Which covid vaccine would you pick?

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George the original one
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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by George the original one »

Moderna was the only choice from my county. Second dose left me achy & feeling tired and spousal unit got fever/chills. 2 days later and we're back to normal.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by Lemur »

Went with Pfizer because it was my only option. Spouse and I had only two side-effects: mild headache that went away same day and some fatigue - I almost never nap but after getting the vaccine, I had to take a 4 hour nap or so. That was it. Spouse had a sore arm. I did not.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by pukingRainbows »

@7Wannabe5 What you are saying makes a lot of sense. With respect to viruses mutating in response to vaccines, I agree it is not some "magical force" but rather the normal response in a system that is open and dynamic, where the scenario creates an environment which then become feedback for the current system. Basically, I am seeing this situation from a complex systems perspective, where effectively, the vaccine cannot help but respond to its environment, with the result being adaptation. And specifically unpredictable adaptation. @slsdly, it is that adaptation that dulls my exuberance for the current efficacy of current vaccines.

Given how little we understand and can predict about viruses, and vaccines outside of statistics and models, I find myself something of a resistor, as Jacob has termed it.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


The reservoir of humans who have not yet been vaccinated is huge, so the virus could continue to mutate in a variety of ways. For instance, a strain that is more mild in effect, but much more contagious could re-infect some of those who are already vaccinated, but it is also quite possible that a strain that is much more deadly could emerge and kill many more of those who are not yet vaccinated. It’s far from an iron rule, but generally mild and very contagious and deadly and less contagious is the pattern. Therefore, I believe that human lab rat is a much better risk than human Petri dish.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by henrik »

Three weeks after the second shot of AZ, going strong:) The first one gave me very high fever (40C/104F) for a few hours, some weakness the day after.

All this is full of anecdotes and emotions. I've seen a close family member go through weeks of induced coma and machine breathing because of COVID and a year later a close co-worker die from (most probably) complications from AZ. So it's emotionally complicated.

Yet the statistics is somehow rather convincing. I'm just about good enough at math to not expect winning the Eurojackpot. The probabilities are on the same scale here. Has anyone popping ibuprofen every now and then ever looked at the list of possible side effects?

Ego wrote:
Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:30 pm
So, as a person with no medical conditions, I am waiting for more information.
Your approach makes a lot of sense as long as too many people don't do the same.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by NuncFluens »

I've just gotten my first shot of AstraZeneca 2 days ago, as it was the first one I was offered. Apparently it's unpopular enough that they have several doses at the end of the day that would expire if noone took them (this is Germany, btw). The side effects were quite severe, if short lived. I couldn't move around and was in pain for a whole day (but also did a full body workout prior to the surprise vaccination call, so YMMV).

The reaction of my colleagues has been quite funny. Apparently I'm reckless for taking AZ and don't I read the news, blabla. With the incentive-structure the way it is (certain freedoms for vaccinated people), though, I've decided to get it over with ASAP. So maybe I am reckless :p
henrik wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 11:38 am
Has anyone popping ibuprofen every now and then ever looked at the list of possible side effects?
If you mean regarding the vaccination, yes. I did some research online, as I didn't think to ask the doctor (and they didn't bother pointing it out), and apparently noone knows for sure. Ibuprofen (NSAIDs in general, also Paracetamol) seem to be advised against no matter what kind of vaccination (flu, ticks) is received, as they might interfere with the immune-reaction. This interference seems to drop off quite quickly after the initial shot, though, as several sources grudgingly suggested to take them a few hours after the vaccination if need be.

Personally I took two Ibuprofen 400 about 24h after my first shot, so I could get rid of the headache that remained once the body aches were mostly gone. As I normally don't take Ibuprofen, this was a one-off, though. If anyone has better information I would be interested.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by AnalyticalEngine »

I got the second pfizer shot. After about 10 hours of getting the shot, I developed a fever and a slight sense of delirium and basically just went to bed early. Ended up in a weird fever dream state all night, then the next day, felt pretty nauseous all morning. However, the fever and the nausea went away after a few hours in the morning, and then I was fine with no more side effects.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by chenda »

With the side effects its good to know the vaccine is actually doing its thing anyway.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by Lemur »


We just had our second Pfizer shots as well. Me - Nothing. My Spouse - Similar to your symptoms... Fevers/Chills/Headache for a day and a half.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by Ego »

We got the one-and-done J&J. Mrs. Ego felt fine. I experienced a bit of a headache and restless sleep on day two. The shingles vaccine was worse.

Over the weekend I counted the number of friends I encountered who have said they are refusing. Twelve. Of those, only two said they believe the vaccines are unsafe. Most are angry about the overall covid response and are refusing because they can. A thumb in the eye of the system that overreacted and now needs their compliance to achieve its goal of herd immunity.

While spite is not a good reason to refuse, it is understandable. At least to me it is. It is common for humans to risk harm to themselves in order to damage those responsible for harm done to them. IMO the focus on trying to convince people that the vaccines are safe is a fools errand. They don't care.

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Re: Which covid vaccine would you pick?

Post by Alphaville »

darwin awards otw :lol:
