Zev's Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Post by gibberade »

Paleo is hard to justify in terms of ERE. Conversely, it is easy to justify for health concerns.

In my opinion, anyways.

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Post by Surio »


Thank you for replying.

At a quick glance I had some more questions. :-) Look, I don't want you to feel I am nitpicking for nothing, please.
1. Would it not be correct to compare leafy greens and vegetables to its meat price equivalent in the first place? And I intuitively feel veggies would turn up cheaper.

2. Regarding cooking, soaking and yogurt making are "one-off" soak it-forget it and mix previous batch curd into milk, leave untouched. Even if you were making elaborate cooked lentil dishes, would it not take the same time to cook the meat dishes too? I got the impression from going through paleodiet.com, that paleo doesn't exactly mean "eating raw", right?

3. There's a lot of other ways you can make "cooked vegetarian" dishes that would be very heavy and filling (w/o rice). In this thread I wrote about few dishes (look for: koottu, avial, sundal...). Please understand, I am not plugging my post, it is easier to refer it this way.
Re: culling of geese in Canada... I felt physically ill as I read that! I will use the term barbaric to describe the act X-(. The Universe has no concept of time, or as Leo Tolstoy puts it in a more old-fashioned way "God Sees the Truth, But Waits". The theme in that story there was forgiveness, but such wanton acts of hubris deserves no mercy (Since there's no waste in Nature). Especially as you point it, the act was pointless in the sense no utility to the act came in the end! No one can prevent a bird-hit despite 1000s of culling, and at least letting people take them home the "kill" would have been a more sensible option instead of trashing them (OK, maybe the vermins had a field day?)!

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Post by NYC ERE »

Thank you for one of the more profound responses I've ever seen to a forum post--referring here to the Tolstoy quote. Agreed; very much so.
1. if you're calculating cost per calorie, veggies will lose, but of course there are more things to life than calories--micronutrients, for example. with micronutrients, it might be a tough competition; pastured, fatty meat, as well as organs and bone marrow have tons of nutrients.

2. paleo isn't raw, no. i take your point about "set it and forget it" wrt soaking, fermenting &c. i guess it's somewhat a matter of inertia, or momentum--i'm extremely happy with my current diet and a little reticent about adding a lot of carbohydrate back into it, is the main thing.

3) thank you.
btw it's Canada Geese--they're a species--the population that was culled was in Brooklyn, New York. And you're absolutely right that it was not only a horrible waste, but also ineffective--apparently their niche started refilling immediately with fresh geese from elsewhere.

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Post by chilly »

Zev, I was just curious about your post ERE plans w/r to the $100k house. Is it safe to assume that is based on leaving Manhattan?
I love the hunting idea though, and will watch for your results. There's nothing more efficient... puts the frugality of raising your own animals to shame. I've always wondered about how hunters get the animal out of the woods... never mind on a bike back home. An adult deer must weigh a couple hundred pounds, no? Or do you gut it and leave the leftovers in the woods?

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Post by NYC ERE »

@chilly The $100k house currently planned is a $105k down payment on a triplex in Brooklyn--it seems that even if the interest rate was seven percent, rent in two of the units would cover the mortgage, maintenance, taxes and insurance from day one. Because of my interests in music and film, I don't see myself living in a rural place or small town.
re: hunting, barring any legal barriers, I plan to field dress any deer i get and just take the meat and organs--40+ pounds from an adult deer. bear hunting would be a different story, though--likely would have to get a car.

Mr. Overlord
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Post by Mr. Overlord »

@Zev - do you mind if I ask what part of Brooklyn you're looking into? (just curious because I live in Brooklyn)

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Post by NYC ERE »

Mr. Overlord, I'm thinking Bed-Stuy/Crown Heights/Bushwick, in descending order. If you want to go house shopping sometime, I'd be game.
zaverbach at gmail dot com

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Post by Surio »

I worried if my Tolstoy soliloquy got a bit too meandering, but am glad it struck a chord. I will pass on your kind words to my parents. Because, whatever credit there may be to my being the way I am, they played a very major role for cranking me out this way and deserve full credit. :-)
I got it now; it was the cost per calorie bit on the ERE friendliness scale that you were referring earlier. But micro-nutrients wise, yes there's a tough call :-). The Archdruid blog also buzzes on these very lines whenever JMG advocates switching to a total plant-based diet. :-D.
I assumed it was the inertia that's preventing the switch. Been there myself on many things. I understand :-)
Proof of the pudding is in the eating ;-). Tell me how the dishes turned out :-P
Re: geese: Same is the case with the Indian Govt. stray dog extermination programmes! But the Govt. has to be seen doing something, and the media whips up the (ignorant, misguided) public emotions to frenzy every time a stray dog incident happens. Hoo Boy!
P.S: Is it a coincidence that posts you are involved in seems to touch the "century" mark? Good shot, ol' chap! ;-)

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Post by NYC ERE »

