testosterone therapy

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Re: testosterone therapy

Post by ertyu »

So, from another depressed shmuck, you're sounding like you're looking for a magic silver bullet with testosterone therapy. I say don't do it, and not for financial reasons. Right now, you seem to use the idea of testosterone therapy to facilitate avoidance and denial in your life.

1. Avoidance dealing with your self esteem issues. So, you're feeling less of a man because your libido is mismatched with your partner's libido. Grow up and learn not to make your dick the center of your identity.

2. Avoidance dealing with relationship communication and developing relationship skills. GF dissatisfied with sex life? Whatever should we do? Discuss, introduce toys etc, negotiate the parameters of our open relationship? Noooo, let's whine about how egotistc I am and wallow in how inferior I'm feeling.

3. Avoidance doing the hard work required to get off the couch, exercise regularly, cook and eat a healthy diet rather than "meh, normal for a guy my age I guess," etc. Feeling this one, I'm also dragging my feet getting my act together in this area of my life.

You're trying to use testosterone therapy to avoid doing the hard work. I highly doubt this will work. Get your ass off the couch and into the gym and, after that, into a regular therapists' office. I'm a melodramatic, avoidant loser so I can tell one when I see one. Good luck.

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Re: testosterone therapy

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

This thread is 3 years old.....

Posts: 3033
Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:31 am

Re: testosterone therapy

Post by ertyu »

lmao what we get for not checking the date. dude still sounds like he should get off the couch first and worry about testosterone therapy later. and the part where i am giving *myself* a very hard look re: same getting off the couch still holds lol

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