Daily Routine

Simple living, extreme early retirement, becoming and being wealthy, wisdom, praxis, personal growth,...
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Post by Bendoza »

This is kinda fun. Here's the typical weekday schedule I've evolved over the last couple of years as a freelance coder:
7:00 | Wake up, stretch and do some light exercise to get my heart rate up, shower

8:00 | Eat breakfast (usually oatmeal with fruit) and catch up on news/feeds/forums

9:00 | Start working (I work from home 95% of the time)

12:00 | Finish the morning shift, make lunch (e.g. a homemade veggie burger w/egg)

12:45 | Read until I fall asleep, Nap for about 15-20 minutes

1:30 | Go for a walk

2:00 | Get back and read or browse the web for an hour

3:00 | Start working again, the afternoon shift is generally slightly less productive.

6:00 | Stop work, exercise for 30min (run or bike usually), shower

7:00 | Make dinner and watch the PBS Newshour

8:00 | Work on personal projects, house chores, read, be lazy. Generally unstructured time.

11:30 | Get in bed and read until I fall asleep
I actually like this schedule so much I often stick with it on the weekends too. I might meet up with friends at the end or grab a coffee out somewhere in the middle, but it's not too out of the ordinary for a Saturday to look like a Tuesday.

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Post by MarylandX »

After reading most of these schedules I understand why each of you are on this site. Most of you are wasting your lives at work!
I want each of you to double down on the ERE lifestyle. You can get out of the rat race if you want it bad enough. Its time to get serious people!
No more half stepping! It time to go all in on the ERE lifestyle!

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Post by george »

My routine is quite changable but here's a rough guide
4-6.30am laptop, eggs, tea

6.30-7.30 porridge, fruit, shower, make bed etc

7.30 - 12pm caregiver housework, gardening,shopping, medical appointments

12-1.30pm proper lunch, ie soup roast, veges,

1.30 - 2.30pm walk

2.30-4pm work

4pm-6pm visit family, walk their dogs

6pm tea - boysenberries or sardines etc

6pm - 8pm music

8pm - 10pm get ready for bed, read, listen to radio.

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Post by sree »

I'll admit mine is pretty pathetic.
0640 Alarm goes off, snooze for 10 minutes

0650 Shower (sometimes sit in shower an extra 5 minutes dreading the day ahead), shave, put on my suit and tie

0730 Drive to work (sometimes my stomach is in a knot as I approach)

0750 Arrive at the office, have free coffee at my desk, check a few messages

0800 Start Work

1000 Eat breakfast/snack at my desk in between work tasks

1210 Finished with the morning schedule. Eat free lunch at my desk while browsing internet news

1230 Take a nap for 10-15 minutes at my desk

1300 Start afternoon work (get irritable towards the end of the day)

1830 About finished with work. Feeling a little relieved. Eat dinner at my desk (leftovers from lunch)

1900 Drive home from work

1920 Change and go running or walking for 3-6 miles.

2045 Quick shower. Drink water. The stress is breaking. Browse on internet.

2200 Go to sleep. Then repeat.
Freedom is planned for summer 2012.

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Post by Tyler@DebtReckoning »

5:45am | Alarm goes off

6:00am | Up begrudgingly to shower, eat, dress (not always in that order)

7:00am | Drop kid #1 off at school

7:30am | Arrive at work

8:00am | Interrupt ER daydream long enough to get coffee

8:10am - 12:30pm | Same stuff, different day - emails, meetings, yadda yadda yadda

12:30pm | Quick lunch - leftovers or the nearest dollar menu

1:00pm | More yadda yadda yadda

5:00pm | Off to kids' practice/game just about every night of the week - dinner and a quick workout somewhere in there

9:00pm | Kids in bed, finally

10:00pm | Wife wakes me up from snoring in my chair with the news blaring and a half-read newspaper in my lap.

