What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by Arthur765 »

I have changed my lifestyle much after the pandemic. I've started to eat a diet enriched with vitamins and minerals to keep my body prepared for fighting the virus. I am also taking multi-vitamins for those vitamins which are hard to get from a natural diet.

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by Alphaville »

The health benefits of sunlight: Can vitamin D help beat coronavirus?

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/22 ... z6b99R9fqU

or watch the video:

basic stuff but not everyone knows this

(disclaimer: i take supplements lol)

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by J_ »

My stand:
To dodge the Covid-virus stays first.
In public indoor places I wear a mask. I wash my hands regularly
I don't like to live as a prisoner, so I continue rowing (single boats at the moment) and other outdoor sports.
I (as always) avoid outgoing (dining/drinking alcohol)
I do meet other people, and do my best to stay 1.5 meter away during talks
I am fond of social contacts, I keep meeting friends
So the longer the virus is around and the more infected people there are, the more it is possible that I will become infected too
For this situation I keep my body in the best possible health (vegan, b12, fit, not any medication, low stress, enough sleep, perfect body weight)
And I will see if this is enough to compete with this world-wide-plague (or not)

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by catpepper »

I've mostly just been staying away from actual human contact and wear a face mask when I'm out.

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by Ego »

jacob wrote:
Fri Aug 14, 2020 4:52 pm
I do worry slightly that this self-imposed sterile environment is just building up kindling for a wildfire at some point. Some countries have practically eliminated flu for the time being because basic flu reproduction numbers have been driving far below 1 by changing behavior. If/when it comes back, the susceptible population will get larger the longer this goes on.
^^^ If I were a betting person I'd say that the dry tinder and weakened immune systems resulting from this social isolation will be one of the short-sighted unintended consequences from Covid that kills more than have been saved. Hygiene hypothesis writ large.

There has been a lot of speculation as to why children are much less susceptible to Covid and one suggestion is because their immune systems are primed by the many vaccinations they recently received. While there is not much to be done about our collective de-germification, individual it may be a good time to get a variety of vaccinations as they may provide non-specific immunity to fight Covid. Some have suggested re-immunizing adults using the childhood vaccination schedule to enhance B Cell, T Cell & NK cell effector responses which has some positive knock-on effects.

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 86984/full


The question then becomes, how does one ask their doctor for various immunizations or do we simply pay for them on our own? If I am reading the chart correctly it appears that BCG is the most promising. BCG is for Tuberculosis. How can one ask for a TB vaccination in a way that leaves a liability-avoiding doctor no other option than to agree? Travel plans to Indonesia? The conclusion mentions the DTwP vaccination may be the most promising. The CDC Adult Immunization Schedule calls for a TDAP booster every ten years so that may be something...

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by luxagraf »

Ego wrote:
Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:21 pm
How can one ask for a TB vaccination in a way that leaves a liability-avoiding doctor no other option than to agree? Travel plans to Indonesia? The conclusion mentions the DTwP vaccination may be the most promising. The CDC Adult Immunization Schedule calls for a TDAP booster every ten years so that may be something...
Have kids? When my daughters were born I got a TDAP booster and then when my son was born 2.5 years later they suggested I get another. They also suggested that anyone who was going to be around my kids a lot also get one. My parents got them even though they were up-to-date by CDC standards. So if you were serious about it, that might be something to bring up with a doctor -- just say you're going to be helping care for a niece/nephew or whatever.

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by Ego »

@luxagraf, interesting! My doctor seems to use the CDC website as his bible in determining whether he will order vaccinations. I looked through the website for TDaP recommendations and it appears they only recommend it for those who have not had a previous TDaP and will be in close contact with an infant. It only costs about $20 so I may just get it myself.

He already declined my request for the pneumonia vaccinations as they are for those over 65 or those with particular conditions that make them vulnerable to pneumonia. CVS ReadyClinic charges $220 for the first of two pneumonia vaccination (PCV13).

I asked for the Tuberculosis and the two Meningococcal vaccinations due to my (ahem) upcoming bike tour through Indonesia (high TB rates). He said he would have to reference the CDC website and get back to me. I am not hopeful.

I've got an appointment today for the shingles vaccination.

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Re: What are you taking/eating or doing to improve your immunity?

Post by catpepper »

That's really interesting information. I guess taking vaccines helps improve immunity as well.

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