IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by Finn »

I took the short one, I can't say that it's not accurate.

..Friendliness 1
..Gregariousness 11
..Assertiveness 47
..Activity Level 82
..Excitement-Seeking 8
..Cheerfulness 5

Pretty accurate, I spent my teenage years *learning* how to talk to people and be sociable. Lame jokes and puns were a strategy that worked for me! :lol: I prefer talk to people I already know.

..Trust 21
..Morality 32
..Altruism 25
..Cooperation 82
..Modesty 50
..Sympathy 67

This score would likely have been higher when I was in my 20s!

..Self-Efficacy 34
..Orderliness 2
..Dutifulness 31
..Achievement-Striving 16
..Self-Discipline 1
..Cautiousness 97

This illustrates my need for RE. I am happiest when pursuing my own interests. My brain seems to shut off when I have to do something "just because". This is not an asset in working life. I wish I could change this, but is seems to be hard-wired. However, this aspect of my personality will probably make it a lot harder for me to reach FI.

..Anxiety 98
..Anger 60
..Depression 98
..Self-Consciousness 98
..Immoderation 93
..Vulnerability 43

:shock: Yeah. Not great. I can't deny I have a high level of neuroticism. Should probably work on this. In my defense, most of my anxiety was probably learned. Can adult neuroplasticity save me? I hope so. Meditation usually helps with this aspect of my personality.

..Imagination 90
..Artistic Interests 61
..Emotionality 10
..Adventurousness 88
..Intellect 91
..Liberalism 99

Very true, I don't have hard and fast rules for anything and tend to judge things as they appear. I also have no expectations (not low expectations, just a lack thereof), so happily, my expectations are often exceeded!

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by IlliniDave »


The difficult things about these tests is it's quite easy to answer them to in a way that reflects how you want to be rather than who you really are. I don't know if psychologists are clever enough to spot that and negate it in their self-test scoring algorithms.

The pattern I always see with myself in these tests is that I come out pretty balanced except for introversion/extraversion. I dunno if that is the natural acculturation of a Midwesterner or if I don't answer accurately.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by Smashter »


I agree with iDave in that I can feel myself reaching for ways to answer in a way that makes me "better." There's always at least some example I can call to mind that allows me to justify certain responses.

I would be very interested to have my wife take the test and answer as if she were me. Then I could better see how I come across to people who know me well.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by SustainableHappiness »

..Friendliness 97
..Gregariousness 72
..Assertiveness 81
..Activity Level 80
..Excitement-Seeking 91
..Cheerfulness 96

..Trust 79
..Morality 29
..Altruism 89
..Cooperation 87
..Modesty 35
..Sympathy 90

..Self-Efficacy 97
..Orderliness 73
..Dutifulness 41
..Achievement-Striving 66
..Self-Discipline 57
..Cautiousness 4

..Anxiety 36
..Anger 14
..Depression 22
..Self-Consciousness 15
..Immoderation 68
..Vulnerability 28

..Imagination 28
..Artistic Interests 60
..Emotionality 97
..Adventurousness 86
..Intellect 70
..Liberalism 71

All of them are unsurprising except for Neuroticism. I think I am more neurotic than my answers (or the test) gave me credit for. But hey, maybe that's just my neuroticism.

I do think the 4th percentile on Cautiousness is funny and unsurprising given my track record with reckless behaviour...heck, I just quit a 6-figure job with "only" 15 years of expenses in da bank, breaking beer bottles on my head was a party trick in my college years (no it's not as bad as you think, as long as you do it right), etc.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by slsdly »

I took the long test.

..Friendliness 49
..Gregariousness 23
..Assertiveness 3
..Activity Level 4
..Excitement-Seeking 1
..Cheerfulness 67

I think the higher cheerfulness score maps more to how others indicate they see me, rather than my internal monologue. That said, if I'm always down in the dumps, I generally don't let it stop me, as I've learned the hard way that's the only way out.

..Trust 74
..Morality 88
..Altruism 57
..Cooperation 84
..Modesty 47
..Sympathy 64

Nothing surprising here. I am not big on conflict, although I generally don't yield either. I just walk away or change the subject. Except the times I don't ;).

..Self-Efficacy 51
..Orderliness 94
..Dutifulness 89
..Achievement-Striving 43
..Self-Discipline 73
..Cautiousness 83

Achievement-striving was difficult for me. There are many things I like to do, but I tended to think of stuff like career seeking when answering related questions.

..Anxiety 64
..Anger 34
..Depression 44
..Self-Consciousness 91
..Immoderation 17
..Vulnerability 74

I'm surprised anger isn't lower. I am very rarely angry, as I would tend to beat up myself resulting in depression in those situations. I would say I have improved on all of the others as the years.

