Canadas Health Care System ?

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Canadas Health Care System ?

Post by mustafayacoob »

Someone tell the difference Between Canadas health care system and USA health care system i would like to hear all the positve Facts about Canadas Health care system.

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Re: Canadas Health Care System ?

Post by OrganicRain »

I live in Canada, and a dual US/Can citizen.

Speaking from my own experience and living in Ontario:

Healthcare system is great, it's basically free. I can go to the Dr for anything at anytime, or the emergency room no charge. A family member had blood cancer spent 9 months in hospital, full bone marrow transplant/chemo etc - fully cured at zero cost.

State of the art care. Where I live the hospital/med school is world renown for it's sport medicine findings and is frequently mentioned in Men's Health Mag, Web MD, Dr OZ, International media etc.

One downfall: You might have to wait a tad longer for some services in non-urgent situations. For anything serious you are seen immediately, whether it be MRI etc - from my own experience. Like anything, you have to take charge and be assertive of your own health care needs.
Also some parts of Canada (more rural areas) can be a challenge to find a family Dr - but there are always walk-in clinics available. If you like to have a long term relationship with a family Dr, suggest living in a larger city where it will be easier to find one.

In Ontario, our drugs are free for youth 18 and under who don't have private coverage. For adults who don't have coverage, drugs prescribed by a hospital like chemo (for example) are free - drugs prescribed by a General MD/family Dr. are relatively inexpensive compare to the US.

The high taxes often talked about in Canada are somewhat of a myth. For low income early retirees the income tax you pay is basically zero if you are smart about your withdrawals. So you get free health care, zero taxes and even child benefit money if you have kids, so basically a negative tax situation. Some higher earners (100k plus/year) might pay slightly more than in the US though, as I do earning a high salary currently. (soon to ER). This can also be mitigated by taking advantage of tax credits by contributing extra funds to a retirement savings plan (RRSP)

Things like gas is taxed more, food can cost more....but overall well worth it. These costs are mitigated by the ERE lifestyle for the most part anyhow.

There is little if anything I would change about our healthcare system. It has served me and my family quite well over the years. Someone from a more rural area might have a different perspective though.

Hope this helps!

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