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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

MDFIRE2024 wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:24 am
You have low monthly costs per person. Is that already a sign, that you have implemented many ERE principles, behaviours, habits, ...?
I'd like to think so. Our life looks quite different from 5 years ago. From the big 3 ERE items, we have food sorted as we eat almost exclusively at home, only eating out maybe once a month. We don't need or want a car so we don't have one. Currently, we both commute by bus, however, this will change back to walking once we finally buy a flat. Owning will also cut our housing expenses to a more reasonable level. Our current expenses are 6.5% food, 3% commuting, 22% housing. The move will reduce housing to ~19% and eliminate commuting.

We don't buy a lot of stuff either - checking our expenses log, we spent an average of £37 a month on 'stuff' during the last 4 years. Many of these items won't need replacing anytime soon (i.e. Vitamix or good quality pot, pan, and cutlery) or ever (kettlebells). The ones that will require 'upgrade' are mainly electronics. The smartphones we bought last year made other items obsolete (kindle, tablet, camera, mp3 player), but we will still need to replace smartphones themselves (probably every 4 years or so for an acceptable cost of ~£3 a month) as well as PC/laptop. Other than that, I think we kinda have everything we need and want already.

One thing I'm not happy with yet is how much we spend on clothing (ridiculous £64 a month over last 4 years). I recently started shopping at charity stores and just got 2 nice brand new sweaters for £8.5 total (similar quality new ones would be ~£30 each). So that's certainly a step in the right direction (for me at least as my wife was already doing this for a couple of years). I guess the main issue here is the fact that clothes become 'unfit' for work long before they fall apart, so I'm accumulating more and more of them. This will stop being a problem once I retire, as I'll have probably ~2 decade's worth of clothing stocked.
MDFIRE2024 wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:24 am
Regarding "renting vs. buying": Do you expect do live in that city longer, e.g. the next few years? A huge plus could be higher real estate prices in the future. That means that if you buy and sell it some day you will have a surplus. In Germany the real estate prices in "university"-cities have exploded.
Yes, we expect to stay in here for at least 5+ years, probably longer. We like Scotland a lot and have some close friends here. However, once we retire, we will want to travel for some time (possibly even few years). At that point, we will have to decide if we want to keep a 'base' and just rent the flat out for few years, or maybe sell it and move somewhere else once we have enough of traveling. There is plenty of time to decide on this and for now, buying just makes more sense for us (unless Brexit kicks us out of course).

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

October update.

Progress on last month's goals:



Health – Score 90% compliance in the following categories:

1) Eat the right things 27/31
2) Avoid unhealthy foods 22/31
3) Exercise 29/31
4) Sleep well 30/31
108/124 (87%)

Close, but not quite there yet. During the week we spent in Poland, I ate ‘unhealthy’ foods 6 times and twice missed my ‘good’ foods. At least, the ‘unhealthy’ stuff wasn’t totally bad (homemade cakes etc.). Remaining 3 times, I had a free lunch from work and the only non-meat option included cheese. The remaining metrics are roughly in line. The one time I missed my minimum target for sleep time, I also missed all other metrics that day (again). Definitely, need to watch out for this one.

And walk at least 300k steps 325k waked

Reading – Read a book for 15 minutes every day 29/31 (94%)

I was reading sci-fi all but 2 days this month. Read the following books:

N. K. Jemisin The Fifth Season
N. K. Jemisin The Obelisk Gate
Cixin Liu The Three-Body Problem
Cixin Liu The Dark Forest
Jeff VanderMeer Annihilation

All these are pretty good and worth reading if someone likes sci-fi.

Learning – Learn 2 new mental models FAIL

Money – no goal this month (which doesn’t mean I intend to spend like there’s no tomorrow)


I decided it’s not worth my time to keep all the recipes and split what we spend in supermarkets between food, alcohol, and household, so I just dumped them all into one category this month.

Alcohol was around £50 as we met friends and family while in Poland.

Eating out also above average as we took the family out a couple of times.

Health was for dentist and doctor.

Overall, pretty high expenses, mostly due to the holiday. I expect the following few months to be closer to our long-term average which is about 2/3 of this month’s expenses.

