C40's Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Post by C40 »





Work paychecks: $3,200
401 Contribution: $1,636
Shirt sales, gift $, bet: $128

SPENDING: $1,400

Home expenses: $686
Food: $454
X-mas gifts: $104
Entertainment: $92
Transportation (gas): $79
Travel: $42
Sold stuff: ($56)

SAVED: $3,400
Savings rate: 68%
Extra/nonstandard spending:

$119 – Wool blanket for my bed
$108 - Travel - Dinner with my dad and brother (I lost check roulette)
$42 – Travel – Parking at airport
$104 – Christmas gifts for family
$135 – Nutritional supplements

I had a pretty nice down comforter for 10 years or so. Over time, it got thin and worn and too much of the down was coming out. So I tossed it and I’ve been using a couple of old quilts that my grandma made for my brother and I when we were children. These are worn also and are falling apart on the top ends (which I keep at the bottom instead). They’re sized for a double bed so they are a little awkward. I’ve been thinking about cutting off the bad parts and sewing the two together to make one blanket that is big enough for my (queen) bed. I don’t have a sewing machine so this would take a while by hand.
I’ve also been thinking about getting a wool blanket. I was looking online here and there for a few months. Over Christmas I saw some military style blankets at a surplus store. In the store it was obvious there were big quality differences. They had some imitation military blankets (80% wool), and they were so-so. It also had some crappy Chinese generic blankets that were rugged but had very itchy wool. I looked around online quite a bit and it seems that the real military blankets are now very hard to come by. The best I could find online was an authentic Italian officer blanket for $60 that had some very obvious wear. I also found the Faribault Mill website and this blog post and decided to go with more of a sure thing. I like the idea of buying a product that is nearly local (their factory is a couple hours from me), made in the USA, appears of high quality, etc… We’ll see how it actually is.
Christmas went well with the family. Got some useful things ( Darn tough wool socks, Levis jeans, gloves, and a PS3 game.
One weekend I spent a number of hours looking around two different malls. Really couldn’t find anything that interested me. The only thing I bought was a $4.00 book about life in ancient Rome .



Spending vs. 3.5% SWR

I’ll also make a post summarizing the year.

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Post by C40 »

Hit another milestone - $200k net wort. Yay. PARTY!!

- 100k - February 2011

- 150k - March 2012

- 200k - January 2013
It took me 13 months to go from 100k to 150, and 10 months from 150k to 200. We'll see how quick I can get to 250.

(The Property category has investments that don't work in the mint investment categories - it's not actually property. Well, other than some gold and silver, I guess that is sort of property)
Still working on my 2012 year-end report... I got some of my investment numbers screwed up and it was a pain in the ass try to sort it out.

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Post by jacob »

It'll go faster and faster due to Benford's law and because you're beginning to realize capital growth which is exponential compared to income savings growth which is linear.
That's how the rich get richer ...
Interesting things begin to happen once your networth no longer starts which the number 1 or 2.

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Post by C40 »

Yeah. At this point, the amount I add to my investments will be very similar to 2012, and how much it changes will probably depend on a small number of things: (followed by how much they can change my savings amount)
- How much my bonus is from work (+/-5k. Company-wide bonuses don't depend on my own performance)

- How much I spend on food (+$2k at the very most)

- How much I spend on hobbies (+$2-3k at the very most)

- How many good shirt designs (maybe a few thousand at most)
- Investment gains (Could be twice as much as all the changes above)
So this year I'll spend more time learning about investing and economics.
The Benford's law thing is pretty interesting. I was thinking it might take 7-8 months to get to $250k. This chart from the Benford's law Wikipedia agrees:

My net worth started with a 1 for 23 months. So it looks like it would start with a 2 for aruond 13-14 months. That would put me at $250k in 7-8 months. Ha !

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Post by C40 »




1 – Many numbers are rounded for simplicity.

