ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

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ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by daylen »

What if there were some way to encode the essence of the ERE journey into smart contracts? In a way that couples skill-building to general wisdom? Such contracts could potentially enable scaling at the expense of loosing moderation ability. I can also see how this may just result in spawning a new fragmented "community" which decouples from its origin

Incentivizing 5% of the population to learn 50% of the desired skills?

Just a thought I had upon Jacob mentioning the potential for an ERE successor. Would it work? ..for whom? How might these contracts be implemented? Does something like this already exist in the form of a consultation economy on Ethereum?

I am not very well integrated into the Ether-verse, but I imagine that something like this will emerge at some point.


On a related note to "learning tribes": What mechanisms/norms can be used to prevent misinformation/placebos from becoming the "carrot"? Just as Reddit/Youtube/Facebook dopamine treadmills are slowly becoming synonymous with "Education" in some circles.

I imagine it comes down to the scientific method: theory coupled to experimentation. Yet, individuals require some prior knowledge coupled to data to serve as a working metaphor before such a process can be implemented reliably. What an agent includes in their known and unknown categories can sometimes take on a peculiar form.

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by Stahlmann »

how about just influencing your nearest environment?

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by daylen »

Presumably for similar reasons as to why we are communicating across the internet right now. :)

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by fiby41 »

dopamine treadmills are slowly becoming synonymous with "Education" in some circles.
Please elaborate

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by daylen »

Let's assume the following model of Education:

A. information retrieval
B. action integration (action could just be talking/writing)
C. practice
D. synthesis of information-action clusters

A is the easy part (e.g. watch videos or read articles) but will fade away after enough time if B, C, and D are not executed. C and D are especially time consuming and are ideally done in a dedicated group setting (e.g. school or work) or automagically at Kegan5/Wheaton7.

Now think about how the modern world incentivizes 40 hour work weeks specializing in a single information-action cluster. People come home with not enough time for B, C, and D, but A can be executed in short bursts by attending to distributed, modular content forms on generalized social media platforms (e.g. Reddit/Youtube/Facebook). Hence B, C, and D become unknown unknowns and certain echo chambers start to conflate shallow learning (i.e. modern entertainment) with education.

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by Alphaville »

to paraphrase a famous fridge magnet, “do stupid things faster with more energy.”

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


How would this differ from, for instance, the process of earning IBM certified badges on Coursera? It has been my experience that I can quickly and easily almost completely forget anything/everything I attempt to learn through the watch a video/take a quiz method. For instance, there was one day a few years ago when I knew how I might optimize WiFi in a theoretical coffee shop I might own, but I totally forget how to do that now.

It has also been my experience that even simple skills that are very frequently practiced during one phase of life may decay a good deal given enough years. For instance, folding and pinning a cloth diaper is something you can maybe do while sleeping during years when you have two babies, but 20 years later, you might have to actively think your way through the process.

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by daylen »


I have not really thought much about it. I envision more of an ecosystem of different services ranging from something like Quora to something like Craigslist for tutoring. More elaborate structures such as learning tribes could also be implimented. The primary difference from other educational mediums is that it would grow its own decentralized network organically as the value of its own embedded currency increased. This would happen as more people contribute server-time and develop extensions to the core. Eventually, it would allow people to teach a set of skills/knowledge/wisdom in order to learn another set. The system would insure anonymity/privacy from tech giants and governments.

As the network grows it would become more generalized and an exchange rate with other currencies such as the dollar would become established, but if the system remained small then it would take on a more communal feel or even connect several otherwise disparate communities with a unifying ideology (e.g. FIRE, DIY, etc.). Overall, it could allow problems with more Te-oriented solutions be learned using an Fe-oriented approach without having to go though some centralized organization or having to develop a social network from scratch.

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by Jean »

I tend to do a lot of B and D naturally. I assume some people do C. I do if a goal is set (avoid hiring someone, pass a test, climb a mountain , don't lose every game,etc...)
Maybe people have a diversity of post information retrieval behaviour and it would be good to have groups to bé diverse in that regard?
I would add that A is not trivial, even if youtube Can make it look so.

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Re: ERE as a Skill+Wisdom Economy

Post by daylen »

Yeah, that whole model is heavily influenced by personality. Roughly..

A - Si, Ne
B - Ne, Se
C - Se, Te
D - Ti, Ni

Si and Ti in combination is particularly adept at building non-trivial information retrieval systems (i.e. a database of fields, sub-fields, factoids, keywords, etc.) resulting in efficient research when filling in gaps. Yet, the concreteness of this database can also be limiting when thinking more abstractly (i.e. Ni territory).

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