Goals for November:

Health – Score 90% compliance in the following categories:

1) Eat the right things
2) Avoid unhealthy foods
3) Exercise
4) Sleep well
And walk at least 300k steps

Reading – Read a book for 15 minutes every day

Learning – Learn 2 new mental models

Money – spending per person below £600

Investing – spend at least 30 minutes a day researching shares and reading on investing. Currently reading Mark Minervini - Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard (I know, that title…)

Programming – my new job requires me to do some programming. I decided to spend 10 hours a month on deliberate practice at home on top of what I learn at work

Other updates:


We made an offer for another property, once again was not successful. We offered a very decent premium over home report value, however, there were quite a few people interested and usually the more interest there is, the more people tend to offer (second level thinking?). We keep an eye on some other properties and will be making offers on those now.


The new job is good. Most importantly, the job itself is very interesting. People in my team are nice and supportive. On the top of that, I got ~17% pay rise, the hours are better and there’s no weekend work. Having said that, I’ve not started the actual working yet, as I still don’t have access to everything/wait for licenses. So it’s still possible I won’t like it, after all. However, I doubt this will be the case.


I don’t have any issues in that area and my wife said I’m happier and calmer since I started this new job.

New habits

I decided to re-focus on learning investing. For last several months, I’ve not done a lot in that respect as I was focused on other things. However, my current working hours allow me to spend some time doing this every morning. So, the plan is to start at 7 am with the review of news/updates on the market and after that, reading books on investment until about 8 am. I set the goal at 30 minutes a day to see how it’s going, however, I expect to spend closer to an hour.

Overall, life is good to me and I feel I’m in a good place currently. My focus will be on maintaining existing habits and gently introducing new ones, one at the time, as to avoid burn out.
Last edited by Bankai on Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by fiby41 »

Bankai wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:56 am

Why does not this image display?

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

No idea, but should be fixed now.

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Apartment purchase update

Post by Bankai »

Apartment purchase update

In January we bought a 2-bedroom apartment. It actually took us few years to make up our minds on this and decide that we wanted to buy, and then to find the place. My main reservation was losing optionality of being able to just give a months’ notice to the landlord and move to another city/country. I guess with Brexit around the corner this point is still as valid as ever. However, from the financial point, buying just made sense.

Previously we were paying:

£575 in rent
£125 in Council Tax
£95 in bus passes
Total of £795 a month

On top of that, our commute to work was 35-50 minutes each way depending on traffic.

Currently, we pay:

£353 in mortgage
£125 in Council Tax
£60 for Factor Fees
£0 commuting
Total of £538 a month

So financially we are £257 ahead before maintenance cost – assuming c. £50 a month we should still be c. £200 ahead. Additionally, our commute is now a pleasant walk through the park and a walkway – 20 minutes for my wife and 35 minutes for me.

The neighbouring area has some bad reputation, however there are ongoing regeneration programs and prices in our closest neighbourhood, which is a relatively new development (c. 10yo) went up by c. 25% in the last 5 years. Also, as the building is quite new and energy efficient, our heating cost should be lower, and the resale value should at least hold up.

The flat itself seems very spacious to us – we were renting 1-bed flats for the last 9 years and suddenly we have c. 50% more area. This is a good problem to have though – the second bedroom will become a home gym/project room. The flat doesn’t require any major repairs, however we want to at least paint all the walls and ceilings, and possibly put a wooden floor in place of carpets. So there will be some skill building through DIY projects this year.

As we always rented fully furnished flats, we now have a lot of furniture to get. Not having a car means it’s a lot of hassle to buy used from Gumtree (equivalent to Craiglist), so most of it is going to be new. It’s costing more but also comes with some advantages. For example, previously our quality of sleep wasn’t that great, but we didn’t have any incentive to replace the mattress. Now however, since we didn’t have one to begin with, we bought a really nice, high quality one and our sleep quality is noticeably better.

