want to start learning useful skills and building some social capital. I know that our bicycle coop has an ambition of becoming a school and wants to collaborate with the technical college (who run the makerspace). So i will try and help facilitate that.

I want to learn to invent things, so to that end I plan to increase my facility with drawing. i am also continuing to work on learning to code, a project I started in 8/1/14 and have had little success, but I find it hard to quite things. Hopefully that will lead me to some kind of job that pays me more than my pharmacy tech job.

Basically working on developing the renaissance lifestyle with an ecology of practices.

What I'm currently doing
- Makerspace starting 8/9
- bicycle coop once a week
- college for philosophy
- Searching for a house
- Tai chi 1/week
- working at pharmacy
- learning to code
- learning to draw
- chipping away at building a youtube channel.
- learning math
- developing a meditation routine

I'm not sure where this will go, but hopefully this journal will help me organize my thoughts a bit. I think I need to get a bit clearer about my priorities.

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Re: Ere and other things, A journal

Post by unsio »

Today went and looked at a house. We weren't to impressed, and so the search continues. Tomorrow we go to the bicycle coop and checked out a few more homes. I am working on an mitx open courseware class on math for computer science, as well as a book on proofs. Working on building my logical foundation for philosophy. Found this website:
seems helpful.

Hard not to get distracted. Will probably clean the apartment up a bit. Art skills are slow going, but I'm not working out of any particular books. Think I'm going to dig through Hamptons Figure drawing book, and maybe Mattesi's force book.

How is this helping me with ERE. I'm not sure. Just pursuing passions, learning new things. Haven't spent any time meditating today or doing Tai chi. Maybe when I'm done cleaning I'll try to come up with a morning routine.

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Re: Ere and other things, A journal

Post by unsio »

Yesterday went well. Spent three hours disassembling a bicycle but it was fun if a bit frustrating. Today we look at some houses, and I find myself trying to give myself permission to organize my thoughts. I've always hit a wall when I've tried to be hyper organized in the past. I get caught in this loop of trying to control certain things that I end up having trouble with and then I feel ba about myself. That said, I have been relatively content with not thinking to much about the future, living day by day and staying afloat in the chaos of my life, but I don't think this is going to be sustainable. As someone pursuing wisdom, I think I need to find the right balance of ratios between effort and organization, and an appreciate for the fact that life has it's twists of fate.

So a few years back I learned emacs and org-mode, and I'm attempting to get back into using that to organize my learning a bit more precisely. there are so many things I would like to do and it is hard to get to everything. I'm working on fleshing out a second brain type system to help me track things better. I've played with org-brain, but I think I'm just going to stick with standard org mode for now.

As far as my learning goes, I want a job that pays me more, but I don't want to psyche myself out by thinking about where I should be at this point. I have spent a long time learning how to code and am very unsatisfied with my progress, but it definitely hasn't come easy. That said, I'm going back to learn discrete mathematics and am finding a lot of overlap with the logic taught to baby philosophers, so it's kind of a kill two birds with one stone kind of thing. Currently working on the MIT open courseware 2010 class. ... -lectures/

Financially I would like to be in a better position, but that's still slow going. One step at a time. I'm sure I'll get there, and it's important to appreciate the weirdness of life.

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Re: Ere and other things, A journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Hampton is a staple figure drawing book for me. Currently, it is open on my drawing desk to 194 (legs!). Mattesi also has a decent number of videos on youtube that are helpful to take a look at in addition to the book. Between the two of those you will get the foundations you need. If you want one additional set, especially for heads/faces at any angle all of Andrew Loomis' works are available on internet archive: ... head-hands

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Re: Ere and other things, A journal

Post by unsio »

Thanks for the tip mountainFrugal!

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Re: Ere and other things, A journal

Post by unsio »

Had the orientation to the makerspace today. It's a cool space, machine shop, wood shop, cad programs, soldering irons, 3d printers, various cnc type machines. I look forward to playing with them. In the mean time going to volunteer to help facilitate free access to the space. Tomorrow I go to the bike coop. Probably will help them with their point of sale programs, but we'll see.

Hard to find an affordable house in the town. At least not with our budget, so for now we stay put. Working through casually through how to prove it, and the MIT course. It's slow going. Math is hard for me, but I am determined to "get" it . Haven't had much time to work on my drawing. Maybe I'll try to spend some time on that tonight after some coding practice.

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