2 – I hope you like charts, and long posts. (click the charts for links to larger versions)



(small error on this chart – work income is low)

Work paychecks: $50k
401 Contribution: $20k
Side Income: $1k (Look Ramit ! :-)





Home expenses: $6,800
Food: $3,700
Entertainment: $1,200
Transportation: $900
Vacations: $700




$6,000 - Rent (includes all utilities except electric)

$300 - Electricity

$500 - Other home expenses

I didn’t track details.
Spent $4,700 but sold stuff for $3,500, so $1,200 total.
$1,900 - High-end gaming computer, a very nice monitor (27” IPS), mechanical keyboard (a joy to type on), Photoshop elements, Office, and a gaming headset

$650 - Gym membership, 2 years

$400 – Hiking gear (backpack, sleeping bag, pants, numerous small items)

$270 – Nexus 7 Tablet and a very nice case

$250 – Internet service (DSL)

$165 – Cell phone, 2 months (got one from work for the rest)

$100 – Four video games

$50 – TV / Movies

$35 – Booze

$900 – Other – Little things that added up I think.
The only thing I regret buying was the games. I didn't use them much. The computer I really didn't need, but it should last me quite a while. I haven't used the hiking gear much yet, but I think I will.
Things I sold:

$1,600 – Bicycle (have 2 now)

$800 – Old computer

$750 – Camera lens

$400 – Gas

$358 – Insurance & Registration

$117 – Maintenance

$270 – 2,000 mile trip – to visit family

$250 – 1,000 mile trip – to visit family

$150 – 1,000 mile trip – to visit family (and football ticket)




Post-tax savings: $38k
401k Contribution: $20k

SAVINGS RATE: 81% (71k income, 58k saved)
My savings goal for the year was 75%, and I’m very happy with the 81%. I thought I was at 84% before but I think I forgot to document some income. I’ve found that when I screw up my number entry it can become pretty hard to correct it and then be confident about the numbers.


My investment gains were $3,000. I screwed up the numbers and then had a hell of a time getting them right. I set up a manual calculation table but I didn’t update it after a portfolio rebalancing, so it was tough figuring out what was what. This year I’m going to improve how I track my investment returns
So my returns were not very good compared to the standard PP. My average investment worth was around $140,000 (the rest is in other places and forms). So $3k / $138k is NOT VERY GOOD!!
Some of this is because I had a bunch in PRPFX and that didn’t do so hot (4% for the year). Some is probably due to my rebalancing timing. I don’t know exactly… I’ll set up better calculation (and some charts!) this year.


Net Worth

Net Worth in years of spending

SWR Needed

Net worth growth vs. plan

Need a better ROI to keep up with this plan!!
As I make progress building capital and approach my imaginary (no, Calculated!)retirement date, I wonder about actual investment returns compared to expenses. So I made two types of graphs:
1 – Monthly spending vs. average monthly return/year

2 – Pie chart showing how much of my spending could’ve been covered by investment returns and hobby-job vs normal work income
Spending vs actual investment returns, 2011 and 2012:

In 2011 I had negative returns, so that doesn’t look so hot. 2012 I had a little bit but basically only enough to cover inflation (maybe what I should try to show for the red lines in these is return minus inflation)
Spending vs. actual investment returns, 2012:

And the spending source pie chart.. This first one shows my net spending only (~$13k):

This one uses my gross spending (~$16k), and thus shows sales as a source of money

Ok, that’s it. 2013 goals coming up next. And then infinity!

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Post by C40 »




Home – Rent - $500
Home – Renter’s insurance - $110 (year)
Home – Electricity - $16
Food – Groceries - $91
Food – Other - $44
Entertainment: $3
Transp – Gas - $37
Transp – Insurance (6mo) - $140

Sales – ($128)

If I was averaging the insurance out over all months my spending would’ve been $550, or $680 if I don’t subtract the sales. That’s probably the lowest I’ve spent in a month since college.
I want to reduce my food spending this year. I’m going to track it in more detail – by separating grocery spending and non-grocery (fast food, restaurant, vending machine, etc.). My food spending dropped big time but some of this was just from inventory draw-down at home.
- Extra income: $73 (shirt sales, gift $)

- Savings Rate: 80%
I think I’ll stop showing my normal work income. It’s the same every month.
Net worth is $207k. It went up over $10k. I saved $3,900. My work pension value goes up once a year in January – this year $4,500. Price increases moved it up another $2,400.
This month I’ve been working on getting rid of some more old stuff – mainly some old trading cards. These things take a lot of time to sell! So far I’ve inventoried them all, taken and processed pictures, and I’m almost ready to start posting on Ebay in lots. At times it feels like a PITA, but others not so bad. I kind of enjoy inventorying, categorizing, etc..

