Smelly Swiss Dilettante

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

Also, I've been exposed much more than I would like to to asbestos. 2 weeks ago, we detiled an asbesto tile roof and a colleagues grinded some plates. The dust cloud went straight to me and I wasn't wearing a mask.
Today we detiled an other roof. I wore a dust mask. We unfiled a container containing tiles onto a truck and it made a lot of dust. I'm angry against my boss for not giving a fuck about it, and me for not leaving the site when I saw those plates, and worried about my futur health of course. I probably have a lot of it in my hair too.
I would like to compare the increase in chances of getting lung cancer to something more easy to grasp, like a number of cigarettes smoked.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

Ok, apparently, the risk is doubled when you breath 25year*fibre/cm^3
I breathed asbestos for two days.
Grinding asbest results in a concentration of 10fibre/ml.
So worst case scenario, my cumulated dose is 10/120.
Which correspond to an increase of my cancer risk of less than 1%.
Ok, I probably have a higher risk of dying due to an accident because I lack sleep because I was worried about asbestos, thant because of a lung cancer caused by inhaling asbestos....

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

Search for "pedal straps" and "toe clips" for what you need (one or the other). The straps would be easy to make but they are cheap to buy. You could probably get the toe clips given to you, they are usually removed.

You guys must have huge quads, my single speed is geared at 38/18 and that is enough for me.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

my gear are at 46/17, so the maximal inclination I can climb with only my weight on the pedal is 6%. As stated before, quads are at 24.6 inches, but I don't know if it's considered huge. I find them big. I'm curious about bigatos quad and yours to see if there is a direct link between gears ratio and quad size.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I made an offer to buy about two acres of forest in one of my ideal location. I'm very excited.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Wow! This is an interesting development. Is land in Switzerland expensive?

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

Quite expensive I'de say. About ten times more than in France for comparable plots. I'm not investing, but it will provide me with wood and a plot to start my gardened forest. I made an offer way above what I thought was the market rate (because sales are rare), but apparently some people made higher offers. The man selling the forest is hesitating because I live in the village where the forest is (and not some random place in switzerland). I don't know if I should make an higher offer.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I offered to deliver some wood or do some other work for him this fall to compensate my lower offer.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I realised that my apathy isn't that bad. I only get excited when progressing toward my goals, which can't happen very often due to the nature of those goals. I spend most of the time waiting for an opportunity to realise those goal, and what I'm doing while waiting changes a lot. But in the end, I still have the same goal I had ten years ago: living in my forest and have childrens. I progressed toward those goals and when i find an opportunity to progress toward those, I'm always very motivated. It's like a hunt, most things happening in the forest don't durably catch my attention, but when I'll see a deer, I'll stay focused on it until I'll catch it or it outrunned me. Staying in situations where I'm happy is probably enough of a short term goal, cause my instinct will catch up for the long term ones. It's funny that this possibility of buying this forest happens 1 week after the first time in three year where I had enough cash to buy it.


Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jason »

Jean wrote:
Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:50 pm
the forest don't durably catch my attention, but when I'll see a deer, I'll stay focused on it until I'll catch it or it outrunned me.
When you are The Deer Hunter, how long does it take you to catch the deer? I'm thinking the deer is winning the sprint, but you're winning the marathon. I mean, you're methodology is to tire the deer out until it's just like panting to death, right? How long does this go on, you out in the forest trying to outmaneuver a deer? Where I live, if you want to kill a deer you just drive around for a while and before you know it, bam, you got a deer head sticking through your front windshield.

And good luck with the forest and the raising kids in the forest thing. I think Stephen King wrote a book about that. Or maybe it was corn. Either way, it's kind of the same thing.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

Hunting is heavilly regulated, but taking a nap in the forest, you're likely to be waken up by a deer passing at throwing range.
I'm really thrilled at the perspective of stewarding this forest. I'll throw the biggest party I ever threw if I get it. All shall hail Yarilo for a whole week.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I visited the forest. It's mostly beech, with some spruce. I was expecting mostly spruce with some beech.
It was about 3am and feeling was great. I hope I'll be able to buy it. I should get a definitive answer this weekend
Freedom never felt so close. I feel like reaching home after a few lives of roaming. Trees are going to own me. I might become human again. This light is blinding me.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Mister Imperceptible »

Jean is l'homme de pomme de pin

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

We set the deal. We'll Rise our wooden pints and fight and dance to the morning.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by theanimal »

Happy to hear it! congrats, Jean!!

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Congrats Jean, this is excellent news.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

There is a party in my forest on the 2,3,4,5 of august. There will be a fire, some vodka and a hole for pooping. Bring some food and water (water is one hour walk away), what you need to sleep outside, and music instrument. We will brawl in the afternoon (no brawling allowed after you started drinking), and then cook together with wathever food we brought. And then drink, sing, and have nice talks.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Bankai »

Sounds like something Zorba would do.


Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jason »

As long as eye gouging is not permitted during brawling, I'm in. I can't afford to lose another one at this point.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by EdithKeeler »

I hope the cooking and talking takes place far, far from the poop hole. I’m rsvp-ing ”thanks but no thanks.”

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