Ayanka's Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Ayanka's Journal

Post by Ayanka »

Please don't expect one of the great journals of some of the bright minds inhere. Sadly for me it might be more of a place to dump the excess thought.

Ok let's start with the recent past. In June 2015 I got so tired after 2.5 months of working nights, lates and weekends that I had to stay home for a week after it got so bad I had to go to the doctor where my heart pounded even though I was just sitting in a chair. 3 months before that I had signed the paperwork for a house. I didn't regain my full physical strength while working a shift system and having a boss that would push his stress down on his staff didn't help and made my mental stress go through the roof. In the beginning of 2016 I was fired. I was relieved, if he wouldn't have done that I would have had to quit making my finances problematic. I am not housepoor because of the mortgage, but it is a bad fixer upper with some bad surprises. Right now it needs the big doors downstairs, new gas heaters and the bathroom remodel is probably a very definite want. I have the money for that, but I will need money to finish the rest. Sadly I work for a financially failing company in a temporary job. So I need a way of getting another job while still trying to renovate my house. Which is going to be a bit of a challenge. Right now I am looking to try to fix the place as much as humanly possible (I already did the living room) by the end of February and then trying to find a job.

Posts: 340
Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:03 am

Re: Ayanka's Journal

Post by Eureka »

Hi Ayanka,
I hope you are ready to update your journal soon. And that you have at least one good news next time.

Gilberto de Piento
Posts: 1951
Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:23 pm

Re: Ayanka's Journal

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

It sounds like things are tough but you have a good plan. Any updates?

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