2013 goals/plans coming up next.

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Post by C40 »





Spend $13,000 or less. Save $60k

Spend < $3,000 on food. Stretch goal $2,500
Reduce home cost? Options:

Move to studio in same building?
Move to apartment/rented home with roommate(s)
Buy & renovate a cheap house (+roommates?)

Home and food were my two biggest spending categories in 2012 by far, so I’d like to reduce them. The food I definitely will. I’m not sure if I’ll make any changes to the home costs, but it would be nice.

Those are really the only areas (I want) to cut. Entertainment was low because I sold a significant amount of things last year. I won’t sell as much this year so entertainment might go up. I’ve been counting the income-type money I make from hobbies as income, and not as reduction of entertainment spending.. If I did remove those $ from entertainment spending I would’ve been right at zero for 2012. I could definitely make more from shirt sales this year.



Get better at tracking investments
Get better at gardening
Home renovation skills?
Get better at image editing software
Get good at lucid dreaming
Further home 5S / Minimalism / Optimization

I’ve never really been able to have lucid dreams thus far. I tried a little bit back in college and I was getting close, so I think I’ll work on it again. I spend a lot of time dreaming and what I dream about has an impact on my overall mood. So I might as well have better dreams. If anyone has advice or book/blog recommendations, I’m all ears.



Get along better with boss & coworkers
Get better at politics (or avoiding them)

I’m already very good at the technical and organizational parts of my job. Improving my relationships with people will increase my own effectiveness and also make work more enjoyable.



Deadlift 250# x 10+
Stay in good cardiovascular shape
Get bodyfat low in summer, keep fairly low next winter
Heat healthier. Cut junk food to nearly zero




Make more local friends

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Post by GPMagnus »

Good stuff C40! I think that the buy + renovate + get roommate is a good idea. Even if you spend 100K on a house, between saving around 4,500 a year (I took off 25% as I assume you'd have to pay taxes, HOA, etc.) and getting, say, 3,600 a year of rent (for this sum I'm pretty sure you will have your pick of quiet, nice people), you'd make 8% + any capital gains would be shielded after 2 years + its great diversification if you are a PP guy + it would mean being very close to FI :D
If you are looking to buy and renovate, I'd call up MikeBOS and ask him to come over and help out with the renovations (perhaps even by agreeing to give him the rental money for a period of time ... :)
Just my thoughts, but I'm glad you are writing down your goals.

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Post by jennypenny »

I thought of you when I saw this house. It's a nice version of a Tumbleweed Whidbey (2bd, under 900 sf).
http://www.athomearkansas.com/article/l ... ittle-rock

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Post by C40 »

GPMagnus - yeah I'm still thinking about doing that. I might end up waiting until after I retire to really get into something with a lot of work. But I've also been keeping my eye open. A band-owned house in town had another price drop - from $45k down to $35k. It's a pretty nice house for that money so I was going to look at it, but I waited too long and someone else is buying it.
Jenny - thanks. Yeah 900 sq feet sounds just about perfect (plus maybe a little garage/shop/gym out back.)

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Post by C40 »





Home – $550
Food – Groceries - $218
Food – non grocery - $14
Entertainment: $139
New boots - $123
Transportation - $44
Sales – ($341)

Finally bought a Marcus Aurelius Denarius on ebay. I’ve been thinking about getting one for quite a while now. I think it’s pretty cool.

I sold my bicycle trainer, some PS3 games, and a book or two.
------------ CHARTS --------------

I’ve worn through my boot soles and can’t find anyone local who will re-sole them. I can send them to Red Wing but I don’t have another pair to wear in the meantime, so I bought a second pair. I bought my last pair at a small local shoe store ran by a nice little old lady. She didn’t have the styles there that I wanted to try on, but she showed me her price list. I went to the Red Wing store. Price $205. Got them for $170.

At the Red Wing store, I was surprised there by how many of the customers were not coming in to buy new shoes but rather to drop off their 5 to 10 year old shoes to get re-soled. At this store (and I assume all Red Wing store?) you could bring any Red Wings you own into the store and they will give you free laces, clean, condition, and polish the boots, and repair any type of problem for free other than worn out soles.

