ERE Chatroom?

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ERE Chatroom?

Post by conwy »

Would anyone be interested in joining an ERE-oriented chatroom?

I was thinking something along the lines of an IRC channel or even a group chat in WhatsApp?

It would be awesome to have a constantly active, live feed of people from around the world, providing constant motivation to eachother to keep saving, investing and slowly work toward the ERE dream.


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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by slowtraveler »

I'm up for it. I got WhatsApp, I might need a brief tutorial on IRC channels.

I'd really love to get my expenses down to 500-1000/month and this seems like a great way to move towards that.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by Fish »

I have also had such thoughts, though my opinion is mixed. On the one hand, the normal forum format favors thoughtful, well-contemplated posts. That's a strength of this place and I'm not sure there's a critical mass to support a permanent chatroom without affecting the quantity or quality of the regular forum posts. While chatrooms are fun in the moment, they are generally not as insightful and have a much lower signal to noise ratio. Who would bother reading through the logs?

OTOH, the fast-paced nature of chat is community building for those involved, and brings out ideas that would never see the light of day in the normal forum environment. I could envision a 1x/month or 1x/week chat being viable around here. You might even hold it right here on the forum, provided that Jacob is good-natured enough to lock or delete the thread after the chat is over. The 1 minute posting cooldown isn't too much of an issue... and may even encourage smarter dialogue than you would get otherwise in a normal chatroom.

It appears IRC meetups were done in the past, see this thread for how they were organized. viewtopic.php?t=1635 (also see this screenshot on page 4)

Edit - This link might be of interest (it still works, and even appears to work on smartphones):
bigato wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:28 pm
For the non-technical people out there, here a very simple way to chat. Just click the link below, type any nick you want, write the words you see in the figure (captcha), and there you go!

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by fiby41 »

slowtraveler wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:57 pm
I'm up for it. I got WhatsApp
conwy wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:02 pm
or even a group chat in WhatsApp?
I've taken the liberty to create a group.

Anyone with WhatsApp can follow this link to join in the ERE chat:

Send a private message to get link.

Only share it with people you trust.

If you are on a desktop/laptop, scan this using your phone to join.


If that is not possible, you can private message me your mobile number so that I could add you.
Last edited by fiby41 on Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by Solvent »

I'm keen on a WhatsApp chat. Anything to pass the time and bounce ideas 😆

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by jennypenny »

We used to schedule chats sometimes. It ended up being more social than anything. Maybe regularly scheduled chats with specific topics would work in addition to the normal spontaneous stuff?

Just FYI ... people with certain levels of security clearance or using certain work-issued phones won’t be able to use WhatsApp.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by conwy »

Maybe regularly scheduled chats with specific topics would work in addition to the normal spontaneous stuff?
This! I would be keen on "workshops" centred around a given theme, with someone chosen to lead the discussion, followed by an open-ended discussion period, in which people ask questions, debate, share ideas, etc.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by TheWanderingScholar »

Can confirm. Workshops would work better, as before it just ended up being just being another chatroom where I think most of the time it was me, bigato, and some other guy chilling there.

EDIT: At least on freenode, #ere is open.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by fiby41 »

Yesterday on the ERE group:

Slowtraveler is a real conversation starter. Most introduced themselves, some expressed their wish to remain anonymous which was fine by all, as long as they were not a spammer.

Topics discussed: living with your parents - cancelling credit/debit cards - going caffeine free - simulating android phone screen on desktop.

Drop by to say hi: Send a private message to get link.
Last edited by fiby41 on Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by fiby41 »

Yesterday we had an especially interesting conversation on the ERE chat. Group invite:
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[22/02 4:33 am] ‪+56 ‬: Hey guys! How are you?