..Imagination 84
..Artistic Interests 19
..Emotionality 68
..Adventurousness 8
..Intellect 61
..Liberalism 96

Down with adventure, let me make toast. Sounds about right.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by C40 »

took the short test.

..Friendliness 37
..Gregariousness 38
..Assertiveness 73
..Activity Level 49
..Excitement-Seeking 26
..Cheerfulness 57

..Trust 70
..Morality 61
..Altruism 5
..Cooperation 80
..Modesty 26
..Sympathy 41

..Self-Efficacy 80
..Orderliness 80
..Dutifulness 66
..Achievement-Striving 66
..Self-Discipline 92
..Cautiousness 92

..Anxiety 12
..Anger 14
..Depression 22
..Self-Consciousness 39
..Immoderation 19
..Vulnerability 6

..Imagination 39
..Artistic Interests 50
..Emotionality 13
..Adventurousness 78
..Intellect 48
..Liberalism 53

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by ThisDinosaur »

Adding to the data set. Took the short test. I waffled on several of the questions since I think many of my answers would have been different as recently as four or five years ago. I'm more of a burnt out, cynical, misanthrope than I was back then.

..Friendliness 3
..Gregariousness 4
..Assertiveness 34
..Activity Level 70
..Excitement-Seeking 26
..Cheerfulness 11

..Trust 4
..Morality 19
..Altruism 33
..Cooperation 54
..Modesty 82
..Sympathy 63

..Self-Efficacy 13
..Orderliness 49
..Dutifulness 54
..Achievement-Striving 76
..Self-Discipline 36
..Cautiousness 72

..Anxiety 97
..Anger 82
..Depression 95
..Self-Consciousness 89
..Immoderation 28
..Vulnerability 85

..Imagination 89
..Artistic Interests 1
..Emotionality 13
..Adventurousness 19
..Intellect 70
..Liberalism 87

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by Tyler9000 »

I took the short test. I admit I struggle with personality tests because I find that my response may be very different at work or in my personal life, although reading this I think that may simply be a factor of my very high agreeableness. Basically, I'm comfortable setting my own feelings aside (often to my own detriment) to get the job done.

..Friendliness 37
..Gregariousness 21
..Assertiveness 44
..Activity Level 27
..Excitement-Seeking 17
..Cheerfulness 46

..Trust 86
..Morality 89
..Altruism 69
..Cooperation 93
..Modesty 74
..Sympathy 73

..Self-Efficacy 67
..Orderliness 18
..Dutifulness 78
..Achievement-Striving 56
..Self-Discipline 57
..Cautiousness 96

..Anxiety 27
..Anger 8
..Depression 30
..Self-Consciousness 58
..Immoderation 19
..Vulnerability 19

..Imagination 61
..Artistic Interests 86
..Emotionality 22
..Adventurousness 99
..Intellect 79
..Liberalism 5

The most interesting duality here is that I score the highest on both cautiousness and adventurousness. So I guess I love new experiences but am a stickler for picking the right adventure and gaming out winning scenarios.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by daylen »

Tyler9000 wrote:
Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:32 am
The most interesting duality here is that I score the highest on both cautiousness and adventurousness. So I guess I love new experiences but am a stickler for picking the right adventure and gaming out winning scenarios.
Yeah, I noticed the same duality. I think this is because the adventurousness is associated with being open to new information (or ways of observing systems), and cautiousness is associated with being slow to adopt new ways of interacting with systems that are complex and important. Or perhaps caution is referring more to choosing which systems you come into contact with in the first place, as you mention.

Reminds me of the idea that play is how we determine rules that are not articulated. Playing with systems opens up awareness of the state-space, and eventually play transistions into some equilibrium between play and regulation (or just passiveness).

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by Tyler9000 »

I imagine there might be some behavioral natural selection involved as well. Reckless (non-cautious) adventurers only have to jump out of an airplane once without checking the parachute to be cured of that particular personality pairing. ;)

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by J_ »

Took the short one:
Extraversion 73
Agreeableness 78
Conscientiousness 84
Neurotiscism 6
Openness 94

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by Mister Imperceptible »

I took the long version.