Overall, we are quite happy with the purchase. What I find a bit surprising is that we didn’t have any “wow, we did it” moment – maybe we are nomads deep in our hearts and just can’t feel genuine happiness from settling down? Or maybe we need the flat redecorated before we can really feel it? Or maybe the message Jacob hammers through that the house is just a roof over your head really resonates with us and we see it as just another piece in our ERE puzzle?

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

Long overdue, but better late than never...

November 2017 update

Goals for November:


1) Eat the right things 27/30 PASS
2) Avoid unhealthy foods 24/30 FAIL
3) Exercise 27/30 PASS
4) Sleep well 30/30 PASS
And walk at least 300k steps 201k FAIL

Decent month overall with food, sleep and exercise, however due to taking a bus to work instead of walking, I missed steps walked target by far.

Reading, learning, investing and programming:

I’ve done a bit of each, but was not tracking it unfortunately, so assume FAIL in each category.


Spending in November was £549 per person. Other than the usual bills, commuting and food, we only spent £146 (between alcohol, clothing, eating out and travel). Very happy with this result. PASS

Other things worth noting: in November we made an offer for an apartment, which was accepted (more details in the previous post). With all the things we had to think about, I inevitably had less time and energy to focus on long-term goals (important & not urgent). Taking this into consideration, I’m still quite happy with how I did overall, considering good progress in both health and money goals.

December 2017 update

With birthday, Christmas, house move and my wife preparing for an interview for a new role, I decided other goals needed to wait until new year. I still ate well and avoided junk food, however only exercised 11 times that month. I also didn’t read much. Moneywise, we spent £695 each with extra expenses being higher than usual utility bills, travel to see friends over Christmas and some gifts.

2017 summary


Total earned £19500 after tax (including pension contributions).

Total spent £8300.

SR 57%

NW £65000 (an increase from £50700 last year).

Average monthly spend in 2017 was £691 compared to the average of £611 for last 4 years. This was mainly caused by increased rent compared to previous years as well as commuting costs which we didn’t have before. As we now moved, both these will go down and we expect to return to our long-term average of c. 600 a month per person.

Portfolio returns: 5.98% against the benchmark of 13.1% (FTSE all share index)

5-year CAGR: 13.29% against the benchmark of 7.3%

I didn’t put anywhere near enough time into my active investments this year and the result is poor performance compared to the benchmark.


I follow WFPB diet consisting of whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This diet serves me well – I’m on the lower end of healthy BMI, have a lot of energy and no health issues other than cold or flu once or twice a year. In the summer I stopped buying junk food (sweets, crisps, cans of coke etc.) which I previously treated as a treat. Now my treats are fruits, occasional dark chocolate and cookies made by DW.

I supplement Vitamins D3 and B12 which costs around £15 a year. These are the only supplements I’m taking.

In terms of exercising, I did pretty good job overall this year. There were weeks when I didn’t feel like working out, but since I started tracking this in August, I worked out in 120 out of 153 days (78%). I also walked 3.731k steps for an average of 10200 a day, beating my target of 10k a day.

I also made progress in normalizing my sleep routine. I no longer stay awake doing stuff on the computer until 3 in the morning. I usually go to bed around midnight and get decent 7h or more of sleep. This is significant as in previous years I sometimes slept 5-6h a day during the week and then 10-12h on the weekend while being constantly tired.

Finally, we did our first fast and plan to do more in future.


I started a new job in October. I got 17% raise as well as way more responsibilities. I like it so far, I have a lot of autonomy and I learn something new pretty much every day. It’s challenging and interesting. My pay is below average in this field (I wouldn’t expect anything else with only 5 months of experience) but with 1.5-2y of experience, I can potentially get a much better-paid job in the field (maybe even 50% more). For now, I’m sticking in, focusing on doing as well as I can while trying to learn things that will help me get raise/new job in future.


We bought an apartment which will reduce our housing and commuting expenses by £250-300 a month once we complete refurbishment and get all the furniture.


I started reading books again. I started small, setting a goal of 15m reading time a day, and built up from there. I learned a bit about mental models but would like to focus much more on this in future. I also started learning programming thanks to my new job.