Chilean student here, I've been into ERE since 2016, mainly as a lurker
[22/02 5:07 am] ‪+44 Welcome Felipe!
[22/02 5:08 am] ‪+44 I was surprised how long the movement has been going for, i think since 2013 or so?
[22/02 5:09 am] ‪+44 Great to meet new people into ERE, I find it motivating
[22/02 7:10 am] ‪+1 ‬: Hello!
[22/02 7:14 am] ‪+1 ‬: What do followers of ERE call themselves? (Followers of MMM being "Mustachians")
[22/02 7:27 am] ‪+56 ‬: Thanks, as far as I know ERE has been around since 200x, to me ERE was just an easy way to name something that I had been trying to do on my own, it pointed me in the right direction
[22/02 7:28 am] ‪+56‬: Hi, No idea 😕
[22/02 7:29 am] ‪+66 There's less appeal to authority and group think so I've noticed less of a focus on using ERE as our identity here. Instead, the finance is part of a web of goals that mutually support each other.
[22/02 7:31 am] ‪+1 I like that. It's rather rad!
[22/02 2:25 pm] ‪+251‬: So I was just contacted by an unknown guy, through facebook messenger, who is moving to Addis and looking to make contacts.
On the one hand, I'm wary of scams. But on the other, I try to be charitable towards people initiating social contact. I know personally that it requires effort and I try to respect that. As an introvert it's just so easy to not bother putting the time on to maintain existing relationships, let alone forge new ones.
[22/02 5:04 pm] ‪+44 : I’d say be careful about personal safety when it comes to strangers
[22/02 5:05 pm] ‪+44 : I prefer to be strategic about who I interact with and go out and choose people rather than just wait for the right people to find me
[22/02 5:05 pm] ‪+44 ‬: I think introvert/extrovert is 100% bullshit as a concept and is invented to hold back people who lack power
[22/02 5:06 pm] ‪+44 Everyone becomes an extrovert in the right kind of company. The trick is to identify who the right kind of company are and then work hard to listen and understand then
[22/02 5:07 pm] ‪+44 : A good deal of it is also introspection including identifying what your power is, where you have power
[22/02 5:08 pm] ‪+44 Then you harness that internal power and apply it to the “contacts selection process”. Sorry if I sound cold and calculating but it’s reality.
[22/02 5:10 pm] ‪+56‬: Do you know how he found you?

You could meet him in a place where you are not stuck in case things go wrong, maybe a restaurant/park you know.
[22/02 5:10 pm] ‪+44 ‬: Don’t believe anything, be constantly critical, try not to get too engulfed in other people’s thought bubbles.
[22/02 5:31 pm] ‪+251 : Oh never fear I'm not proposing to meet randoms in unfamiliar environments. I'm not that trusting!
But I think I have a somewhat innate tendency to reject new experiences so I try to take conscious steps to work against that.
[22/02 5:31 pm] ‪+251 Also I've taken to heart the lessons of all those corporate training programmes warning against corporate espionage and stuff... You have to be careful.
[22/02 7:19 pm] ‪+1 : I see the extraversion dimension as the willingness to play the games of the masses. Introverts tend to look for different games to play.

If you think about it.. basically all language is used to signal power.

Will to power.
[22/02 7:20 pm] ‪+44 : 💯
[22/02 8:12 pm] : Thanks
[22/02 8:32 pm] ‪+66 ‬: It's just how you get your energy. It is unrelated to shyness.
[22/02 8:38 pm] ‪+44 I think how you get your energy is relational not all from you
[22/02 8:38 pm] ‪+44‬: I get more energy In some situations than in others
[22/02 8:54 pm] ‪+1 : I agree with CONW, that definition isn't useful.

Social interaction is too diverse.
[22/02 9:20 pm] ‪+44 I believe in cause and effect. If someone’s shy there’s a reason they’re shy, a reason that’s not just “in their heads”, even if the shyness might be on some specific occasion or other. Even then I don’t think it’s entirely in their heads.
[22/02 9:37 pm] ‪+251 Great, power's down again. I'm 'practicing resilience'.
[22/02 9:38 pm] ‪+251 : Seems to correlate with rain.
[22/02 9:41 pm] ‪+1 : Electrical energy and water don't mix.
[22/02 9:48 pm] ‪+251 ‬: Well yeah. It must be a grid thing I think.
[22/02 11:04 pm] ‪+55 ‬: Repeate with me: being shy is not being introvert. Being introvert is not being shy.
[22/02 11:05 pm] ‪+55 ‬: Until it sinks in
[22/02 11:07 pm] ‪+1 : Yeah, I have never liked the label "shy". I was called that a lot as a kid. I just didn't talk since I could simulate the responses in my mind.
[22/02 11:10 pm] ‪+44 ‬: Labels are contextual.
[22/02 11:10 pm] ‪+44 ‬: Not intrinsic.
[22/02 11:11 pm] ‪+55‬: Get the right context then
[22/02 11:13 pm] ‪+44 You can give yourself labels too - ones that help you :)
[22/02 11:13 pm] ‪+44 : Depending on who you need to be in any given situation
[22/02 11:14 pm] ‪+44 ‬: I probably sound like a sociopath at this point but I do try to couple this with empathy and belief in the inherent good of all people
[22/02 11:15 pm] ‪+55: Except that introversion can be measured in babies and it's possible to predict wether they'll be introverts as adults
‬: Again, you don't seem to grasp what the psychological definition of introversion is
That's what we are talking about, and not how to choose to act and appear
[22/02 11:27 pm] ‪+1 : The psychological definition of extraversion is based on preference as opposed to appearance. It is a single dimension that measures our adaptation strategies.