..Friendliness 13
..Gregariousness 35
..Assertiveness 92 :twisted:
..Activity Level 34
..Excitement-Seeking 16
..Cheerfulness 81 :twisted:

..Trust 1
..Morality 17
..Altruism 12
..Cooperation 1
..Modesty 1
..Sympathy 3

..Self-Efficacy 51
..Orderliness 13
..Dutifulness 39
..Achievement-Striving 64
..Self-Discipline 36
..Cautiousness 80

..Anxiety 87
..Anger 87
..Depression 58
..Self-Consciousness 41
..Immoderation 59
..Vulnerability 47

..Imagination 96
..Artistic Interests 73
..Emotionality 86
..Adventurousness 61
..Intellect 91
..Liberalism 68

Mister Imperceptible, the cheerful, disagreeable sociopath with a taste for beauty. "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." :D :twisted:
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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by wolf »

I did a small data analysis, based on our IPIP NEO data.

I doubt that it is representative for the ERE crowd. We need more data ;)


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... Zk/pubhtml

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by prognastat »


I don't know how well it will map on the ERE crowd outside maybe openness since willingness to be open to new experience/doing something different is kind of a requirement for considering and attempting FIRE/ERE.

It's possible that conscientiousness might be more prevalent among those that end up achieving it, but I assume there's even less data on that.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by jacob »

@prognastat - Conscientiousness + IQ + extroversion are the prime determinants of lifetime earnings.

So far we have openness + conscientiousness for FIRE. This makes sense. The first opens the path. The second gets you there.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by prognastat »


Yeah, I would expect for those that succeed at FIRE that openness, conscientiousness and IQ would be the biggest factors and extraversion would help some too. I assume if you were to test people who succeeded at FIRE for IPIP and IQ you would probably see a reasonably strong correlation for those. The openness and IQ would be required to be able to grasp the FIRE concept and implement it. The IQ, conscientiousness and extraversion would help bring higher income and speed up your journey there making success more likely.

I'm sure that among those that that are attempting FIRE that the distribution would be a bit less clear since I'm sure a large portion of people who at some point device to try working towards FIRE never make it possibly due to a lack of those qualities that make it easier. Of course there are other outside factors too, but for simplicity's sake I'm assuming they even out on both the outside factors helping and hurting achievement of FIRE.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by jennypenny »

Neuroticism might push someone towards ERE because of the paranoia aspect (they might be drawn to ERE to protect themselves). Also, someone high in openness and neuroticism might see ERE as an outlet for their creativity and/or adventurousness that doesn't rub their neuroticism raw.

There are probably lots of combos that could light someone's ERE fire; I don't think openness + conscientiousness is required.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by prognastat »


Not saying they are required, just that I believe they would be overrepresented in those that achieve FIRE when comparing their prevalence in the general population.

I myself don't match that type completely as you can see from my response to the IPIP with Extraversion at 2 and conscientiousness at a mere 26. I just happen to be lucky that I do have the high IQ which makes up for the lack of conscientiousness and extraversion and the ways those may affect my earning potential. I'm sure though if I had the same IQ, but was more extraverted and conscientious I would probably be making more money as I have made decisions that limit my income due to those factors.

I do have trouble seeing someone very lacking in openness being willing to explore the FIRE concept given how it bucks the general consensus of society. As for neuroticism I see this easily leading someone down the path of working towards FIRE, but succumbing to the one more year syndrome to assuage their neuroticism.
Last edited by prognastat on Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by daylen »

prognastat wrote:
Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:17 pm
I do have trouble seeing someone very lacking in openness being willing to explore the FIRE concept given how it bucks the general consensus of society. As for neuroticism I see this easily leading someone down the path of working towards FIRE, but succumbing to the one more year syndrome to assuage their neuroticism.
High agreeableness would also contribute to not wanting to go against the common way. Especially if paired with high neuroticism, because then it is often painful to disagree with people.

Openness has more to do with how open someone is to changing their routine. Perhaps closed people are more likely to be average or normal, but there exist plenty of closed people that have strange habits adopted from their childhood family and friends.

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Re: IPIP NEO, ERE/FIRE vs conscientiousness

Post by prognastat »

daylen wrote:
Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:05 pm
Openness has more to do with how open someone is to changing their routine. Perhaps closed people are more likely to be average or normal, but there exist plenty of closed people that have strange habits adopted from their childhood family and friends.
True, but given how FIRE/ERE is definitely not normal in our current society I would say someone is more likely than not going to be born in to a family that is relatively close to the norm for our society and as such people low in openness are less likely to pursue this path unless they were raised in a specifically FIRE mindset. For most people FIRE is a break from tradition and society. Now being high in openness and being part of a family/society that is FIRE minded might lead someone to forego FIRE, however since our society is very much anti-FIRE(in much of the Western world) so we could assume that we are gaining more people towards FIRE from their high openness than we would be from low openness people growing up with FIRE and not switching away from it.

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