Social life

We didn’t meet anyone like-minded IRL. This is going to be very hard, I guess. On the one hand, I don’t want to reduce my social circle to the few very good friends I have, on the other hand, I don’t want to waste time on people that don’t contribute to my life. Sometimes when we meet with other people, I have this annoying thought that I’d rather be at home reading a book than there, talking to people. One good thing is that we strengthened our relationship with one family member who is very close to us in worldview. All in all, this area definitely needs improving.

Overall, I improved in several areas, and although I didn’t quite meet my ambitious targets in some of them, I’m happy with the progress I made.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by wolf »

That sounds really great Bankai. I like it that you optimized your housing situation. Well done. Those savings in housing will be huge over the time. It really helps becoming FI.
May I ask you how you invest your money? What principles do you follow? Do you have a investment strategy / system?
Keep on Saving. And I am looking forward for details on your appartement.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

Hi wolf,

Thanks very much for the encouragement!

I pick individual stocks. My portfolio is quite concentrated, usually 5-8 positions. I'm mainly interested in small and medium caps. I'd say my style is closest to value investing with occasional growth stocks added in, although I'm tempted to say I don't have a style.

Regarding principles, I'm looking for companies that are consistently generating profits - I never buy loss-making companies unless it's an early stage retail roll-out. I also only buy businesses that I understand (i.e. no financials or pharmaceuticals) and my ideal businesses are ones producing or distributing physical goods. I want to see revenues, PBT and EPS all going up over last few years, preferably over 10% per annum and with not much volatility (ie. I would not buy a company with 10% average growth in all 3 if it had 2 years of losses and 3 years of 20%+ growth). The less debt the company has the better, with ideal candidates having surplus cash which offers downside protection in case earnings disappoint. I also like to see chart going up - if the price is falling, there's usually a reason for this unless it's a general market sell-off. With all these criteria met, I then want some positive development which can trigger share rerating (ie. new factory being built which will double production capacity or even above market expectations trading update).

The main area I definitely need to improve in is selling at the right time. If I sold every share I bought as soon as it's price dropped by 10%, I'd do much, much better. My main mistake is always hanging on to losing positions in hope of a turnaround. I know this is the main mistake most individual investors make and I can clearly see how it's holding me back. I'm seriously considering automating this by setting a stop loss for each new position.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

Q1 2018 update
The first 3 months of the year had the following theme: house purchase, move, refurbishing and getting furniture. The move went surprisingly smoothly - we had 2 friends with cars helping us and it took us around 2.5 hours to move all our stuff. As we were previously renting fully furnished flats, we had to buy some furniture (well not really 'had' to buy, but there's not much free stuff available in our city on websites similar to craiglist, and what's there, isn't very nice, and we also don't have a car so would need to hire someone to get used furniture that we don't like... seemed not worth it). After spending tons of time researching and being disappointed with 'normal' stores' offers, we got a basic bed from IKEA. We also spent quite a lot (c. £700) on memory foam mattress and wool duvet set - this was my wife's idea and I wasn't too happy paying so much, but man, the difference is huge and the quality of sleep improved greatly. It seems it's one of those things you think you don't want/need but once you try, it's hard to imagine going back to old ways. We also bought table and chairs, new computer chair and a couple of sofas. Plus some minor items that were always included in previous flats. We also started painting the flat - about half way through so far. Luckily it doesn't need any major repairs, and we don't want to spend too much on it since we are not sure how long we'll stay here. Not surprisingly then, our expenses in Q1 were substantially higher than average. However, all big purchases are now done so there should be an improvement in Q2.

Another major event in Q1 was my wife being promoted at work. Her new role has more responsibilities but also the pay is better (+20%). In little over 6 months, we went from only me working to both of us working as well as both starting new roles with decent pay rises. We both still earn less than UK average wage, but it's getting closer.

As my main focus was on the flat, I had less time and energy available for other projects. Healthwise, it's still roughly on track. We buy only healthy foods so I didn't eat any crap. I exercised 15 times in both Jan and Mar and each day in Feb. This is below my target of exercising every day. I also started to run 3k in the nearby park in the morning - so far did it 8 times, however with the weather as it is just now, I put this on hold. I also made further progress in regulating my sleep - I'm in bed between 11-midnight and I wake up at 7 am each day including weekends.

