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Italian Neorelist Film

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:43 pm
by TopHatFox
Just watched Bicycle Thieves, a 1948 Italian neorelist film featuring a working class father and his son chasing down a stolen bicycle--a machine that ensures the father a job--in post-war, poverty-stricken Rome.

I really like neorelist film. Stylistically, they tend to cover scenes an average person would go through in trying times, with unadulterated lighting, in unadulterated scenery, with non-actor characters, and with simple camera movements. This type of style tends to lead to a still deliberately shot and written film, but a more authentically presented one. Seeing actors go through financially trying times after war makes my complaints about stacking books seem puny/whiny, too, so I appreciate my hand in life more.

[P.S. to dragline, I'll post my book-tating on Wed, a full week after my ascension--hopefully that's enough time for people to have read my book selection]