Things are "evolving" with me on the ERE front. Call it lack of resolve, I don't mind:
I feel an urgency about my "hobbies" that's taking me away from the money grindstone--I'm nearly 33 and I feel like a hypocrite for talking up so many creative projects and not acting on them; another five years of inaction on this front could destroy my self-respect, such as it is.
I'm lucky that I have a business that I can put more or less on automatic by outsourcing 90% of the work--99% if I want to delegate bookkeeping and marketing (I don't). Jacob's book helped me reverse some serious lifestyle inflation, and now that I'm collecting the "dividends" of a reduced personal budget, my inclination is to spend those dividends--some money, mostly time; a tremendous amount of opportunity cost--on my many neglected creative and intellectual projects:
* become fluent in French (I'm perhaps 30% of the way there) -- the ERE thing to do here would be to wait until ERE, then move to France and learn it immersively for free; the Zev thing to do (apparently) is to plunk down $461/mo. for intensive classes at the Alliance Francaise for the next 1-2 years. Caveat: I have carved out all but $125 of this by lowering my food, eating out, books and entertainment budgets. I want to learn German, Hebrew, and Spanish next. Perhaps as I'm freed up geographically more and more from my business, I will go the cheaper, "go live in the country" route.
* write a frequently updated blog -- first, one for my business, in which i do a braindump of all my transcription knowledge/wisdom, possibly culminating in an e-book; next, something inspired by ERE--meditations on value and the nexus of lifestyle + current events + politics + economics. cost: 1-3 or perhaps 24 hours a day, $0.
* write and record songs. i'm embarrassed by how much i've neglected this project; i haven't produced a finished product in nearly 7 years. cost: lots of time, minimal $.
* film/video--screenwriting, documentary production, editing, scoring, etc. cost: time (all-consuming).
* read--my reading list is growing at a Malthusian rate.
* get extremely fit and extend my youth--I dropped a fair bit of cash on this, which i perceive as the most optimal, lightweight and cheap-in-the-long-run strategy. I haven't decided how to amortize it yet; I'll decide afterwards.
The tremendous opportunity cost of freeing up my schedule now:
* without outsourcing my business, i'd reach ERE in January 2016 (age 38); with outsourcing, presuming no business growth, February 2030 (age 52).
However, freeing up my schedule now would feel a lot like ERE--just without the same FI as having a diversified portfolio of investments. Furthermore, there is the possibility of at least a meager income coming out of the above projects; perhaps one or more can become a passive revenue stream (blog, e-book, music, film).
As a reality check, I've moved some of my personal expenses out of my business budget, even though I'll still be able to write them off. Personal budget circa today:
$30 shows

$43 eating out

$26 drinks

$29 hunting

$40 books and comics

$31 travel

$26 movies and theater

$125 rent

$233 food

$461 language class

$30 utils

$20 sports

$10 music

$21 clothes

$63 bulk (spices, cooking fat, supplements, liquor)

$50 misc

$26 cat

$125 transportation

$164 health insurance

$7 contact lenses

$65 doctor/dentist/opt
total: $1,614/mo.

ERE budget: $1,535 (reduction of fish/egg/meat budget via keeping hens, fishing and hunting)

George the original one
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Post by George the original one »

Is there a difference between the categories "shows" and "movies and theatre"? Or would it be better to combine them?
What's interesting about your budget is how much of it is devoted to fun extras and not to essentials like "rent". That should be a powerful draw for people not even trying for ERE.

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Post by jacob »

Also, is there a difference between cat and food? ;-)
Zev, I'd say the ERE thing to do is to find a local Frenchman or Frenchwoman and exchange language lessons. I doubt this will be too difficult to arrange in NYC. You might even be able to find an entire group on meetup.com or similar. The local "parks and recreation" might also have something (they do here).

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Post by Dienekes »

There are a lot of great nuggets from Zev's last post including:

- ERE preventing lifestyle inflation (that's a great term and very applicable to my post-reading-ERE-life). I was on a dangerous course (e.g., Blu-Ray movies I never watched but treasured Gollum-like, PS3 games that sat on the shelf while I "finished" Uncharted which remains unfinished, thoughts of upgrading my car just to upgrade, buying books on Amazon rather than discovering my brand new local library 2 miles away, thinking about upgrading to a bigger house).

- "my reading list is growing at a Malthusian rate." Couldn't have said it any better, as my growing Goodreads "to read" list will attest. Although a lot of this is due to the feed showing the new stuff Jacob is reading and then getting interested and putting it on the list.
I've emailed Jacob personally thanking him for writing ERE, and I still feel the same many months after first reading it. My life is immensely better: more money, more time, more skills, and a set plan to retire much earlier than I would have ever contemplated. Thanks again.