I read 1 book in Q1 ('The invincible" by S Lem) and started 3 other: "12 rules for life", "Personal development for smart people" and "The subtle art of not giving a f*ck" (I know, this looks like a self-help festival...). I also spent way too much time playing video games the last couple of months. So these are the 2 areas I want to improve/get back on track in April.

Money stuff:

The elephant in the room was "household" category where I dumped all flat related expenses (furniture, paint etc.) - £3175. Other than that, our spending was about average - £20 clothes, £60 commuting (the last bus passes in Jan - we now both walk to work), £29 gifts, £32 stuff. Due to household expenses and stock market dip, my NW stayed flat since Dec. SR was 9% (Jan), 20% (Feb) & 63% (Mar). However, including capital part of the mortgage as savings, this goes up to 33% (Feb) & 70% (Mar).

I keep my goals for April/Q2 short as I don't want to overextend (there's still a lot of work to be done in the flat in the coming weeks). I also stopped tracking what foods I eat/not eat - I'm eating healthy for a few years now and tracking this has outlived its purpose. Since we don't buy unhealthy foods and very rarely eat out, out diet is 99% as I want it to be and I don't want to spend my time/energy to optimise the last 1%.

April/Q2 goals:

* Exercise every day
* Read one book a week
* Reduce time spent playing games, ideally to zero
* Complete an online course I started in Jan

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by wolf »

Congratulations to your house purchase and to your wife's promotion. What do you both do for a living?
I am looking forwart to what you have to say about Jordan Peterson's book.
Take care!

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

My wife says thanks :)

I work as an analyst in a corporation and DW has a lower management position in civil service.

Re Peterson, I initially avoided the topic about him on these forums as I assumed he's a politician and I'm not interested in politics. Having come across his book and some online lectures, I now avoid this topic as I want to read the book first before I read people's opinions on him. So far, very interesting read although I just started. Looking forward to discussing the details once I finish the book.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

April update

April/Q2 goals:

* Exercise every day - 26/30 days in April
* Read one book a week - fail, read nothing
* Reduce time spent playing games, ideally to zero - fail
* Complete an online course I started in Jan - fail

I didn't make any progress with most of my goals in April. I still exercised regularly, however most days I was too tired/lazy after work to read anything.

At least on the financial front things are better:

Mortgage and bills: £761
Food and household: £222
Paints: £61
Clothes: £22
Eating out: £2
Travel: £19
Stuff: £25 (new pot and chopping board)

Total expenses in April: £1114
Per person: £557

Savings rate: 67%
Including mortgage principal: 74%

So close to 'the dream' (75% SR). However, I expect expenses to rise in the next 2 months as we will be going on 2 weeks vacation.

Goals for May:

* Exercise every day - I've been exercising every day for the last 36 days and I want to keep this going for at least the rest of May
* Read one book a week
* Complete an online course I started in Jan

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Where are you guys going this time around? *wave*

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

We're going to the Czech Republic. I've never been there but I heard a lot of good things about it. Looking forward to trying delicious Czech cuisine and beers. We are likely to spend the most time in Prague, which doesn't worry me too much since it's considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But we will also be taking trips to nearby attractions.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Seppia »

Make sure you visit Kampa museum near the river and Veletrzni Palac museum, so that you see a lot of Kupka paintings.
Prague is also famous for its modern art galleries, you can find cheap and excellent stuff.
A good one is Vltavin, near the national theater (narodni divadlo) and another one is Galerie Moderna along the river.

Some of my favorite artists within affordable range (if buying a lithography) are Frantisek Gross and Josef Istler

Gross ... 68&bih=922

Istler ... aSye0hc%3D

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

Thanks Seppia, these look good. We don't have a 'to see' list yet - still doing initial research/reading on Prague. I'm not much into modern art - maybe my tastes aren't fully developed yet - but I can totally see something like this ... ohGeA0JGM: on our living room wall.

Speaking of which, lately we've been discussing buying some art to decorate the flat. I'm inclined towards actual paintings (probably of local, not well-known artists - we don't want to spend thousands) rather than printouts. It clashes a bit with my minimalistic tendencies so I'm not 100% decided yet. I wonder how many ERErs buy art?

