Customers who bought this book also bought ... the 4HWW

Questions and comments
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Post by slacker »

@gibberade: more credible, really? There were some rather tall claims in the promo for the book. I'll reserve my judgement. The whole idea itself is very fascinating though.

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Post by Felix »

I think the only chapter missing in the 4 hour body is "How to add 5 inches to your penis in 2 hours using secret chinese herbs and a kettlebell." But I guess that's reserved for the extended second edition. :-D

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Post by gibberade »

OK, if you can just get past the hype and exaggerations I think there's *some* factually-based advice in it.
Definitely don't take any of it at face value.
Mind you, I haven't read it yet either. I perused through it though.

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Post by Emanuel »

He just promotes his material the right way, all the topics in the new book are very old.. When you see past the first appearance, its hard to stay impressed.

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Post by veganprimate »

VinceG said: "I doubt you'd have found Thomas Edison a terribly affable person either, had you met him in person."
Oh, I hate Thomas Edison! He was an asshole animal electrocuter! I take the whole person in consideration. I don't excuse them of bad behavior because they're successful. In fact, being successful in my opinion means that you are not an immoral asshole.

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Post by tmgbooks »

The appeal of "4 Hour" anything whether it's a workweek, body, or anything else is the human proclivity to look for an easy answer.
Most often the real answer is hard work, focus, and self-discipline over a long period of time.
And then there is The Fact of Occam's Razor: The "answers" in the 4HWW are too complex for most people. Part of simple living is to look for the truth in simple answers.
The more complex the "answer" the less likely it is to succeed.
Want to work less? Then figure out how much less and figure out how to live on that much money. People are living on any number you can imagine so a good life can be had at any income level.
Start piling up additional material goods onto the definition of a "good" life and the price goes up: What is complex about that?
Do you really need someone in India making appointments for you to live a good life? Would anyone reading this blog even want that? I have zero appointments a week other than getting my daughter to soccer practice when my wife can't do it.
World travel? If that is what it takes for you to achieve your definition of the good life...well, life is just like Walmart...take what you want but pay for it.
I find it extremely odd that Jacob's book and the 4HWW are purchased by the same people; it leads me to believe that the those buyers are casting a pretty wide net in their search for the "answer." I don't see a single true thread running between the two.

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