Shyness implies that the person wants to interact but doesn't due to some emotional barrier.
[22/02 11:29 pm] ‪+44 ‬: Situations change and I change. But the change is connected to what preceded it and to the larger cosmos.
[22/02 11:30 pm] ‪+44 ‬: I don’t see myself as a solid unchanging entity in a world of arbitrary flux. That would be solipsism.
[22/02 11:31 pm] ‪+1 ‬: Preferences tend to be stable; actions change across context and are unstable. Hence, there is more scientific utility in measuring preferences.
[22/02 11:34 pm] ‪+44 ‬: Preferences can appear to be stable despite not actually inhering in the individual.
[22/02 11:35 pm] ‪+44 ‬: I think science gives the appearance of power.
[22/02 11:37 pm] ‪+1: Understanding is not equivalent to controlling. Though, they do overlap to some extent.
[22/02 11:38 pm] ‪+44 ‬: I wish I could learn Chinese medicine
‬: Control can be a vulnerability‬: You don’t necessarily want to be in control!
[22/02 11:39 pm] ‪+1 ‬: Makes you a target. What you want is invisible control.
[22/02 11:40 pm] ‪+44 ‬: Hmm maybe
‬: I want harmony
I want to be able to fit into the universe
[22/02 11:41 pm] ‪+1 ‬: Seems like too vague a goal to be useful.
[22/02 11:43 pm] ‪+1 ‬: That could be accomplished by killing yourself and making your body into compost.
[22/02 11:43 pm] ‪+44 ‬: There’s a chance I’ll do that if that’s what it takes
[22/02 11:43 pm] ‪+44 ‬: I just want peace and harmony
[22/02 11:43 pm] ‪+44 ‬: That’s all I ever wanted
[22/02 11:46 pm] ‪+1 : Sounds romantic, but life isn't so simple. Harmony can operate at different levels.
[22/02 11:58 pm] ‪+55‬: Hahahah
[23/02 12:17 am] ‪+1 ‬: If you want to live in harmony then consider that the most basic force that allows your existence is your adaptive ability.

The complexity of your strategy should depend on the complexity of your environment. Your environment is very complex and so your strategy should be as well.

Without any control, your environment will control you. Control gives you the option to act in accordance with your own morals.

If you trust the morality structure that your environment will impose on you then there is no need for control. Though, anyone with any brains at all understands that the current global strategy is oblivious to any long term considerations.
[23/02 12:18 am] ‪+1‬: I'll turn down this free compost
[23/02 12:19 am] ‪+1‬: For growing vegetables anyway
[23/02 12:19 am] ‪+1 ‬: For flowers... maybe it'll beautify my garden even more?

This was yesterday on the ERE group. Drop by to say hi:
Send a private message to join.
Last edited by fiby41 on Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by dropoutretire »

conwy wrote:
Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:02 pm
I could help people !!!! Ive a;ready been retired for about 7 years, I retired at 39 and now I'm 46

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by Sarouel »

We now have a second WhatsApp group for females:

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by trfie »

jennypenny wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:04 am

Just FYI ... people with certain levels of security clearance or using certain work-issued phones won’t be able to use WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is not really a great choice, being owned by facebook, various security flaws over the years, the founder recently resigned due to the anticipated lowering of priority of user data and privacy and the direction Whatsapp will be taken.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by TheWanderingScholar »

Is the WhatsApps group still active? If so can I have an invite that works.
Got a new phone for my Estonian number.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by fiby41 »

TheWanderingScholar wrote:
Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:33 am
Is the WhatsApps group still active? If so can I have an invite that works.
TheWanderingScholar wrote:
Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:33 am
Got a new phone for my Estonian number.
Send a private message to join.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by xmj »

TheWanderingScholar wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:49 am
EDIT: At least on freenode, #ere is open.
And it has one user.


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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by ertyu »

why would you want an app tied to your actual phone number make a discord like normal people smh

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by xmj »

What do you mean? IRC doesn't require phones.

You can login via or some client you like.

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by ertyu »

I was talking to the whatsapp people :). How is freenode on mobile?

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Re: ERE Chatroom?

Post by Crusader »

I think Discord would be a more appropriate medium for this, if there is enough interest (as someone already mentioned).

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