What are you doing during the confinement ?

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What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Frugalchicos »

So, what are you guys up to these days locked down at home?

I watched a million videos of vanlife and van conversion, washed all my clothes and sneakers, did some yoga and brushed up on my wine knowledge (and drunk some of it)

Any recommended movies, shows, youtube videos are very welcome...

Keep it strong guys and stay at home!

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Jean »

I played hundreds of hours of Kerbal Space Program while brewing herbal tea.
I highly recommand this game.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by ertyu »

-Feeling hopeless because my ill, aged parents won't stop going to the store for inessential shit
-Listening to podcasts about how many people require hospitalization and how doctors and nurses in my country are quitting en masse because of how poorly prepared we are
-Listening to reports from bergamo and panicking that we're all gonna die
-Refreshing this forum every 10 minutes or so
-Feeling sorry for myself over my stock market losses
-Panicking that we're all gonna die

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by SustainableHappiness »

We have a toddler and a baby at home. All of the activities we typically do (1 or 2 a day) are closed down, e.g. library, free programming around the city. Luckily the snow melted over the last couple weeks and going outside for long stretches of time is now a desirable option for the toddler (he wasn't a fan of having to have mittens on in the snow, and when we let him take them off he'd want to go inside when his hands got cold...kids, amiright?).

We are getting creative, pinterest and other internet sources for kids activities (one example is 26 post it notes with a letter written on each and scrap paper with the letters written on it and then you hide the post-it-notes around the house and bring them back to the board. That was a couple hours of fun). Our baby doesn't know the difference. The toddler begins to run up the walls if we stay inside for too long. We are also not fans of letting our kids watch t.v. (because of the comatose facial expressions while they watch), but our toddler watches a bit more Paw Patrol than usual (probably 30-60 minutes a day this week), especially if I have to work while my wife puts the baby to nap. We still limit it though, because we've seen a correlation between too much TV (>60 minutes) and negative behaviour.

My wife also had a fever over the past couple days so we're now not visiting or being visited by any relatives either.

Having little kids makes sitting and watching netflix or playing videogames impossible (which is very sad sometimes), but we already knew that when I went to a few bachelor parties and discovered that being hungover with little kids is not the same as being hungover without them.

It's hard, but it's only going to get harder since we are in like day 3 of 30... I also may lose my job as they have banned foreign students from entering the country, if that ban continues to September I have no one to teach as my program is 90-95% international students. To prepare for this I have begun a conversation to position myself as an online course developer where there will be high demand. We will be o.k. financially as long as things don't really blow up (i.e. hyperinflation, food shortages, etc.)

It's not great, especially given the broader anxiety levels in the household/anyone we do talk to, however we are trying to make the most of it.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by bostonimproper »

My job can be done remotely and WFH has blurred any boundaries between work-life and home-life, so I'm alternating between 10-12 hours of work-work, couple hours of news/games/interneting, wash-rinse-repeat every day.

I am keeping busy and have a lot of pseudo-social interaction (on video calls around 6-7 hours/day). Still, I feel like I'm going insane.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by jacob »

Exactly what I always do. This pandemic hasn't changed anything in my daily life. No change in activities, behavior, or mental state (no stir-craziness). DW is currently working from home (was already doing it one day/week, but now does it all week).

Over the past few years ERE HQ (and its inhabitants) has been set up to deal with risks like this or similar risks, so we've mostly been living a pandemic resilient lifestyle anyway. There are some things that have remained theoretical until now and which have yet to be translated into practice, so I'm mainly focusing on those.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Peanut »

Our family of four is also home together all day. DH is wfh amidst constant activity. Our kids are actually loving being at home. It's inevitably going to break down but it has been better than I expected so far. They play, have lessons, and help me cook. I cook a lot generally, but it is more pleasant now for some reason, perhaps because going out is just not an option or because the bar for success seems lower. The house is the cleanest it's been since we moved in. We go out once a day to the park. As the weather warms there are outdoor activities that the kids are signed up for that they will miss if this thing goes on much longer, though.

Life feels a bit like it's on hold. I miss seeing my friends and their kids the most. Other than very occasional texting there's no contact.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Alphaville »

I’m doing the same as I was doing but with a better schedule.

Things have improved at home since my wife no longer has to wake at an ungodly hour to get to work. We still wake up early, but she doesn’t have to rush out of the door in the dark (which always gets bad with Daylight Saving Trainwreck). I usually help her get ready. So we have a more relaxed morning schedule now.