The old shoes are with them here. This was right after oiling them so they look all shiny.

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Post by jacob »

Strange, I've never met a cobbler (outside of supermarket chains) unwilling to at least try to resole. I always try to get them to put a vibram skywalk sole (or similar on them).
You're pretty brave for buying precious metals off of ebay.

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Post by C40 »

Yeah.. I called one place and they said they would just send them to Red Wing for me.
Went to another and I met what is probably the most incompetent or unmotivated business owner I've ever met so far. Our conversation went as follows:
I go into his shop, which is a small, dedicated shoe repair business. I showed him the boots and asked if he can resole them. (I know this style can be resoled). He looked at them for a while and couldn't really say whether he could or not. He wouldn't exactly say no, but he inspired zero confidence about being able to actually do it.
He spent much of our conversation complaining about how all the shoes are made in China now (although the ones I brought him were made in the US)
I asked him what brand or type of boots I should buy that I could bring to him (or cobblers in general) to have re-soled. He couldn't give me a single recommendation. All he could say was to get some that have obvious multiple layers in the soles. When I asked (again) if there are a certain brand or place to go to get good shoes like this, he would just mumble or something and couldn't answer at all.
I found a cobbler that hates shoes.

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Post by C40 »

Oh and the Denarius - I didn't spend a whole lot and I'm not too worried. I didn't buy it as an investment, just as something that I'd like to have around.
It's one of this style:

I suppose if I wanted I could check the weight and volume to compare to what the metal content should be... but I don't really care enough to get precise enough.

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Post by Ego »

It might be an interesting experiment to try and resole them yourself. You can get Vibram soles here.

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Post by C40 »

hmm... that might be fun. I have stripped and re-glued tubular tires on my bicycle racing wheels. Not sure how similar that is (probably not much)
I get money from work when I buy (or in this case, repair/maintain) shoes, so I'll probably just wait until next year and mail the old ones to Red Wing.

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Post by C40 »


MARCH 2013

SPENDING: $1,282

Home – $679
Food – Groceries - $188
Food – non grocery - $72
Entertainment: $315
Transportation - $25

Non-standard spending:
Home expense includes $115 for safety razor gear (razor, brush, stand, bowl, soap, blades). Haven’t gotten it yet. Hope I like it.
Entertainment includes $240 of fountain pen stuff. This was 4 pens (one of which was stolen after USPS left it), ink samples, and paper. I use a nice leather journal/book for keeping action item lists and various notes. I’m enjoying the pens so far and it is fun experimenting with ink/pen combinations.
I’ve been trying to acquire some more BIFL stuff. This month, the safety razor and pens won’t be saving me much or any money but I think I will enjoy using them more. These are two examples of shifting back to products of older design/technology – back when things were meant to be used for many years rather than discarded quickly.
I tried to find a high quality lunch box (mine is wearing out and failing in 4 places). I couldn’t find much though. The best options I found were this Stanley and this aluminum one but I didn’t think either one looked good enough (the Stanley handle/latch looks flimsy, and I wish the metal one had some insulation… Maybe I should just use a small cooler). Bought a $15 piece of crap from Target instead.
------------ TOTALS YTD --------------
Got my yearly bonus so I like looking at the YTD total numbers.

Income: $22k
Spent: $3k
Saved: $19k
Savings Rate: 87%
Investment increase: $4k (2% YTD)
Net Worth: $225k
Net worth increase YTD: $28k
Net worth in years: 16.4
3.5% SWR: $650/month
SWR Needed @ current spending: 6%

------------ CHARTS --------------

640 days to FI (400 work days)

1200 days to retire (760 work days)

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Post by rube »

Always great to read you updates!Let us know if you like safety razor. I might buy one also in April.

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Post by frugaladventurer »

Love your charts and graphs! I gotta learn how to make those :)

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Post by C40 »

So I have my taxes finished. I added them all up (with some like sales tax estimated)
$25k for 2012. It feels like a lot of money. The nice thing is that since they are tied so heavily to income, my taxes will go down a lot in the future.
So far in my life I've paid over $200,000 of taxes. Probably more like $250-300k. That seems a like a lifetime's worth to me.

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