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Seppia »

Seriously, go to Vltavin and Galerie Moderna in Prague.
You will find a lot of unique pieces and lithographies from young artists for cheaper than you could buy a printout in NYC or any major metro area.

Vltavin is the one with the largest selection of young artists (= cheaper)
Look for the online auctions (you need to create a profile to buy but you can browse without one).
I've bought from them multiple times and they are trustworthy.

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by wolf »

The idea for JAFI came from YOU! I only did the work. ;)

The honour is yours! Thank you very much.

1 Jacob Adjusted For Inflation (JAFI)

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Re: Bankai's Journal - ERE mode:hard

Post by Bankai »

Thanks, wolf :)

Also, it's about time to update this journal.

Here are the expenses for the last 15 months.


One-offs (which have a bad habit of recurring...) were as following:

May - accommodation and flights to Prague
June - eating out fiesta while in Prague
July - home gym & Stockopedia subscription

Prague - we like to go abroad once a year. The total cost of c. £1k between the two of us is totally acceptable. And oh man, Prague is beautiful. It's also possibly very nice destination for (early) retirement.


Food is good and cheap, transportation is dirty cheap (annual pass for public transport including buses, trains and underground is about £120), connoisseurs of good beer will not be disappointed nor will they spend much. Great architecture, friendly people, safe. Plenty of attractions: museums, galleries, theatres, multiple open-air festivals, concerts etc. Not enough time to run out of things to do. Great base to visit Poland, Germany and Austria as well as for shorter trips within the Czech Republic itself thanks to its central location.


Waves of drunken tourists take over the city centre on the weekends. Real estate is crazy expensive relative to average income. The language is probably very difficult to learn for people not knowing any Slavic language already.

Home gym - we paid £580 for home gym consisting of a power rack, a bench and an olympic barbell with a set of plates. Why not a gym subscription instead? Several reasons: the cheapest gym is £15 a month or £180 a year so home gym pays for itself within 3 years. Going to and back from the gym costs extra time. If going after work, which would be best from time optimisation perspective, you can expect queues to the best/most popular machines. There's always (small) risk of someone stealing your stuff. And there's also sweat on handles, benches etc. We can both use the home gym and the shower is always few steps away. On the other hand, the footprint of these items is massive, but we only kept a desk with pc in our spare bedroom anyway. Resale value if we leave the UK should be around 50% or so. There are some limitations to what you can do, i.e. no standing overhead press or deadlift, but overall it covers almost all the exercises I want to do.

Savings rate* was:

May - 46.4%
June - 85.8%
July - 62.6%
August - 75.1%
YTD - 62.3%

With (hopefully) all the big expenses for the year already behind us, I expect spending in the months ahead to be in the region of 1 JAFI** per person. This should allow for SR of 75% for Sep-Dec.

NW is £79k, up from £65k in December. My 'soft' target for 2018 was to increase NW to £80k. It looks like I'll beat this comfortably thanks to a pay rise I got taking me for the first time above the UK average & median income.


Cash is in 5% savings. Pension is in index funds. Shares are in individual stocks in S&S ISA.

* I include both pension contributions and capital repayment part of mortgage payments as savings.

**JAFI of $8500 translates to £6550 or about £1100 a month for both of us.

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September update

Post by Bankai »

Expenses in September were £1094 or £547 per person. This is a whisker below 1 JAFI pp. Excluding the capital part of the mortgage payment, expenses were £864 or £432 per person. Other than food and bills, we spent less than £150 on everything else.

Sep SR - 79.5% (inc. pension contributions and capital part of the mortgage payment)

YTD SR - 64%

NW - £81.5k - the target of £80k hit 3 months ahead of plan. The revised target is £85k by year end.

Workouts - 24 out of 30 days (80%). I'm up to 11 pull-ups (from 7 in mid-July). Gained 2kg over the last 2.5 months. Eating 3k kcal as an ectomorph is not easy.

Walking - 291k steps vs. target of 300k.

Overall, pretty good month.



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