Exercise is now done early instead of later, and meal contents + prep have shifted since stuff doesn’t need to get brownbagged. We’re also meditating more consistently.

Relaxation time begins earlier too, so there’s more reading/ more music/ more art/ less TV, surprisingly, as less fatigue at the end of the day allows for more interesting downtime.

We’re getting a lot of things done that needed doing, and we enjoy each other’s company, so frankly it’s been great so far.

Call me crazy, but I wish this could continue ha ha ha. Well, except for the disease part, but yeah...

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by davtheram12 »

Growing a sourdough starter.
Refining my pizza making skills (i.e. dough recipe refinement, dough fermentation techniques, sauce variations, cheese combos, bake times, etc.)
Enhancing recipes with ingredient substitutions.
Kettle bell weight training.
Watching car rebuild YouTube videos.
Reading books.
Watching new series on Netflix.

Essentially what I've always done with slight variations. I've become more of a hermit these past few years (according to some people) so I'm happy as a clam :lol:

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Frugalchicos »

I am missing my afternoon walks with mini Chica and going surfing. I usually do a lot of outdoor activities, but trying to make the best of it these days.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by FrugalPatat »

Working at home fulltime.
Lifting weights (I have a power rack in my appartment) so not dependent on on a public gym.
Being harassed by my neighbour who thinks I am destroying the building with my lifting.
After not running for over 10 years I went running in the park for 2 miles with my wife.
When not too stressed out by my neighbour: trying to decide whether to buy more gold and when to get back into the stock market.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Myakka »

Like Jacob, my personal life hasn't changed much since this scare has started, except that my DH is working from home now.

I have for sometime now been collecting perennial food plants that just love it here in Tampa, Florida. I've been having a salad every day from them. I could have done this before the crisis, but now I am motivated to actually put it into practice.

I don't look for entertainment much to fill my time. Finding things to learn is much more satisfying in the long run.

Also, it is good to take time to stop and think about things -- to mull them over slowly and from multiple angles.

If you can use this down time to rest and recuperate rather than continuing your usual frenetic activity (that's how a lot of people look to me), then you will be using this societal "winter" (winter being the traditional time when times are tough and things are scarce) in line with how people have in eras gone-by dealt with these things.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by enigmaT120 »

Running up on the logging roads, Soloflexing in my shop, and working in my orchard and hopefully soon, forest again. I miss visiting my friends, my goal was a night a week at each of their three locations, rotating between them.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by chenda »

I recall seeing a documentary about a plague village which choose to self isolate in 1666 to stop it spreading. Interestingly, some of the villagers seem to have had an immunity to the plague.
Survival among those affected appeared random, as many who remained alive had had close contact with those who died but never caught the disease. For example, Elizabeth Hancock was uninfected despite burying six children and her husband in eight days. The graves are known as the Riley graves after the farm where they lived.[13] The unofficial village gravedigger, Marshall Howe, also survived, despite handling many infected bodies.[14]

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by take2 »

I was previously studying for the PE exam but that got cancelled so I dusted off an old laptop and installed Linux on it. Teaching myself to code which should take at least as long as the quarantine lasts.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Alphaville »

we made corn tortillas and ate with beans

corn tortillas take a long time if you cook one by one ha ha

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by EdithKeeler »

Working. Catching up on a lot of home chores that I'd let go. This actually feels like a bit of a vacation to me, except for the bad news.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by daylen »

Nothing has changed for me. I am just wondering what all the extroverts are going to do during lockdown.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Frita »

Thanks for asking @daylen. As an extrovert (ENTP), social distancing is challenging. My spouse and teen (ISTJs) are both introverted and seem to be enjoying themselves. The non-uni student (adult) population here is heavily introverted so the baseline is hard for me, especially not working. The in-person social things I was doing to cope are not an option right now.

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Re: What are you doing during the confinement ?

Post by Solvent »

I'm wfh now but in Addis Ababa that's quite limiting, because both internet (solely on my phone, no fixed line) and electricity are unreliable.

But, like SustainableHappines, I've two young kids. Roughly 1yo and 4yo. So in practice it alternates between calming down one from fits of frustration and whinging, to calming down the other. I walk in circles around the house carrying the baby. Do some drawing with the older one. Have mini dance parties. Wash a lot of dishes.

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