ERE Country (Earth)

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ERE Country (Earth)

Post by bryan »

like viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1299 but for countries. The cities on the wiki are very focused (on minimizing financial costs). Personally I don't think I would choose many of those as my own city. This post I would like to expand those restrictions a bit.. Besides, it's pretty easy to look at a big mac burger index to consider moving to Venezuela or check retirement forums on how to live in Malaysia cheap.

I probably can't introduce the topic dutifully.. just wanted to start some conversation.

Much more political/philosophical and complex. And outside of the scope that @jacob set up in the book, blog, forums (focus on the individual). But for some, living in a new country could be a valuable shortcut to a higher quality of life (ok, ok, I'll try again to avoid looking at financial motivations so much). Consider:
  • 1) maybe there are countries that are just more capable to be taken advantage of by an ERE mindset
  • 2) maybe there are countries that are closer to being friendly to ERE types (folks in the forums complaining about EREers fitting into society)

Since a country is quite large, maybe the main concerns could also be split into at least two:
  • the large systems in place (or not) at the national level
    the governments desire and will to act on certain things
  • the average values of the countries' citizens
For the later I only know of (see:

So I wonder what survey questions might align with a populace which are in a good state of equilibria of ERE typical topics like rationality/(intellectual) honesty, kindness.

Ideas for good online resources to get an idea of how good a country could be? vagabonding/couchsurfing communities? Any anecdotes?

My £.02:
  • probably not France or Italy or most European countries
    Spain, Portugal, some Eastern Europe excepted?
    USA above most with liberal foundation, superpower resources, lots of states the size of countries
so maybe instead of limiting to countries, we could do countries or US states? Not sure if another country's states would qualify. :P

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Re: ERE Country (Earth)

Post by jennypenny »

Our main criteria are taxes, environmental viability, and personal liberty.

Our short list (US):
Northern Mississippi
Northern Alabama
South Dakota

Our short list (non-US)
Grand Cayman

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Re: ERE Country (Earth)

Post by GandK »

G and I are just at the beginning of the process of articulating all this to one another, so I look forward to reading the responses in this thread. So far we've mostly just ruled out places. "I don't want to live in Iowa," etc.

To @jennypenny's criteria I think we would add only "a comfortable and positive social environment." We're not yet sure how to screen for exactly what we're looking for, though. Neither of us are of the mindset that we want to move to a community where everyone thinks like us; we live in one of those echo chambers now, and after a while, almost every conversation starts sounding like the Martians on Sesame Street (yip, yip, yip). But we also don't want to stick out in a bad way, and we don't want to live in a city. Still working through all this...

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Re: ERE Country (Earth)

Post by TheWanderingScholar »

My Main Criteria:
Potential High Savings Rate, Relaxed Atmosphere, Scenic Nature, and Potential to Make A Difference.

Ideas for Where (Region Wise)(Shortlist):
Eastern Europe
North Africa

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Re: ERE Country (Earth)

Post by Jean »

Very high salary,
cost of living not so huge (or at least, cheap solution are alvailable)

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