Real world example of some ERE Principles

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Real world example of some ERE Principles

Post by Dragline »

This is the guy that interviewed jacob recently.

He's got an interesting story about a former client who became millionaire almost by accident, mostly because he simply had habits and hobbies that were conducive to saving and health -- in the client's case, mountain biking.

The theme was similar to what jacob wrote in one section of the book about adopting lifestyle choices that tend to work well together and tend to compound in a positive way.

Great quote and theme: "The appetites that we feed are the things that we wind up being interested in." That one goes straight in my journal for today.

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Re: Real world example of some ERE Principles

Post by Dave »

Thanks for sharing the podcast, I really enjoyed it.

Joshua's ideas were very aligned with contingency goal setting and pursuing activities that yield multiple positive benefits (or no negative outcomes). That quote is fantastic and is one of the keys to success in this area. Humans are capable of becoming interested in almost anything if we can focus our thoughts and action on the desired topic. The rest takes care of itself.

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