Early 20s Lawyer from UK!

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Posts: 21
Joined: Mon May 30, 2011 2:51 pm

Post by LegendaryLiving »

Hello, long time reader and forum lurker here. I'm in my early 20s, live in the north of England, have been visiting ERE since late 2010 and started work in Sept 2010. I've always valued time over money - I enjoy skiing, eating out, etc, but if I had a choice between a few hours quiet time alone or shopping/buying crap I'd always choose the former. I enjoy my job, or at least most of it - the majority of the work is interesting, the bosses are fine and I get on well with my colleagues - but inefficiencies and long hours wear me down. I don't think these are indicative of my workplace - I think they're standard for law. I wish I could do my job but work less hours! Ideally, I would like to be financially independent in 10-15 years time, so if I didn't want to work then, I wouldn't have to.
Over the last year or so, I've become very interested in saving time/money, and these have resulted in related interests such as finance, decluttering and minimalism. I've read many sites on and off - lifehacker, unclutterer, the minimalists, zen habits etc - but only ERE, Simple Living in Suffolk and Monevator are still 'must reads' a year on - I dabble in the others de temps en temps.
I'm an INTJ, like many people here, and although I'm a lawyer by profession my interests and schooling are mostly science-based. Don't want to waffle on too much so I'll save it for my journal over in "Goals & Plans" ...

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