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Post by NYC ERE »

Hey ERE community! I just couldn't stay away; the trouble with the ERE forum is it's *too* interesting and *too* aligned with my interests, that I could live half my life on here. So I'm going to try to restrict myself to 1x/week posting.
I used the time dividends freed up by my very semi-successful "media fast" to get my dating life in order, and have since moved in with my SO. She is not ERE at all, but has been significantly influenced by my endless chattering about "value" and "treadmills" and FI.
My own discipline has been lacking, as I gave myself a somewhat endless budget line item for eating out while doing a round of JDating (online personal ads for Jews and Jewesses). Yes, I could have looked for dates among the freegans et al, but I still identify culturally a lot more with bourgeois chicks--plus I wonder how paleo would go down with freegan types.
That said, I do have significant savings for the first time ever--this, 14 months after committing to an FI plan--but I'm definitely behind schedule.
$24k saved, not invested in anything yet.
Current budget $2,024/mo.:
$13 movies, live music

$50 eating out

$25 books

$20 drinks


$30 utils

$10 music

$50 cat food and litter

$29 transportation

$164 health insurance

$700 rent

$286 drum room (place with natural light to play piano and drums)

$26 laundry and lint roller

$3 water filtration

$13 hunting

$33 travel

$60 YMCA (have to get way better at swimming because I'm going to become a sailor)

$8 clothes

$71 bulk

$50 misc

$20 tech

$3 glasses

$45 doctor/dentist/opt

$14 cat
ERE budget $1,378/mo. ($300 less rent, no YMCA, no "drum room"; everything else the same)

ERE date 9/7/13 (assuming ~20% tax rate in ERE because business will still be running)
I'd like to buy rental property, with cash or with 20% down, depending on location, and I'm anticipating a 12% return after all costs, vacancy, etc. With high inflation seeming likely, and a two-year commitment by the Fed of low interest rates, financing seems kind of smart right now. 12% may sound naive, but there seem to be a lot of such opportunities all over the US currently--even in Brooklyn.

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Post by NYC ERE »

SO and I are taking intensive sailing lessons in a few weeks, with an eye towards exploring being liveaboards, even before FI. We'd love to love on the Upper West Side in a boat, but good luck to us with that; huge waiting list.
I basically can't swim, so it's a little bit of an uphill journey! But I'm actively ameliorating this huge gap in the tentative liveaboard plan.

George the original one
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Post by George the original one »

Zev is back! Zev is back!

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Post by jacob »

Have you considered crewing/racing instead of paying for lessons? The principles of sailing are pretty easy but the make or break is in experience with unknown situations which only comes with time-on-water and going into hardcore situations. You could even crew for people going cruising. No crazy situations there but they'll be more inclined to talk about boat systems than racers where you'll be assigned some line to pull on command for the first several weeks.
Short list of my experiences: blew out prop shaft and took on water (complete engine loss, bilge pump lost, manual pump lost, sinking faster than we can bail---we made it in), lost only mainsail on board, snapped and lost rudder (down to the bottom of the sea), more jibs damage than I can remember, shrimped spinnaker (after sunset), collided with other boat, 25kts+ winds, 12ft+ waves.
(This, incidentally, is why yacht racing is expensive... but only for those who own the boats.)
Once you've seen a couple of these, the tendency to panic decreases. It's pretty hard to set up a class that covers these things though. It'll like doing a man overboard drill in calm waters under ideal conditions whereas in reality, it's blowing 20+, the spinnaker is wrapped, you can't steer, ...
Anyway, I have never taken lessons so consequentially, I don't know how the engine system really works, how to pump out the head, how to set an anchor, and how to avoid crashing into the dock. These are important details, but they could be learned rather quickly.

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Post by KevinW »

Glad to have you back. I was in Brooklyn on business a few weeks ago and riding the subway reminded me of your move, which made me wonder what you were up to.

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Post by NYC ERE »

@George =^_^=
@Jeff hunting will finally happen this winter (last winter was gonna be my first); going to the range tomorrow to dust off the rust.
@Kevin next time just keep your eye out for the barefoot guy on the subway; that's me.
@Jacob I did consider this, but the NYC sailing-related meet-ups seem to require people with at least a little sailing experience before crewing. We are spending a fair amount of money on these classes, but I'll just consider it as part of the down payment on a potential liveaboard. Also, SO might be sketched out by winging it as you have. Also, I am a little sketched out by it too--not extremely comfortable with the water as of yet.

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Post by NYC ERE »

food + bulk breakout, for posterity and OCD:
fresh fish - sockeye $22.64

bones $21.11

beef/calf/bison liver $26.52

cabbage/lettuce $9.47

brussels/kale/broccoli $18.94

onions/scallions... $8.66

fruit $42.43

eggs $50.52

nuts and nut butter $5.00

butter $15.16

tea+coffee $26.48

cheese $22.70

wine $6.50

olive oil $10.00

apple cider vinegar $6.00

ice cream $8.00
food total $300.13
Magnesium $13.89

vit D $8.70

butter oil + CLO $25.98

spices $2.92

coconut milk $7.12

coconut oil $6.64

macademia oil $6.00
bulk total $71.24

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Post by NYC ERE »

A big detail, in case you missed it: My rent is now $700 instead of $125, because of splitting rent on a quite humble 1BR apartment in Brooklyn. I don't know what the future of this line item will be--that is, whether it will change at any point before ERE; after ERE, my housing costs have to drop to $400 somehow. Could be a Tumbleweed, a sailboat, or a landlord unit in whatever rental housing I invest in...

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