Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

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Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by thrifty++ »

A couple of times I have found myself wondering what would happen if ectasy and LSD was sprayed all over war zones in high density. Like crop dusted or something. Or some other way to bring about mass reception of the drugs. I wonder if it would potentially have an effect of stopping the war or causing a momentary cessation or epiphany, with the outpouring of empathy etc.

Or - spraying/mass ingestion aside, I wonder if there is some way the use of ectasy could bring about the prevention or cessation of wars?

Any thoughts on this?

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Jean »

1)War happen for other reason than lack of emapthy.
2)people would feel extremly depressed afterward
3)the empathy feeling would be directed toward people around them.
4)do you really want people who control all kind of weapons (from riffles to nukes) to be high on anything?

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by horsewoman »

Intriguing thought, but I'd be wary of LSD in a war situation - that spells BAD TRIP pretty strongly, don't you think?
Ectasy might work better, but considering that most governments still think that weed is the devil incarnate that scenario will be very unlikely, I'm afraid.

But I'd also think that Jean has a point with 4).

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Re: Spraying ectasy in war zones

Post by chenda »

You presumably mean by a neutral third party to bring both sides together ? I would imagine protagonists would try and do it to the other to reduce the enemies performance. Although it would probably be considered chemical warfare and illegal.

I do vaguely recall reading about a plot in the 1980s to try and get the Soviet army in Afghanistan addicted to hash. I may have got that completey wrong.


Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Jason »

Fighting a war on drugs (literally) is not a new idea, although I'm not sure about on the scale you are talking about. IMHO, people with weapons tripping balls on LSD doesn't seem like a good idea. Maybe test run that shit with paint ball first.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by thrifty++ »

Yeah true LSD could be a bit riskier. I think ectasy has stronger empathy powers too.

Yep from a neutral third party I am thinking. Hmm yeah true the idea of people on drugs with access to major weapons is pretty scary. Mind you I don't know that ectasy makes people behave crazily. But then yeah nukes is the one that scares me.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by horsewoman »

While Ectasy enhances feelings of empathy and overall happiness, it also makes people reckless and prone to take (stupid) risks. It lowers inhibitions in general, and I have met people that managed to get aggressive on it. Its not the most common reaction, but personally I think taking drugs is NEVER a good idea if you are not in possession of a very stable personality. Which is probably not the case for most people living in war zones. (And teenagers for that matter! But that is another story).

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by daylen »

These substances are highly potent yet somewhat volatile, so widespread dispersion would require a large quantity. MDMA and LSD synthesis require precursors that are highly controlled in most areas of the world.

Assuming that a rouge organization could dose a billion people.. the effects would probably reduce addiction rates in the region for a few months while sightly increasing economic volatility.

Psychedelics are good for triggering an early transition into adulthood, but they are not reliable at increasing long-term empathy.


Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Jason »

If you are going to stop wars with ecstasy, than the first people to dose are the people deciding to send others to fight their wars, so that would mean the Pentagon. You know, rich men's war, poor man's battle. If you are talking contentious situations, like outbreaks of civil unrest such as Richmond VA, that would be an interesting test case to see if the Neo-Nazis and the bleeding hearts can just hug this shit out and start giving each other Facebook likes.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by horsewoman »

Jason wrote:
Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:48 am
If you are going to stop wars with ecstasy, than the first people to dose are the people deciding to send others to fight their wars, so that would mean the Pentagon. You know, rich men's war, poor man's battle. If you are talking contentious situations, like outbreaks of civil unrest such as Richmond VA, that would be an interesting test case to see if the Neo-Nazis and the bleeding hearts can just hug this shit out and start giving each other Facebook likes.
That, my friend is the reason why these types snort coke - it enhances asshole-ness instead of feelings of being the central sexual organ of the universe. So yes, who has the connections to get some MDMA into the pentagons San Pellegrino bottles?

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Ego »

MDMA increases serotonin (trust, mood, empathy), norepinephrine (blood pressure & heart rate) and dopamine (euphoria & energy)

War requires a united, energetic, manipulable fighting force. MDMA would make the fighting force more united, strong and manipulable.

What would it do to a psychopathic/sociopathic leader?

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by daylen »

The effects of both drugs last less than 12 hours. Most people have their "organized" lives re-examined within a week after an intensive dose (ectasy is a mild psychedelic). After a few months the effects are negligible.

The additive effects have never really been tested on a large scale. There are a few odd historical incidents possibly involving ergot fungi (a derivative of LSD) around the time of the witch trials. Adding a 100 microgram dosed soldier to another 100 microgram dosed soldier does not give you a 200 microgram dosed soldier.


Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Jason »

If I had taken LSD in a war zone with choppers flying overhead blasting Doors music surrounded by a group of miscasts led by a small dick compensating officer I would have either wound up dead or the most notorious war criminal this side of Joseph Kony. I mean I would have lit shit up and then found a place to Colonel Kurtz myself at the end because that shit is all about the good vs. evil and it only takes a small amount of coaxing to get me falling fall head first into whatever world is decided upon when I'm on drugs. I mean under the right conditions, that shit would turn Ghandi into Rambo. Fortunately, I dropped in an upstate New York state park where there was merely a brief self-immolation episode, some collegiate level philosophical discussion, an unintended crashing of a blue blooded picnic and a some unreported fast and furious, Hunter S. Thompson like driving. I never took MDMA because unmedicated love makes me uncomfortable so I could only imagine what its like all heightened up on that shit. That amount of love and peace would kill me.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by unemployable »

Presume this practice would be effective in the first place. Then whom do you think will carry out this practice? Say the war is between combatants X and Y and the spraying entity is Z. If Z supports peace, why is it getting involved in a war in the first place? Wouldn't both X and Y now have very good reasons to declare war on Z? If Z is the United Nations or a similar supranational entity, why would X and Y continue to be members? How is Z going to procure and deliver these drugs in the first place when they're illegal, even a capital offense, practically everywhere, including very likely within Country Z? Where will it get the money to do all this, and how would it benefit? And so on.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by FIRE 2018 »

Knew a Vietnam vet, told me some crazy stuff that went on there. There was a car bumper sticker many years ago " I break for optimal illusions ". Ecstasy and LSD in a hot LZ? Maybe the wild monkeys will be humping the grunts that just got off the helicopter...

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Tyler9000 »

Sadly, this is not a new idea.


Pay particular attention to Edgewood Arsenal and MKUltra. The government has a long fascination with LSD.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Clarice »

Hm... not sure about the war zones, but observing the renewed interest throughout the society in LSD, psilocybin, and other psychedelics. There is a new, very interesting book on the subject by Michael Pollan (of "eat real food" fame). It's called How to Change Your Mind. Just finished it and would recommend to anyone interested in this stuff.


Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Jason »

We dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan and now we're driving their cars and enjoying their electronics. Imagine the shit we'd have if we dropped acid instead.

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Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by FIRE 2018 »

USA - invented it
Japan - perfected it


Re: Spraying ectasy and LSD in war zones

Post by Jason »

So at worst, we get better drugs in return.

Look at riot control. They send in militarized police forces and dogs and pepper spray until everyone is beating on each other. Why not fire hose some LSD and bring in Phish to play some tunes. Seems like a worthwhile experiment.