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Post by AnneBentham »

I don't do anything with enough regularity to put times on it. I work out, eat, sleep, get online, read, and do school work whenever I feel like it most days, or not at all if I have other projects that seem more important. Working on the house-truck is usually limited to daylight hours.
I start making dinner any time between 4:30-7:00PM on weekdays and make sure my partner's lunch gets packed any time between then and when he has to leave for work the next day.
@S: Your routine sounds like the most fun.

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Re: Daily Routine

Post by mountainFrugal »

Another great thread from the archive. With the diversity of folks on here this should be pretty diverse if people are interested in sharing.

Common Weekday:
5:30-6 - Wake/coffee (pour over)
6-8:30 - art and thinking
9 - coffee 2, work begin
11-13 workout, breakfast/lunch, shower, think about work problem
13-15 implement work problem
15-17 - meetings, email, admin
17-19:30 - clean, read, make a fire, draw by fire, make dinner, chat with DW
19:30-21:30 - clean up dinner, make a tea, draw/read by fire
22:00 - Bedtime!

Common Weekend:
Similar to above
multi-hour exercise of some kind instead of work
Afternoon house/yard chores
Friend dinners/meal prep for week

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Re: Daily Routine

Post by AxelHeyst »

Wake ~0530-700, no alarm
Coffee > Write for 1-2 hrs
Make timeblock plan for the day
Work out
Meal #1
Whatever projects my timeblock plan says. If it’s winter I’ll try to do outdoor projects before 0330. But if I need to do rendering or heavy computer stuff I’ll try to get a chunk of it done while the sun is shining on my PV. In the summer I might bias indoor stuff noon-4p because it’s hot.
Meal #2. 1700-1830.
Read, write, small desktop scale projects in my studio (eg im building a heater box for my new lifepo4 battery). I’m thinking about incorporating some computer gaming into my evenings.
In bed 2100-2200 but I always read for an hour or so before lights out.

A common variation is to do a 2-5hr hike or bike in the middle of the day.
Weekends aren’t much different unless I’m seeing friends in town. I don’t write or timeblock on weekends. Sunday is default Weekly Review day but I’m not strict about it.

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Re: Daily Routine

Post by theanimal »

It's funny reading some of these schedules now from the perspective of someone with a kid. My schedule just a couple years ago was likely somewhat similar to those above but it's a lot more chaotic now, which can be a lot of fun.

04:56 Wake to my daughter crying. Sing her back to sleep.
06:40 Wake again to my daughter. This time she's repeatedly saying "Hi" and climbing on top of my head with her dirty diaper. We go to the kitchen where I give her yogurt and blueberries to eat while I start to work.
07:00 With half of her breakfast in her stomach and the other half over the rest of her body, she asks to get down from her chair. She insists we walk around the kitchen together despite being able to walk on her own
07:05 She gets distracted by some playing cards and plays 52 card pickup while I go back to the computer to try to get more work done.

07:45 Daughter finds the front door and asks to go outside. I grab the nearest object and start making noises with it, persuading her to stay inside and play with her for another 15 minutes

08:50 Mrs. Animal gets up
09:15 I read stories to my daughter and try to put her down for a nap
09:40 She finally falls asleep. I workout then do some writing
11:30 baby animal wakes up

More of the same throughout the afternoon with social time and something active outdoors

17:30-19:00 cook and eat dinner with the animals
19:00-20:30 play with baby animal until she's tired and put her to bed
20:30-22:30 Read, play cards, hang out with Mrs. Animal
22:30 bed

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Re: Daily Routine

Post by DutchGirl »

Nice to read my routine from back then. While some days for me are still wake up - go to the office - work - come home - eat - mindless browsing on the internet - sleep ... I've added work from home days to the list (meaning having two less hours of travel and more time to do some housekeeping tasks like the laundry during the work day), I now have more free days per week, and several days of the week I've added physical exercise, volunteering and social activities. I'm happy about the changes. And those changes are due to having more money and also a little bit to having more skills and a better job.

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